The Bitterness Of Mortality Is Mine 2 Endure. . .

I Choose A Mortal Life For You, Estel . . . . For Now . . . And For Eternity . . .

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Just When I Thot. . . .
I can finally get for myself a Trooper Armor, I realized that I'm suppose to do Zam Wesell next year! >__<

Gotten my first salary last Sat and it's SGD866 Net after deducting the CPF. -__- Well, if April and May ones are slightly more, I'm sure I can afford to get for myself a Biker Scout Trooper Armor minus the Helmet by the time I finish working this June. So far, I got the 2 big boys of armors in mind, StudioCreations and Kropserkel and both are selling the Armor in the USD400 range before adding shipping cost.

BUT surfing online last night, I realized that I promised to do Zam first and that armor/costume need several parts to be ordered from contacts in the US. Namely the helmet, Hose Outlet, Gun & maybe Holster, Brooch and a couple of other stuffs. So that's where my money suppose to go to.

Soooooo. . . . .I guess I'll see how I get my last Salary around June. Maybe, I CAN afford to have Zam done and get myself a Biker Scout Armor at the same time. Well, I'm kinda getting sick of being the Imperial Royal Guard all the time when I have to do Imperials anyway. -__-

Ps: NO! I'll not be part of the local 501st Garrison as long as that moron is the leader! X-( He stole my thunder and I'm still VERY BITTER about it. Anyhow, after that Admin Officer of the 501st Legion keep loosing my applications several times and not have me registered when the other 2 bulger with NO Imperial Armor or Costumes got in, I feel hesistated to register again. -__-

Okay, off to get ready to get to work now. I do enjoy my job at the LOTR Exhibition tho' the price I have to pay is pretty heavy at aching ankles and addiction to coffee when working. >__<


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