The Bitterness Of Mortality Is Mine 2 Endure. . .

I Choose A Mortal Life For You, Estel . . . . For Now . . . And For Eternity . . .

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Did A Good Amount Of Icons Today
Mostly for my Costuming/Cosplay Website. Did the icons for Padme Tatooine, ROTK Aragorn, Padme White Battlesuit, Neo etc etc. Now technically I'm done with the icons for "My Costumes" & "Friends' Costumes" Pages. Still need to do an icon for AOTC Boba Fett (will have to look for a good picture of him later).

Also did the icons for some of the pages of my SW Website with whatever SW Pictures I got left in Celebro. Did for Maul, IRG, Literature, Collectibles, About Me & Fans Rule! pages. One thing for sure, I can't believe that although Vader is on the top list of my favourite SW characters, I only got 1 miserable picture of him. @__@ What was I thinking? Must start collecting as much pictures of him as I can. I need to make the icon/banner for the page (although I haven't do it yet) and later for the top banner of the page itself.

I also do some icons of Captain Power; can't do much here as there is hardly any pictures of the team around.

While talking to Clefairy, I realize that somehow, the death of Gollum in the volcano of Mount Doom and the plunge Anakin took in a molten pit (probably a volcano too!) are related and have a very great meaning behind it. In both cases, it signified Death and Rebirth, just as the real volcano destroy and rebuild the surface of this Earth. For Gollum, his death together with the One Ring signified the death of the ultimate evil on Middle-Earth and the Rebirth of a new era of peace for everyone. It also freed him from the burden he had endured for 500 years, being dependant on the One-Ring and loosing his dignity. As for Anakin, his plundge into the volcano signified the Death of his "human" self and the Rebirth of Darth Vader. So in both cases, the volcano is a metaphor.

Okay, off to bed now; my eyes are starting to shut themselves.


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