The Bitterness Of Mortality Is Mine 2 Endure. . .

I Choose A Mortal Life For You, Estel . . . . For Now . . . And For Eternity . . .

Saturday, May 03, 2003

Kathay Posted The Links To Photos From CostumeCon 21
All the costumes seems great! My favourite seems to be the Sith Witch (not the Pre-Evolution of Maul one!) although it'll look even more realistic if the person is a little more ruler shape. I wonder if that is Kathay (shit! she'll kill me if she heards my comment! -__^ ) And I think the little Picnic Dress Padme is Quincy, Kathay's daughter (boy! that girl is growing fast!) since she did said she's working on the dress for Quincy.

Other favorites are:
- Quiddich (err, isn't the robe suppose 2 B longer?)
- Indiana Jones Group (the costume the guy in black looks like Neo's >__< )
- Guess Who ^__^ (now give him a lightsabre and it'll be completed! ^__^ )
- Padme Senator Dress (hmm, a change in color it seems)
- Arwen Chase Dress
- Bram Stoker's Dracula
- Quincy's American Girl Dress (I'm sure 4 this one cause she got the cubbiness & Kathay did said she's doing this dress! -__^ )
- Woooh! Very Fantasy-Like

Hai . . . wish I can go to Canada to study after 2005 and so also drop by USA for some conventions here and there (top on the list will be DragonCon & DC ComicCon). Well, got to have the money first! -__^

Okay, what have I been up to lately?

For the past few days, I had been cutting the commercial patterns. Had cut Simplicity 8944 (Robe One) Simplicity 9887 (all except the Tunic piece) & Simplicity 9162 (all). Am cutting McCall's 2940 now, all the pieces that I haven't previously cut (need to use it to make my Jedi Gi and maybe also Jedi Luke's Vest). Than, the rest of the patterns so I got them ready to use when the needs arises.

I had also gotten 4 yards of plastic cover for my gowns from my nearby Photo Develop cum Bridal wear shop. Haven't cut it to size yet since I donno how long my Arwen Gowns gonna be so I'll leaving it uncut till I got the measurements. Haven't gotten a Padded Hanger though (where to get it anyway?)

As for my The Matrix Reloaded Costume urge, it's getting kinda worse. @__@ I started counting the no. of buttons I'll need (18-20?) and thot of the pattern I can use IF I do it myself (will depend on how much the fabric and tailoring may cost). And the fact that there is a little unseen pressure for someone in our group to wear something Matrix-like. Got 12 more days to spare to the day and I still haven't gotten back my Arwen Dress so I can send in the next one. Monday, I better get my butts to Bishan CPF Centre to withdraw all of my Singapore Shares cause technically, no point in keeping it till 2007 cause I only got 400+ inside and by 2007, I'll only get 60+ extra. Now come to think of it, I really regret not putting in another SGD50 into my CPF so I can get that extra money to counter the rise in GST. I misread the letter! @__@ Must remember to do it for next year batch. >__<

Hmm, anything else? Oh, the list of LOTR costumes available at No.1 CostumeCostume & Foreigners House Of Costumes.

No. 1 CostumeCostumes
- Elrond 2nd Age Armor (made from Vinyl Cloth!)
- Galadriel (simplified) + Cloak
- Gandalf the White Robe (inside is self-provided @__@ )
- Legolas
- Gimli
- Ringwraith
- Hobbits
- "Arwen"

Foreigners House Of Costumes
- Arwen Rose Dress
- Arwen Angel Dress
- Ringwraith
- Gandalf the Grey
(COMMENT: They are probably their own and not Rubies so One thing I DON'T get it, why put the picture of the Rubies Costume in the catalog when the actual costume is made by them?)
For the Rose Dress, is it just me or the lacing on the Inner Dress is actually a curtain lace cloth? Anyhow, it's too White (the actual is pinkish, verified by that picture of it I saw on the DVD I rented the other day) and too long.

Will drop by Costumes & Mascot when I'm in the Arab Street area next week and call up Jewel's Costumes to check out too. Why am I doing this? Cause all the people Moogle persuded are not that willing to get their own costumes done; want to rent it instead. @__@ And she seems to "force" her classmates to join the group so I fear that they are saying "Yes" just to shut her mouth. @__@ And as I had forsee, 2 had pulled out (the ones doing Merry & Pippin) so now the Fellowship is broken again.

Which reminds me, must get 2 yards of that Sari-like fabric from Joo Chiat Complex for Khelder's Boromir's Costume before it runs out. It's cheap anyway. And must make the mock-ups for my Hogwarts School Robe (no news from Jo on how much the cost of shipping will be to me in Singapore; hope it's USD2 max as that's how much Mara Jade Father charged me for those Dewback Squadron Patches). And I haven't ordered my Ears; ForbiddenPlanetShop doesn't seems to have it on their website anymore too so I may have to order from the German guy instead. Not to forget that since my sis is unlikely to comes back to Singapore this June due to the SARS scare, I either get it delivered to me directly or to her and she post it to me with other stuffs she want to send back. Darn! Think I'll need more than SGD30 to pay for that! >__<

My Beauty Pledge For The Year (hope I can stick to it!)
1. Wash my face with the Facial Washer 2 times a day (at least once a day)
2. Apply the Whitening Cream after done 1

I need that clear complexion to complete my Elven look. Much fairer skin will be another incentive! -__^

Hmm, is it just me or my arms skin had gone allergic to Citra White Lotion Bengkung? Started using it after 4 years of not and my skin started itching like hell. It could had been due to Rapet Wangi Jamu I was taking at the same time too. Had stopped using both since a week ago and no itch on my arms had occurs. Will try again tomolo by trying out one of them to see which is the cause of my itch.

Okay, got to shut down Celebro for a while and return back to cuting my paper patterns. Will talk more later if I'm in the mood.


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