Congratulations! Your companion is Aragorn, the
lost king of Gondor. The Bold, the Brave, the
(well, theres no such thing as dioderant in Middle
Earth is there?)
Whos companion are you?
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You're Galadriel! A warrior of old days, you still
long for power;but it would make you terrible.
Your wiser side kicks in, though, and you don't
give in
Legolas, Arwen, Elrond or Galadriel???
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You are Arwen. Deep love in Aragorn. You are
willing to fight for you love. And thats a good
Are you Eowyn, Arwen of Galadriel?
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Congratulations, you are Arwen, a true romantic at
heart. There is more to you than meets the eye.
You would do anything for your true love, even
give up your immortality.
You are known for being Graceful, Elegant, and
Which 'Lord of the Rings' Noblewoman are you?
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Which Disney Princess are You?Find out!

Which Flower Are You?Find out!
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