The Bitterness Of Mortality Is Mine 2 Endure. . .

I Choose A Mortal Life For You, Estel . . . . For Now . . . And For Eternity . . .

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Technically Had Done It . . .
The templates for the finger plates of my Ringwraith Gautlets. Did 3 different sizes of 3 types (Pointed Finger Tip, Rounded Tip and the the middle pieces). Why 3 different sizes? Cause One is scaled down to go over the little finger, one normal size over the other 3 fingers and 1 scaled up for the thumb. Haven't cut them up tho' so I not entirely sure how it will be over all the fingers. But a test piece of the normal finger pointed tip (which was drawn and measured on the aluminium sheet itself) seems promising and fit. If they all works, then I gonna scan those templates and post them online on the page explaining how I did my Ringwraith Costume. The finger plates done; now got to figure out the rest of the plates from the knuckle up. -__- Will take and post progress pictures later.

On a bad news, I can't get my Galadriel Wig after all. The maker had failed to curl it up without melting it so I either give up or select another color from the higher quality hair type (like the Frodo Wig) and wait another 1 month. Darn! I been waiting for it for months! >__< Well, will see how this Sat when I come down to the shop with Parish & Himi.

Okay, off now. Pity I can do a lot less stuffs with her around! >__<


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