The Bitterness Of Mortality Is Mine 2 Endure. . .

I Choose A Mortal Life For You, Estel . . . . For Now . . . And For Eternity . . .

Saturday, November 01, 2003

Reminder To Self Should I Forget About It When I'm Done . . .
1) To thank those who had helped me in the construction of my costumes
2) To thank those who gave me encouragement to continue with my projects; either by e-mail, SMS, forums, ML or physically/locally.
3) To thank the shops that had helped me obtain my materials or help me make my costumes.

Why am I saying this? Because of Moomba's reply to my post about her egoistic post:
"hmm.... i dun remember whether i took that info from somewhere or not actually, so i can't give any credit to anyone. most sites i researched on didn;t TEACH you exactly how to make wings, so most of it were my original ideas. it took alot of brainstorming, that much i have to say. there're more sites on 'Selling wings' than 'Making Wings'. and most reccomended using wires for the wing base --- i didn't"

What a SAD thing to hear, isn't it? I gave her all the trade secrets I had learned and there she is saying she figured out everything herself. For it to come out of the mouth of someone who is 18 years old (17 when I offered all the advices and tips to her) is very, very sad. -__-

I still remember who (Sentinel) recommanded to me to use Acrylic Sheets and Door Hinges in the (future) Contruction of my Adam Kadmon Wings. I still remember who told me the way to make the wigs a lot light (Serene) by using Plastic Poster Board as base. I still remember Stephine Princess offering me advice on what I should not do based on her experiences making her wings. I still can remember where (Cosplay.Com Forum) I read on using Muslin to cover the base of the wings that'll get covered by the feathers. I still had stash away the links to websites that offer tips on the contruction of wings.

And since those people hasn't crosses me, I will give credits to them when I'm done with my Wings.

Same goes with my costumes too. Will find the names that had directly or indirectly offer me tips and reports on how my costumes should turn out into.

Maybe it's just that many local cosplayers are getting too egoistic these days. >__< Or they choose not to pay attention to knowledge based research while doing their costumes and props. Even when I asked Bright, Rinka, Stephy Snowheart & Yuanie what they used for their costumes, I don't get as precise answer as compared to when people asked what I did and what I used for mine. I'm too much a Costumer, ain't I? -__^

Frankly, the one thing that keep me going and helping others who I think will appreciate it, is my love for being caring & friendly, my love towards Costuming and what Teresa Hsu said in True Courage when it was shown a few days ago. -__-

Hope to close this case with the starting of Nov and me starting to fast.

On a happier note, I had gotten back my Neo Reloaded and Trinity Reloaded Coats. Turned out good enough for me (since I'm using a normal seamstress) and will don them for The Matrix Revolution Premieres here. Hmm, I don't think I can wait till Nov 8th to see Revolution so maybe I'll be itchy and get a ticket for Nov 6th early afternoon at Lido or Orchard Cineplex too. Hmm, wonder if I can try to exchange the extra ticket I got now for that show. But I'll be going alone -__-

Will see how later . . . . .


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