Where Is My Shades . . .Where Is My Shades . . .
Hope it arrive before noon tomolo or I'll be the very inaccurate Trinity. >__< Already don't have the pants or boots or gloves and hair and now the wrong Shades. Why can't the company reply faster and so can send it to me earlier? No, no way I'm gonna pay SGD30-39.90 for that Rubies Shades. Not fair if I buy a real sunglasses for SGD15 and pay SGD39.90 for a toy one rite?
So tomolo, I must:
1. BRING Tickets x11, Doll Receipt, Black Tie, Camera and 1 extra film, Tissues, Wallet, Cards, Namecards, Mirror, Face Powder, Measuring Tape, Notepad, Pens, Black Glove, 3 Revolvers, Sewing Kit, Trinity Coat, Nep Shades;
2. WEAR Black Track Pants, Long Sleeves Mock-Turtleneck T-Shirt, Boots
3. CARRY the stuffs in a small bag with coat in Plastic Bag. -__^
Must bring as little stuffs as possible as I'm carrying also the Barbie Arwen & Ken Aragorn Dolls. -__^ And if The Lord of the Rings: Weapons and Warfare by Chris Smith is already out at Borders or Kino, I may also buy it there and there. ^__^

Oh! Sun must go and get my Vanilla and Galadriel Wig. There goes my SGD58. >__<
Got to go through my e-mails now and do a few other stuffs before catching a quick nap before sahur.
Hope it arrive before noon tomolo or I'll be the very inaccurate Trinity. >__< Already don't have the pants or boots or gloves and hair and now the wrong Shades. Why can't the company reply faster and so can send it to me earlier? No, no way I'm gonna pay SGD30-39.90 for that Rubies Shades. Not fair if I buy a real sunglasses for SGD15 and pay SGD39.90 for a toy one rite?
So tomolo, I must:
1. BRING Tickets x11, Doll Receipt, Black Tie, Camera and 1 extra film, Tissues, Wallet, Cards, Namecards, Mirror, Face Powder, Measuring Tape, Notepad, Pens, Black Glove, 3 Revolvers, Sewing Kit, Trinity Coat, Nep Shades;
2. WEAR Black Track Pants, Long Sleeves Mock-Turtleneck T-Shirt, Boots
3. CARRY the stuffs in a small bag with coat in Plastic Bag. -__^
Must bring as little stuffs as possible as I'm carrying also the Barbie Arwen & Ken Aragorn Dolls. -__^ And if The Lord of the Rings: Weapons and Warfare by Chris Smith is already out at Borders or Kino, I may also buy it there and there. ^__^

Oh! Sun must go and get my Vanilla and Galadriel Wig. There goes my SGD58. >__<
Got to go through my e-mails now and do a few other stuffs before catching a quick nap before sahur.
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