I Made My Choice. . . .
. . . to not to rush my Haldir's Marsh Warden suit for tomolo. -__- See no point in doing a half-pass-six job. Gonna don my Arwen Mourning Gown shun the Crown tomolo instead for the job (yes, I'm getting paid) and will see how long I can last for the LOTR Marathon. Tonite, will finish up glueing together the Sword and maybe do a Tunic layer or 2.
Hai . . .think I gonna get burnt SGD50 cause the 2 extra tickets still hasn't any owners. >__< Darn!
I AM A: Lawful Good Half-Elf Ranger Paladin
Lawful Good characters are the epitome of all that is just and good. They believe in order and governments that work for the benefit of all, and generally do not mind doing direct work to further their beliefs.
Half-Elves are a cross between a human and an elf. They are smaller, like their elven ancestors, but have a much shorter lifespan. They are sometimes looked down upon as half-breeds, but this is rare. They have both the curious drive of humans and the patience of elves.
Primary Class:
Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.
Secondary Class:
Paladins are the Holy Warriors. They have been chosen by a God/dess to be their representative on Earth, and must follow the code of that deity, or risk severe penalties. They tend towards being righteous, but not generally to excess.
Mielikki is the Neutral Good goddess of the forest and autumn. She is also known as the Lady of the Forest, and is the Patron of Rangers. Her followers are devoted to nature, and believe in the positive and outreaching elements of it. They use light armor, and a variety of weapons suitable for hunting, which they are quite skilled at. Mielikki's symbol is a unicorn head.
Find out What D&D Character Are You?, courtesy of
NeppyMan (e-mail)
Law & Chaos:
Neutral - XXXXXXXX (8)
Chaos --- X (1)
Good & Evil:
Neutral - (0)
Evil ---- XXXXXX (6)
Human ---- XXX (3)
Half-Elf - XXXXXXX (7)
Elf ------ XXX (3)
Halfling - (-3)
Dwarf ---- XXX (3)
Half-Orc - XX (2)
Gnome ---- (-3)
Fighter - XXX (3)
Paladin - XXXX (4)
Cleric -- XX (2)
Mage ---- (-3)
Druid --- XXXX (4)
Thief --- (-6)
Bard ---- (-2)
Monk ---- X (1)
. . . to not to rush my Haldir's Marsh Warden suit for tomolo. -__- See no point in doing a half-pass-six job. Gonna don my Arwen Mourning Gown shun the Crown tomolo instead for the job (yes, I'm getting paid) and will see how long I can last for the LOTR Marathon. Tonite, will finish up glueing together the Sword and maybe do a Tunic layer or 2.
Hai . . .think I gonna get burnt SGD50 cause the 2 extra tickets still hasn't any owners. >__< Darn!
I AM A: Lawful Good Half-Elf Ranger Paladin
Lawful Good characters are the epitome of all that is just and good. They believe in order and governments that work for the benefit of all, and generally do not mind doing direct work to further their beliefs.
Half-Elves are a cross between a human and an elf. They are smaller, like their elven ancestors, but have a much shorter lifespan. They are sometimes looked down upon as half-breeds, but this is rare. They have both the curious drive of humans and the patience of elves.
Primary Class:
Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.
Secondary Class:
Paladins are the Holy Warriors. They have been chosen by a God/dess to be their representative on Earth, and must follow the code of that deity, or risk severe penalties. They tend towards being righteous, but not generally to excess.
Mielikki is the Neutral Good goddess of the forest and autumn. She is also known as the Lady of the Forest, and is the Patron of Rangers. Her followers are devoted to nature, and believe in the positive and outreaching elements of it. They use light armor, and a variety of weapons suitable for hunting, which they are quite skilled at. Mielikki's symbol is a unicorn head.
Find out What D&D Character Are You?, courtesy of

Law & Chaos:
Neutral - XXXXXXXX (8)
Chaos --- X (1)
Good & Evil:
Neutral - (0)
Evil ---- XXXXXX (6)
Human ---- XXX (3)
Half-Elf - XXXXXXX (7)
Elf ------ XXX (3)
Halfling - (-3)
Dwarf ---- XXX (3)
Half-Orc - XX (2)
Gnome ---- (-3)
Fighter - XXX (3)
Paladin - XXXX (4)
Cleric -- XX (2)
Mage ---- (-3)
Druid --- XXXX (4)
Thief --- (-6)
Bard ---- (-2)
Monk ---- X (1)
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