The Bitterness Of Mortality Is Mine 2 Endure. . .

I Choose A Mortal Life For You, Estel . . . . For Now . . . And For Eternity . . .

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Doujinshi & I Can't Sleep.....
6.30am in the morning and I can't sleep. No mood to sew the sleeves to my Gi or do the Tabbards & Obi either. -__- Hai.....I sense a mood swing again.

Anyhow, I was suppose to bid on this cute Sam-Frodo Doujinshi at eBay but someone had places a bid on it first. Well, I think I can outbid the person as this is his/her first bid or something but the thought of how much I got rite now to spare and the 2 other Doujinshis that I really want, ending in 2 days' time (so I may have to fight for it with others) told me not to compete. Better off spending the money on more interesting Doujinshi. -__^ Well, will see how......

Anyhow, late last month, someone at the TFN Costuming Board posted a thread on Cosplay. I almost poured my heart into it, telling how pissed I was with most of the local cosplayers but decide to post a list of why I see costuming as having a lot higher standard compared to cosplaying:

1. Quality over Quantity
2. Extensive Research over Fate
3. Accuracy (Costume, Materials etc) over Cheapness
4. Own Time, Own Target over Speed
5. International Connection over Just Local
6. Patiences over Rush Work
7. Lots of Creativity over Shortcuts
8. Durability over One-Day-Affair
9. Real Life Look over In Photos Only
10. Respect & "Fame" Among Fellow International Costumers over Local Press Fame
11. A Lot Of Bus No. 11 over Keep asking for direct leads from others.

Well, in a way, what I wrote was true from a certain point of view.

Costuming is a commitment rather than a hobby to us who had been into it for years. Even those who went into cosplaying first and then ventured seriously into Costuming commented how they despise the current atitude and lack of commitment in the cosplayers these days. And lately, some foreigners had been commenting on certain board how sucky and boring Singapore Cosplayers are which unfortunately I have to agree. And throughout the years, my respect for certain "pioneer" cosplayers is dropping like rotting fruit from the tree. I still have respect for people like Kurama who intelligently keep her cosplaying/costumes to what is needed/minimal and able to say intelligent things when we meet but respect for some is not there anymore cause I see their lack of research and overchildishness showing through. And I had kept my advice to the local cosplayers at the Forums to the minimal unless it's related to SW or LOTR or HP. Like Theoden said:
"Tell me, why should we come to the aid of those who didn't come to ours?
What do we owned Gondor?
But here, it's
"Why should I help most of the local cosplayers when they didn't help me
or happily forget that I had helped them? What do I own them?

Ya, Moomba is a very clear Case Example. X-(

Hai.....sometimes I wonder if I made the mistake of being part of the cosplaying community.


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