The Bitterness Of Mortality Is Mine 2 Endure. . .

I Choose A Mortal Life For You, Estel . . . . For Now . . . And For Eternity . . .

Friday, March 28, 2003

So Many Ranges Of Ears To Buy . . .

Have started thinking about buying my Elvish Ears. -__^ The ones I bought from No. 1 Costume Costume was too big and slippery for me. Am going for Ear Tips like everyone else.

Look though the links given at Alleycatscratch; some seems pretty cheap but rite in USA, others seems better quality and located in UK/Europe thus I can have it send to my sis in London and she bring them back in June. So far, I got the following companies in my most likely list: (is in UK and seems to get good recommandation),
-A Maker in Germany, who do 2 types of Elven Ears, Hobbit and Hobbits feet
-Nu-Product (also got ears that can be used for Orcs & Goblin)
-Cinema Secrets Woochie 2 (some said it's good, some say it sucks)

Really tempted to start posting at the LOTR Mailing List to ask for some advices. But without being on my Celebro, I feel very uncomfortable. @__@ Maybe I should just ask Julia first; I also got to ask her to pass to me those discussions about having a false train lining if she had saved it (or ask her when it was discussed). My Arwen Gown and the Galadriel I'm gonna do for Jeanette is gonna have a train of at least 1' long so I wouldn't want the train to be damaged during our Costume Parade this Dec at Orchard Road. @__@ Hai . . .I think I'll start posting at the ML once I complete my first Arwen Gown next month, and had it posted at Alleycatscratch Website. Must remember to dye the fabric ASAP so I can send the costume for tailoring. -__^

On to some Costuming Rambling . . .

Can the Star Wars and Lord Of The Rings Costuming I'm doing now be also called Cosplay? Should it be called Star Wars Cosplay and Lord Of The Rings Cosplay?

Both movies are gaining lots of popularity all over the world. People who used to dwell in Japanese Anime/Manga/Game are now also going into them; some for the sake of it, some really dedicating themselves to it. And now in Singapore, many cosplayers are also going into it.

I'll say that I'm kinda the "pure" kind of Costumer; I begin with Star Wars only, then with the "poking" from my SW friends here (and in USA), I gotten into Lord Of The Rings Costuming too. It's true that I had made little costumes so far, many are in the making stage. But as usual, I'm seeing myself dedicating all my strength into making all my SW and LOTR costumes as accurate as possible. I'll wear them mostly together with my SW friends but there will be days when I'll be wearing them at Cosplay Events. So will I have to call it Cosplay too? Or just leave it as separated from Cosplay, as Costuming?

Hard to say this is. >__<

Maybe it's just the way I spend time with my SW and LOTR costumes; days and months and even years into its research. Asking around for tips at every boards/forums/ML I could. Frankly, maybe it's just me but for SW and LOTR, I observe we ask more to verify. I hardly see local cosplayers discussing on the construction of their costumes online, on the Forums or Mailing List. The forums/ML are filled with interactive discussions, and discissions about local Cosplay events instead. Even for those at, the discussions are not as intense as compared to at SW and LOTR Costuming Forums/ML.


Well, whatever it is, I'm pretty hesistated to call my Star Wars Costuming as Star Wars Cosplaying, and LOTR Costuming as LOTR Cosplaying. To me, Cosplaying will always be something related to Japanese Culture and less intense in its making compare to Western ones.

Hai . . . . @__@

And the quote of the nite from Lord Of The Rings is:
Red Sun rises; Blood had been split this night---Legolas (The Two Tower)

As you can tell, I'm listening to The Two Tower rite now. -__^

Wish I can watch the movie again now!


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