A Buncha Quizes Again:
Which Agent Smith are you?
By Madeline Elster
border="0" alt="Agent Smith">
I'm Agent Smith from the film The Matrix.
I'm the cool, calculating type who
takes no guff from the smelly masses -
- and I look great in shades.
Which Hugo Weaving Character are you?
Aiyoh! So Smith am I?

You are Neo! You are our Savior! Your simple view
of life was shredded and replaced by the
coldness of reality. Morpheus and the Oracle
showed you the path towards the realization of
your true potential as The Chosen One. You
don't even need to dodge bullets; You have
realized the truth of the spoon, and have
therefore realized the truth of the Matrix
itself: Its nothing but code, and you can
control that code.
Which Matrix Character are You - This one is better than all the others (Now its Finished!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Hey, baby. You're Neo. Go you! You're the hero and
this movie made you famous. After this,
everyone decided to see Bill and Ted's
Excellent Adventure. (That's not true, a lot of
us had seen it before The Matrix.)
Boy have you grown! I used to have a screaming
fangirl crush on you, but now I'm over you and
I'm head-over-heals for your adversary, Agent
Smith (he's coming back), as well as the
guitar-playing diva, Jewel. Whoo!
Which Matrix Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Yes, yes; that's why I ended up doing Neo instead of the rest. And no, I didn't cheat.

You're Haldir of Lorien! Guardian of the Golden
Wood and (only in the film) Marchwarden of the
elves at Helm's Deep. You're feminine features
and silky voice have the girls fainting before
All your fan girls are sending flame mail to Peter
Jackson for killing you off in TTT Movie. You
would make a good protector.
Which Male LOTR Elf Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
*Drool Drool* ^__^ No, I didn't cheat for this one either!

Which Agent Smith are you?
By Madeline Elster

I'm Agent Smith from the film The Matrix.
I'm the cool, calculating type who
takes no guff from the smelly masses -
- and I look great in shades.
Which Hugo Weaving Character are you?
Aiyoh! So Smith am I?

You are Neo! You are our Savior! Your simple view
of life was shredded and replaced by the
coldness of reality. Morpheus and the Oracle
showed you the path towards the realization of
your true potential as The Chosen One. You
don't even need to dodge bullets; You have
realized the truth of the spoon, and have
therefore realized the truth of the Matrix
itself: Its nothing but code, and you can
control that code.
Which Matrix Character are You - This one is better than all the others (Now its Finished!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Hey, baby. You're Neo. Go you! You're the hero and
this movie made you famous. After this,
everyone decided to see Bill and Ted's
Excellent Adventure. (That's not true, a lot of
us had seen it before The Matrix.)
Boy have you grown! I used to have a screaming
fangirl crush on you, but now I'm over you and
I'm head-over-heals for your adversary, Agent
Smith (he's coming back), as well as the
guitar-playing diva, Jewel. Whoo!
Which Matrix Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Yes, yes; that's why I ended up doing Neo instead of the rest. And no, I didn't cheat.

You're Haldir of Lorien! Guardian of the Golden
Wood and (only in the film) Marchwarden of the
elves at Helm's Deep. You're feminine features
and silky voice have the girls fainting before
All your fan girls are sending flame mail to Peter
Jackson for killing you off in TTT Movie. You
would make a good protector.
Which Male LOTR Elf Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
*Drool Drool* ^__^ No, I didn't cheat for this one either!
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