The Bitterness Of Mortality Is Mine 2 Endure. . .

I Choose A Mortal Life For You, Estel . . . . For Now . . . And For Eternity . . .

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

I'm Confused . . . @__@
What did Sena think when she posted this:
"Heading a LOTR group during cosfest for fun, and agents when matrix: revolutions comes out..^^ and LOTR again for ROTK screening in dec."

Yes, I know she's the one "in-charged" of the LOTR Team for CosFest but for Dec, that's me! >__<

Anyhow, as we had decide, we gonna assemble another The Matrix Team for Nov in time for The Matrix Revolution. As for the members, it'll probably be me, xeno, Derrick (he also got a Neo-like costume! ^__^ ), Jeanette (she said she'll love to do Trinity if she got the cash to spare . . . or is she looking at me for some sewing help), maybe Faiz and Clare (she had posted about her interest to go for a The Matrix Costume!). And if I do the planning now, I may be able to include some of the cosplayers who had posted their interest in this thread. Well, we'll see how; got to get someone to keep a lookout for when the tickets get sold and where so this time, we'll be sure where and when we're gonna watch Revolution.

And yub, I gonna get a much more accurate Neo's Coat done. Just wonder how much cloth I'll need this time; must ask those people at RPF how much they used for theirs (well, as soon as I finish reading the thread! >__< ). And don't forget the shades as it cost SGD160 here so I also got to get someone to buy me a pair from US which only cost USD39.90. Oh, the boots; I must also get a pair as close as possible to the one used in the movie (anyhow, I DO need another Black Boots in case someone borrow my Combat Boots again; imagine a Sith Lord in Black wearing a White Boots! >__< ). Pants, I'll use my current ones (it's not that loose) while shirt I'll use that Marie Clarie(?) Sleeveless-Mock Turtleneck I gotten free a few years back (wonder if it'll fit me in the first place; well, it's made from Lycra so . . .) As for props, I'll go for the 2 poles which will just be 2 wooden dowels (3' long?) painted Metallic Black (if not I'll just use my brass/metal curtain poles; a SGD4 saving there!). I will probably also get another Toy Revolver and figure out how to repaint both so that the paint will not chip off everytime I cock the revolver. Hmm, that'll need those double revolver holsters or holster I can put only legs; I should make it myself when I find the pattern/instructions. -__^

On another note, I had published my still under-construction LOTR Team Website. It's only 50% done as I still need to get pictures of the other characters and post selected photos from events the members of the FanForce had attended in their LOTR Costumes. The tutorial is also very badly written. And after CosMas and CosFest, I may have to edit the FAQ to include the cosplayers who are also joining us for the Dec Project. And I have a feeling I want to rename the Index place as typing in will lead everyone to the Index page. Will have to experiment a bit more.

Other than that, no progress on the other websites. >__< Can't work well with the Window being all weird (stupid virus! I intercepted it and yet it still managed to change some files in my Window!). Heck! I think I also got to uninstall and install again Norton Anti-Virus cause the free subscription had expired and I can't get my virus database updated so I'm at great risk from newer viruses infections.

Okay, back to do some works on my websites.


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