OMG! @__@ So Long!
Has written anything since last Sun; I been very, very lazy. -__-
Anyhow, last Sun, went to Clark Quay to look for stuffs and ended up getting another Easterling Action Figure making me on the way to create a Section of Easterlings as I now got 3 MIB. O__O Wish I can do the same for the Prologue High Elven Soldier but they ARE like the Gold among the LOTR Action Figures and Prologue Elrond like Diamonds. It cost me SGD25.
Also gotten the PlayAlong Ringwraith with Stealth/Horse for SGD15 and FINALLY the Applause Darth Maul Miniture (meant as a Christmas Tree Decor) for SGD25.
Later, saw Faiz at the shop he's working at and spend the next 1 hour talking LOTR and the stuffs inside my Lord Of The Rings: Weapons & Warfare Book.
Then, rushed to Cathay Orchard Cineleisure to get 25 Dec 18th 8.10pm Tickets for ROTK. Hope I CAN find 25 people for the tickets or I'll be in deep doodoo aka Bathan Poodoo. >__<
On Monday, didn't do much. Tried to tidy up the house for Hari Raya Puasa but it just seems difficult cause the stuffs clogging the Living Room is my Dad's. @__@ After Maghrib, went downstair to Pakcik Muslimat's house for the Kenduri and came home around 10pm after eating and interacting with Pakcik Muslimat's and Pakcik Hassan's Family.
Tuesday was Hari Raya Puasa and my aunts with their family came in the afternoon. Abang Moksin also came towards the evening and we had nice conversations. His Youngest Daughter (aka his first Child; the older 2 are his Step-Children) was very talketive and his youngest son a bit loyar buruk but they are both cute and we had a good laugh everytime they commented. XD Oh! His Stepdaughter is in SMU/SIM 2nd year while Stepson I can't remember ('O' Level I think). His Daughter in Primary 4 while son Pri 3.
Today, did a lot of scanning from the book Lord Of The Rings: Weapons and Warfare. If I had the choice, I'll scan all the pictures applicablen to my Costuming needs but it hurts pressing the book with my fingers (after 1 scanning and they are numb and locked in the flat position) and the patients I must have while waiting for the pictures to be reduced its resolution so I just scan the important ones. Remember that I don't scan at 100% unless I'm selling it off so it take quite a lot of time to settle 1 scan. Will process them another time when I'm free. I got lots of LOTR Stuffs to do rite now till Dec 17th. >__< Still wishing I can slip in part of Haldir's/Rumil's March Warden Suit tho' I won't end up as them till I loose that darn 30kg and successfully do Binding! >__< I WILL NOT INSULT THEM LIKE SOME IDIOTS DID OR IS GONNA DO! -__^
A Buncha Quizes:

Legolas! Prince of Mirkwood, Blonde babe in the
movie. In the book we don't know his hair
color, and he's not such a big speaker. But we
love him anyway, him and Gimli.
Who are you? (Lord of the Rings, Return of the King pictures!)
brought to you by Quizilla

The Fellowship, the Two Towers, and The Return of the King! How much do you know about your favorite character?
brought to you by Quizilla
What's with me and Legolas lately? o__O I thot I'm more like Aragorn or Haldir? o__O

The Return Of The King
brought to you by Quizilla

I would recommend that when you see Lord Of The
Rings: Return Of The King you have a box of
tissues ready because it looks like you're
going to need them and probably more than once.
The only other advice I can give you is: dont
wear too much make-up, especially mascara and
see if you can bring along a shoulder to cry
LOTR - Are You Going To Cry At ROTK (Return Of The King)? - Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

You are The two towers!!!
what lord of the rings movie are you? return of the king to be added soon
brought to you by Quizilla

You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be
poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and
creativity, and usually are highly intelligent.
Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet
also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.
What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
brought to you by Quizilla
Has written anything since last Sun; I been very, very lazy. -__-
Anyhow, last Sun, went to Clark Quay to look for stuffs and ended up getting another Easterling Action Figure making me on the way to create a Section of Easterlings as I now got 3 MIB. O__O Wish I can do the same for the Prologue High Elven Soldier but they ARE like the Gold among the LOTR Action Figures and Prologue Elrond like Diamonds. It cost me SGD25.
Also gotten the PlayAlong Ringwraith with Stealth/Horse for SGD15 and FINALLY the Applause Darth Maul Miniture (meant as a Christmas Tree Decor) for SGD25.
Later, saw Faiz at the shop he's working at and spend the next 1 hour talking LOTR and the stuffs inside my Lord Of The Rings: Weapons & Warfare Book.
Then, rushed to Cathay Orchard Cineleisure to get 25 Dec 18th 8.10pm Tickets for ROTK. Hope I CAN find 25 people for the tickets or I'll be in deep doodoo aka Bathan Poodoo. >__<
On Monday, didn't do much. Tried to tidy up the house for Hari Raya Puasa but it just seems difficult cause the stuffs clogging the Living Room is my Dad's. @__@ After Maghrib, went downstair to Pakcik Muslimat's house for the Kenduri and came home around 10pm after eating and interacting with Pakcik Muslimat's and Pakcik Hassan's Family.
Tuesday was Hari Raya Puasa and my aunts with their family came in the afternoon. Abang Moksin also came towards the evening and we had nice conversations. His Youngest Daughter (aka his first Child; the older 2 are his Step-Children) was very talketive and his youngest son a bit loyar buruk but they are both cute and we had a good laugh everytime they commented. XD Oh! His Stepdaughter is in SMU/SIM 2nd year while Stepson I can't remember ('O' Level I think). His Daughter in Primary 4 while son Pri 3.
Today, did a lot of scanning from the book Lord Of The Rings: Weapons and Warfare. If I had the choice, I'll scan all the pictures applicablen to my Costuming needs but it hurts pressing the book with my fingers (after 1 scanning and they are numb and locked in the flat position) and the patients I must have while waiting for the pictures to be reduced its resolution so I just scan the important ones. Remember that I don't scan at 100% unless I'm selling it off so it take quite a lot of time to settle 1 scan. Will process them another time when I'm free. I got lots of LOTR Stuffs to do rite now till Dec 17th. >__< Still wishing I can slip in part of Haldir's/Rumil's March Warden Suit tho' I won't end up as them till I loose that darn 30kg and successfully do Binding! >__< I WILL NOT INSULT THEM LIKE SOME IDIOTS DID OR IS GONNA DO! -__^
A Buncha Quizes:

Legolas! Prince of Mirkwood, Blonde babe in the
movie. In the book we don't know his hair
color, and he's not such a big speaker. But we
love him anyway, him and Gimli.
Who are you? (Lord of the Rings, Return of the King pictures!)
brought to you by Quizilla

The Fellowship, the Two Towers, and The Return of the King! How much do you know about your favorite character?
brought to you by Quizilla
What's with me and Legolas lately? o__O I thot I'm more like Aragorn or Haldir? o__O

The Return Of The King
brought to you by Quizilla

I would recommend that when you see Lord Of The
Rings: Return Of The King you have a box of
tissues ready because it looks like you're
going to need them and probably more than once.
The only other advice I can give you is: dont
wear too much make-up, especially mascara and
see if you can bring along a shoulder to cry
LOTR - Are You Going To Cry At ROTK (Return Of The King)? - Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

You are The two towers!!!
what lord of the rings movie are you? return of the king to be added soon
brought to you by Quizilla

You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be
poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and
creativity, and usually are highly intelligent.
Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet
also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.
What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
brought to you by Quizilla
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