Danny had let go of his Anduril at Alaric and I didn't know! >__< It was only SGD390 or something and that is something I can dig around to find the money! >__< Darn! There goes my dream to let least have the box and the Plaque since I can't get the sword. >__< Maybe I'll ask him if he can ask Alaric to get another Limited Edition one for me at the same price. I don't care, I WANT the Limited Edition one because of the Plaque! >__<
On the good point, I had finish sewing the Inner Tunic for my Haldir Marsh Warden and now only left to shape the bottom, finish the raw edges with Fray Stop and then Hemming, and then put on the Press Studs. Will see if I can finish it by tomolo, plus a cloak. Then again, I may ended up looking like Elorfiril or one of the misc. elves seen in Lothlorien. -__-
Okay, got to go and settle some stuffs and then off to continue with my Marsh Warden Suit. Wish me luck! ^__^

Which doll are you?
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Ya, ya, I'm gonna do Sindarin like 1 week so I can speak like Rumil or Haldir this March. :Þ No, Orophin is kinda "mute" cause he always have nothing to talk about. :Þ

You're a Niphredel flower.
Which Middle Earth flower are you?
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Live and let live is your rule of life. You like
Tolkien, you don't have any great desire to be
a deconstructionist or an iconoclast, but
neither are you going to tell anyone else what
to do in their fannish pursuits. In your
pursuit of moderation and keeping the peace,
you tend to end up getting flamed by the
extremists at both ends of the spectrum.
Tolkienology 101: What is Your Tolkien Belief System?
brought to you by Quizilla
Who cares? I Rule my own life. -__^
Danny had let go of his Anduril at Alaric and I didn't know! >__< It was only SGD390 or something and that is something I can dig around to find the money! >__< Darn! There goes my dream to let least have the box and the Plaque since I can't get the sword. >__< Maybe I'll ask him if he can ask Alaric to get another Limited Edition one for me at the same price. I don't care, I WANT the Limited Edition one because of the Plaque! >__<
On the good point, I had finish sewing the Inner Tunic for my Haldir Marsh Warden and now only left to shape the bottom, finish the raw edges with Fray Stop and then Hemming, and then put on the Press Studs. Will see if I can finish it by tomolo, plus a cloak. Then again, I may ended up looking like Elorfiril or one of the misc. elves seen in Lothlorien. -__-
Okay, got to go and settle some stuffs and then off to continue with my Marsh Warden Suit. Wish me luck! ^__^

Which doll are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Ya, ya, I'm gonna do Sindarin like 1 week so I can speak like Rumil or Haldir this March. :Þ No, Orophin is kinda "mute" cause he always have nothing to talk about. :Þ

You're a Niphredel flower.
Which Middle Earth flower are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Live and let live is your rule of life. You like
Tolkien, you don't have any great desire to be
a deconstructionist or an iconoclast, but
neither are you going to tell anyone else what
to do in their fannish pursuits. In your
pursuit of moderation and keeping the peace,
you tend to end up getting flamed by the
extremists at both ends of the spectrum.
Tolkienology 101: What is Your Tolkien Belief System?
brought to you by Quizilla
Who cares? I Rule my own life. -__^
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