Did More Spending Today >__<
Calico Fabrics- SGD15 (for my costumes mock-up)
Small Roses (10pcs)- SGD2.50 (for my Gothic Lolita Headress)
Slice Fish Noodle at Raffles Hospital Food Court- SGD4 (2nd time eat there; next one probably 6 months time)
Krylon Sandable Primer- SGD17.25
3 Silver Buttons- SGD1.25 (for Mourning Gown?)
2 Simplicity Patterns- SGD13.05
Delifrance's Deli Potato- SGD2.50
Green Tea- SGD1.15
Must conserve my money more until I get back the refunds and close my Trust Account! >__<
Anyhow, as I said above, I gotten 3 buttons as sample for my Mourning Gown. Seams okay in term of the design; the actual was more complex the patterns, antique gold and semi-sphere shape (mine flat). Anyhow since the chances of me getting the actual buttons is low, I'll get 9-12 more buttons (aka 3-4 more packs) the next time I go to Spotlight (I need 11; rest as back up in case some got damaged while painting). Also must get better metallic paint unless I want the buttons to be dull gold.
While at Spotlight, I almost bought Krylon Glitter Spray as my 4th Jedi Food Capsules/Pellets Color. Took Glitter Green but put it back before I pay for the things I'm buying. The point is, money is getting tight again now and I don't need my 4th Food Capsules/Pellets till later. I could wear other colors anyway cause I got extras that I'm gonna paint the 3 Krylon Colors I currently have. And I'm not so sure that I'll get the full Metal-like color. And I saw the item at Popular the other day which surely selling it at lower price (though 1 or 2 cans). While on this paint, when I do get it, I better try it out on some Satin fabric cause . . . .
At Arab Street, I look around for the fabrics I can use for my Silver Elven Dress aka my Hari Raya Dress. Saw nothing much. Found this Ivory Linen Durek that got the silver glitter I need for the Outer Coats BUT it cost SGD14/m. @__@ I need at least 6-8 metres of it to make both coats so that price is too much. Anyhow, the price of the fabrics at the shop is pretty expansive; the Brown Thick Vinyl I gotten from Chinatown for SGD10 (or SGD8?) per yard cost SGD15/m.
And seen no Silver Cracklines Fabrics for the Inner Dress.
Then, why dropping by this Shop I had bought some Satin for my Mak's Baju Kurung before, the guy there recommand that I use Lace instead. Hmm, maybe I could since I did see some Laces with that design BUT they surely cost a bomb. I could use Silky Satin (SGD3.50) or Japanese Crepe Satin(SGD4) or Satin Back Crepe (SGD5-6) for its lining. As for the coat, I could use Satin Back Crepe or such satin that got this "tiny dots" on them and not too thin, and then using Krylon's Glitter Spray apply those silver glitters to it. I bet the cost of the tailoring will reach SGD200 cause my Rose Dress already cost SGD170 after Discount.
Well, I only need to get my fabric around July or August to send it 1 month before the Fasting Month together with my Mourning Gown so hopefully by then, I have the money and more ideas on how to getor create the fabrics.
About the Silk Velvets I need for the Mourning Gown, asked the shop and the owner told me he could order for me the fabric if I buy whole Bolt. The shortest is 25m and maybe if I get for my Mourning Gown (6-8m), Mourning Gown Cloak (6m, this one is risky cause I thot I saw the cloak as being Drak Green instead), Blood Red Gown (3m) and Asra's Blood Red Gown (3m), I could buy the whole bolt. But to have the cash (~SGD300) I must save like Hell the next few months, sell all the stuffs I want to sell, get the money from my Trust Account and get Asra to also use Silk Velvet for her gown. Hai, guess I better make a decision by the end of June so can order the Velvet by early July and send the fabrics to the seamstress by end of August.
On another news, I had found Mod Podge at Spotlight.

The 236ml Bottle cost SGD13.95. Julia used it for sticking those papers to her cardboard base of her Elven Archer Armor Parts. Well, since I'm in no sight of doing the Elven Armor currently, I'll just keep the item in mind. Well like they say, to know where to get the items when you need it is the best! ^__^
Oh, concerning the Simplicity patterns I gotten today, they are 9162 and 5840. The first, I most likely will use the dres part for Jeanette's Galadriel Gown. And I want to thank Simplicity for having those patterns in less range, 9162 has 1 pattern with 6 sizes while 5840 XS to XL. Same goes with 9891, there is only 2 types of Pattern "Sizes" and I'm sure Jeanette is not in the first range. -__^
Hmm, tomorrow must go to the Craft shop at AMK Central and get those Silver/Grey Bias Pipping and Green Bias Tape for my Myrtle Vest. Or was the color the other way round? The Bias Tapes should cost SGD1.50 while the pippings SGD1.70 so I can afford it. And I must start painting the Tie so that I can move on to doing the mock-ups for her 1942 Robe. hai . . .donno if I can make it for Myrtle this June. Fine, I can skip the skirt and shirt (use those I already got) but still, I worry about the cost of the fabric for the Robe. The cheapest I think I could get and yet still accurate is SGD5-6/m. Maybe if I use that old Simplicity SW Robe Patterns, I need not use so much cloth. It got the straight cut needed for the Robe anyway.
Okay, off to finish my Deli Potato and do some unpacking and sorting out, then off to bed. I'm becoming the Noctual Animal, walking up only after 11am. @__@ And I'm starting to eat and eat again; must go on strict 2 meals (or more) liquid diet starting tomorrow till I loose those extra weights. @__@
Shit! I haven't eaten that Rapet Wangi Capsules tonite.
Calico Fabrics- SGD15 (for my costumes mock-up)
Small Roses (10pcs)- SGD2.50 (for my Gothic Lolita Headress)
Slice Fish Noodle at Raffles Hospital Food Court- SGD4 (2nd time eat there; next one probably 6 months time)
Krylon Sandable Primer- SGD17.25
3 Silver Buttons- SGD1.25 (for Mourning Gown?)
2 Simplicity Patterns- SGD13.05
Delifrance's Deli Potato- SGD2.50
Green Tea- SGD1.15
Must conserve my money more until I get back the refunds and close my Trust Account! >__<
Anyhow, as I said above, I gotten 3 buttons as sample for my Mourning Gown. Seams okay in term of the design; the actual was more complex the patterns, antique gold and semi-sphere shape (mine flat). Anyhow since the chances of me getting the actual buttons is low, I'll get 9-12 more buttons (aka 3-4 more packs) the next time I go to Spotlight (I need 11; rest as back up in case some got damaged while painting). Also must get better metallic paint unless I want the buttons to be dull gold.
While at Spotlight, I almost bought Krylon Glitter Spray as my 4th Jedi Food Capsules/Pellets Color. Took Glitter Green but put it back before I pay for the things I'm buying. The point is, money is getting tight again now and I don't need my 4th Food Capsules/Pellets till later. I could wear other colors anyway cause I got extras that I'm gonna paint the 3 Krylon Colors I currently have. And I'm not so sure that I'll get the full Metal-like color. And I saw the item at Popular the other day which surely selling it at lower price (though 1 or 2 cans). While on this paint, when I do get it, I better try it out on some Satin fabric cause . . . .
At Arab Street, I look around for the fabrics I can use for my Silver Elven Dress aka my Hari Raya Dress. Saw nothing much. Found this Ivory Linen Durek that got the silver glitter I need for the Outer Coats BUT it cost SGD14/m. @__@ I need at least 6-8 metres of it to make both coats so that price is too much. Anyhow, the price of the fabrics at the shop is pretty expansive; the Brown Thick Vinyl I gotten from Chinatown for SGD10 (or SGD8?) per yard cost SGD15/m.
And seen no Silver Cracklines Fabrics for the Inner Dress.
Then, why dropping by this Shop I had bought some Satin for my Mak's Baju Kurung before, the guy there recommand that I use Lace instead. Hmm, maybe I could since I did see some Laces with that design BUT they surely cost a bomb. I could use Silky Satin (SGD3.50) or Japanese Crepe Satin(SGD4) or Satin Back Crepe (SGD5-6) for its lining. As for the coat, I could use Satin Back Crepe or such satin that got this "tiny dots" on them and not too thin, and then using Krylon's Glitter Spray apply those silver glitters to it. I bet the cost of the tailoring will reach SGD200 cause my Rose Dress already cost SGD170 after Discount.
Well, I only need to get my fabric around July or August to send it 1 month before the Fasting Month together with my Mourning Gown so hopefully by then, I have the money and more ideas on how to getor create the fabrics.
About the Silk Velvets I need for the Mourning Gown, asked the shop and the owner told me he could order for me the fabric if I buy whole Bolt. The shortest is 25m and maybe if I get for my Mourning Gown (6-8m), Mourning Gown Cloak (6m, this one is risky cause I thot I saw the cloak as being Drak Green instead), Blood Red Gown (3m) and Asra's Blood Red Gown (3m), I could buy the whole bolt. But to have the cash (~SGD300) I must save like Hell the next few months, sell all the stuffs I want to sell, get the money from my Trust Account and get Asra to also use Silk Velvet for her gown. Hai, guess I better make a decision by the end of June so can order the Velvet by early July and send the fabrics to the seamstress by end of August.
On another news, I had found Mod Podge at Spotlight.

The 236ml Bottle cost SGD13.95. Julia used it for sticking those papers to her cardboard base of her Elven Archer Armor Parts. Well, since I'm in no sight of doing the Elven Armor currently, I'll just keep the item in mind. Well like they say, to know where to get the items when you need it is the best! ^__^
Oh, concerning the Simplicity patterns I gotten today, they are 9162 and 5840. The first, I most likely will use the dres part for Jeanette's Galadriel Gown. And I want to thank Simplicity for having those patterns in less range, 9162 has 1 pattern with 6 sizes while 5840 XS to XL. Same goes with 9891, there is only 2 types of Pattern "Sizes" and I'm sure Jeanette is not in the first range. -__^
Hmm, tomorrow must go to the Craft shop at AMK Central and get those Silver/Grey Bias Pipping and Green Bias Tape for my Myrtle Vest. Or was the color the other way round? The Bias Tapes should cost SGD1.50 while the pippings SGD1.70 so I can afford it. And I must start painting the Tie so that I can move on to doing the mock-ups for her 1942 Robe. hai . . .donno if I can make it for Myrtle this June. Fine, I can skip the skirt and shirt (use those I already got) but still, I worry about the cost of the fabric for the Robe. The cheapest I think I could get and yet still accurate is SGD5-6/m. Maybe if I use that old Simplicity SW Robe Patterns, I need not use so much cloth. It got the straight cut needed for the Robe anyway.
Okay, off to finish my Deli Potato and do some unpacking and sorting out, then off to bed. I'm becoming the Noctual Animal, walking up only after 11am. @__@ And I'm starting to eat and eat again; must go on strict 2 meals (or more) liquid diet starting tomorrow till I loose those extra weights. @__@
Shit! I haven't eaten that Rapet Wangi Capsules tonite.
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