The Bitterness Of Mortality Is Mine 2 Endure. . .

I Choose A Mortal Life For You, Estel . . . . For Now . . . And For Eternity . . .

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

I Have This Urge . . .
To wear my Arwen Rose Dress ASAP. ^__^ But I had just send it to the seamstress on Monday and I don't have SGD130 to pay for it yet. Moreover, she promised it'll be ready on 30th April. And I haven't ordered the ears (ya, I got those ears but they are sooo loosel; that's why I want to go for Ear Tips instead and these baby cost SGD28 each and have to be ordered from UK or Germany; USA one too far away although SGD10 cheaper.).

And I got the urge to also do a Cloak for the Rose Dress. Ya, I can use my Imperial Royal Guard Cloak as Arwen's Cloak too but if I'm to compete at CosFest, I better give a more accurate costume. But I haven't read up on how to create the Cloak Arwen wore with this Dress. It has this thinging that goes in front under her neck. Sure, I can do like for the TPM Handmaid Maroon Cloak where they just put this strip of velvet around the neck area but is that the way? And I can't decide which pattern I should use; my all favourite McCall's 2810 or Burda ??. The McCall's one uses 6 yards of cloth (but I usually buy 6m) and it's very wide for my frame (other than the hood needed to be made a lot bigger); while the Burda uses 4 yards/metres and it's a little tight on me. For cloth, Taffeta Velvet (SGD3/m) as usual lor cause I'm on a tight budget. -__^

Gonna have a late light dinner now. Mak cooked my favorite Ikan Parang Assam Pedas! ^__^


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