Hahaahhahahahhaaa, I Finally Got Cute Boy!!! ^__^

Congratulations! You're Haldir!
Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
(Oh no, Mini Maul is sulking in the corner again -__^ )
Something from DUNE (the old one)

which DUNE character are you??
Okay, I'm kinda at loss with DUNE cause I didn't fully watch the old movie version (VCD no sound @__@ ), only watch the first 2 of 3 parts of the Mini Series Movie shown on AXN and haven't touch the book before. Maybe if I can find cheap VCDs of the Mini Series Movie and CHILDREN OF THE DUNE, I'll get myself more knowledgeable on it.
Ps: I love the costumes in the Mini Series Movie. -__^
No progress in my life. Must struggle to get my butts out of this house tomolo to settle LOTS of stuffs. And finish up my SW Costumes hanging on the window! And dye the Cheesecloth and Raw Silk! And Cotton-Wool mix meant for Padme Naberries Vest! And give Clefairy a bath . . .wait, that's the job of the washing machine. -__^
A few more things to settle online and on my bed, then off to bed for me.
Oh, must force self to go on a strict liquid diet tomolo onwards! I'm suppose to loose weight, not gain them! @__@

Congratulations! You're Haldir!
Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
(Oh no, Mini Maul is sulking in the corner again -__^ )
Something from DUNE (the old one)

which DUNE character are you??
Okay, I'm kinda at loss with DUNE cause I didn't fully watch the old movie version (VCD no sound @__@ ), only watch the first 2 of 3 parts of the Mini Series Movie shown on AXN and haven't touch the book before. Maybe if I can find cheap VCDs of the Mini Series Movie and CHILDREN OF THE DUNE, I'll get myself more knowledgeable on it.
Ps: I love the costumes in the Mini Series Movie. -__^
No progress in my life. Must struggle to get my butts out of this house tomolo to settle LOTS of stuffs. And finish up my SW Costumes hanging on the window! And dye the Cheesecloth and Raw Silk! And Cotton-Wool mix meant for Padme Naberries Vest! And give Clefairy a bath . . .wait, that's the job of the washing machine. -__^
A few more things to settle online and on my bed, then off to bed for me.
Oh, must force self to go on a strict liquid diet tomolo onwards! I'm suppose to loose weight, not gain them! @__@
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