The Bitterness Of Mortality Is Mine 2 Endure. . .

I Choose A Mortal Life For You, Estel . . . . For Now . . . And For Eternity . . .

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Bad DE! Bad DE!
I finally gotten LOTR:FOTR Extended DVD (Code 1) today. Cost me SGD128 (discount of SGD1.90 *only*) and I also gotten the TTT Promotion "Table Standee" and Ceiling Mobile. The Table Standee was a bit damaged but I don't care; I can always cover the tear with that Gollum Coaster I gotten or something else. -__^ The shop was also selling TTT Promotion Poster (Double Sided some more!) and the guy said he can sell it to me for SGD10 instead of SGD15. Told him to reserve 1 for me and I'll buy it tomolo or this weekend. Donno if I can afford to get FOTR DVD Code 1 one tho' it cost SGD39.90 from the SGD49.90 at other places. Hmm, maybe for LOTR, I'm spending the money on its DVDs and Weapon Replicas. o__O My Action Figure toll is currently at 9 and planned amount about 27 (5 from Helm's Deep Set, 9 from Fellowship Gift Set, Twilight Witchking, Ringwraith, Strider, Prolog Elven Warrior, Prolog Elrond, Elven Archer with Berserk, King Elesser, Eowyn K.O., Eowyn in Armor, Frodo in Gobling Disguise, Sam in Gobling Discuss and Galadriel). Wonder if I can afford to get them all. -__-

Also gotten a new Slip-In File at AMK Central cause the one I used to file in my costumes that are "At Work" was damaged today. -__- This is the 2nd time it had happened and I wonder why it had never happened to the one I used the most tho' it's older and really fit to burst.

On the way back, I took back my photos from the photos shop. Developing 3 films cost me SGD37.15 (discounted from SGD40.80 cause I don't take the photo albums). Man! It's getting more and more expansive! Used to be SGD10 or less per film but ever since the shop change to Kodak, it now cost SGD3-4 more. -__-

While in the bus, I was examining my TTT Promo Standee and LOTR:FOTR Extended DVD (Code 1), this girl asked me wherther I had gotten TTT: EE. LOL! Shown her that it's FOTR one and we started talking about our liking for LOTR. ^__^ She live in the same precint as me too!

Anyhow, something today worried me. I can't withdraw money just now or check the Balance in the Account. It worries me cause I need to borrow more cash to pay for my Wigs, Costumes, AC/DC Adapter, Zip Drive, a few more collectibles and my trip to KL this Dec. I noticed that the guy before me also didn't withdraw any money so I'm assuming it's a glit in the system. Will try again tomolo and must make sure THIS IS THE LAST TIME! Must also control on the Marketing Stuffs and force Mak not to cook so much when there is so little people in this house eating. I also want to start on a diet so the less food available at home, the better! Think if I calculate and be more thrity, I can use the extras from next month's Marketing money to start paying back the money I had borrowed. -__^ Wish me luck!

Okay, off copy the links in this computer so I can bookmark them in Celebro later.


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