You belong to the kindred of the Noldor. Their
tale is one of great tragedy and heavy burdens.
Great craftsmen possessing vast knowledge, it
was Feanor, son of the High King Finwe who
forged the Silmarils. After they were stolen
by Morgoth, and Finwe slain, Feanor and his
sons pledged a terrible oath to reclaim the
Silmarils from whosoever possesed them at any
cost. The Noldor then left Aman and returned
to Middle Earth, slaying their own kin in the
process. They were doomed to fight a futile
war against Morgoth's armies and a great
majority of them were slain.
Which Race of Elves from The Silmarillion are You?
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You are a Noldo. Anything that ends with craft you
are likely to be good at. You are dear to the
Vala Aule and of all the elven races seem to
get along the best with dwarves, who are Aules
children. Your biggest flaw is that you can get
too attached to the works of your own hands and
have a been accused of having the
characteristics of people who known they are
very skilled and take great pains to let
everybody around them know how good they are.
Moreover, thou you and all your kin journeyed
to Aman after the summons of the Valar, you are
also the only race of elf who rebelled against
them and returned to Middle-earth. Your royal
family was all but decimated through infighting
and your race is the only elven race to harbour
kin slayers. All in all your peoples history is
that of a race that climbed too high too fast
and forgot how they got there or where they
came from and falling from a high place hurts
and the climb back up is often slow and wrought
with pain. Fortunately you and your race as a
whole is wiser for the experience and hopefully
will not be doing anything foolish in the
future, artistic mood swings aside.
(Image: Feanor by Kasura, the very embodiment of
all that it means to be a Noldo, Kasura's
website is at http://kasura.100megsfree5.com/)
Which kindred of Tolkien's Elves are you?
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So I'm a Noldor. Just like Gil-Galad, Galadriel and Elrond instead of Haldir. -__-

You get...HALDIR! Oooo...sexy March Warden at 12
o'clock! Yep....he's sexy and single. Although
he may seem a bit reserved and cold he's still
Which of Tolkien's Elves Is Right For You?
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Elves of Middle Earth - Which One Are You Most Similar To?
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Your an Elf you have you moments, but most of the
time you are graceful.Just be happy you can
skip on the top of SNOW!
In Middle Earth there are Elves and Hobbits what one are you?
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