Four Of The Commercial Patterns I Want Are Out At Spotligh!!! * \/ ^__^ *
They are:
-McCall's 3797 (Maids in the Mist Costumes)

-McCall's 3789 (Lord of the Stars Wizard Costumes)

<== I gotten this
-Simplicity 5843 (aka Padme Picnic Dress)

-Simplicty 5840

I actually wanted Simplicity 5840 "desperately" but it was not there at Spotlight Orchard and the aunty not allowed me to place an order for it at the 1/2 price (the offer occuring now).
Try to find Burda 2484 but it's either it's not there yet or isn't brought into Singapore or I looked in the wrong section (it's under Festive Fashions; I looked for Costumes @__@ ). Anyway, my bro was bugging me to go home ASAP cause he's bored at Spotlight (he became bored the moment we entered Spotlight Orchard *roll eyes* ). I also missed looking through the Fabric Remanents Bin where the items are going for 1/2 price too! >__<
I might go to Spotlight Tampinese tomolo or Friday so who knows if I'll get lucky? -__^
As for trying out the Vest/Gi pattern for my Jedi Garb, since I'm kinda too broke to spare for buying Calico or such for Mock Costumes, I'll sacrifice some of my Black Cotton Drill to see if I need to modify the current pattern of Gi I got so I can have the vest by this Sunday. Will try to do it tomolo . . .
Okay, off to rearrange the pile of cloth near the door, maybe even wrap away and label those I don't need currently.
They are:
-McCall's 3797 (Maids in the Mist Costumes)

-McCall's 3789 (Lord of the Stars Wizard Costumes)

-Simplicity 5843 (aka Padme Picnic Dress)

-Simplicty 5840

I actually wanted Simplicity 5840 "desperately" but it was not there at Spotlight Orchard and the aunty not allowed me to place an order for it at the 1/2 price (the offer occuring now).
Try to find Burda 2484 but it's either it's not there yet or isn't brought into Singapore or I looked in the wrong section (it's under Festive Fashions; I looked for Costumes @__@ ). Anyway, my bro was bugging me to go home ASAP cause he's bored at Spotlight (he became bored the moment we entered Spotlight Orchard *roll eyes* ). I also missed looking through the Fabric Remanents Bin where the items are going for 1/2 price too! >__<
I might go to Spotlight Tampinese tomolo or Friday so who knows if I'll get lucky? -__^
As for trying out the Vest/Gi pattern for my Jedi Garb, since I'm kinda too broke to spare for buying Calico or such for Mock Costumes, I'll sacrifice some of my Black Cotton Drill to see if I need to modify the current pattern of Gi I got so I can have the vest by this Sunday. Will try to do it tomolo . . .
Okay, off to rearrange the pile of cloth near the door, maybe even wrap away and label those I don't need currently.
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