Saw it at a new shop at AMK Central and my eyes just can't get off the 5-DVD set which cost SGD139.90. I don't really care much for the Bookend; what I want is the 5 DVD, 1 extra from the normal Extended one which cost SGD59.90(?). The thing is, all the computers in this house that can play DVDs can only play Code 1 properly; if it's Code 3, can't access the special features in the DVD. Hai . . .I wonder when I can get it. Can't get it for my extremely late birthday present is it? -__^
The shop also got this STAR WARS Episode I and II double DVD (also Code 1) for SGD79.90(?). I want that one also!!! Well, I don't have TPM DVD while the AOTC DVD my bro bought is Code 3 so I can use that DVD. ^__^ But, but, I don't have the money yet. Save for it? I could but it'll take ages cause these days a lot of things are taking prioty first. And I don't get any more allowance. >__<
Will have to do a Wishlist for myself on what I need to buy and what I want to buy. Wait . . .I already got it in my wallet. @__@ No wonder these days, I keep telling myself that for my birthday or any other gift, I'll rather get CASH or have any of the items on my Wishlist Fulfilled. I don't need a new Pants, I no need a new Blouse, I don't need a new expansive wallet or handbag, I no need . . .err . . 2 new Bras will be okay especially if one of it is strapless (I need it when I wear my Arwen Gowns lah!). And no new Underwears please; the one I bought from the market is still a lot in my wardrobe, brand new some more! Well, as usual, guess it's me and my own savings to fulfil my wishes. IT STINKS!!!!
Anyone want to accompany me to sell my unwanted stuffs at Clark Quay soon, the mid or late May maybe? ^__^
On the costuming front, I gotten the Green Bias Piping and Grey Bias Tape for my Myrtle Vest. The Bias Tape is a little too wide compare to the piping so I got to reduce its width before sewing the piping to it; probably from 12mm to about 9mm. Will do that when I'm in the mood. Still got to paint the Silve/Grey lines on the tie though and prime & paint my Jedi Food Capsules/Pellets. Okay, okay, the list of thing to do by July:
1. Apply Primer to all the Jedi Food Capsules/Pellets
2. Paint and Finish at least 8 of them. (Must remember to ask Yazid to select another color cause I see no Gun Metal Color)
3. Paint the lines on Myrtle's Tie
4. Make the Green & Grey Pipings for her Vest
5. Make Myrtle's 1942 Robe (using Simplicity 8944, the older SW-Like Pattern)
6. Make Arwen's Red Cloak to go with her dress
7. Get that "Sari-like" fabric for Kheldar's Boromir Costume (as soon as I got SGD5 to spare since it cost SGD2.50/yard)
Some Blog Quiz Results:

You are Lord of the Rings. You live a happy settled
life but as usual someone has to come around,
throw in a little Drama and send you off to
save the world.
What fantasy movie are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Sirius Black! The dead sexy ex-convict. You
like long walks on the beach and possibly hate
Snape with a passion^^ Go you!
Which of the marauders are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Off to sleep now. Clefairy is snoring rite now . . .
Saw it at a new shop at AMK Central and my eyes just can't get off the 5-DVD set which cost SGD139.90. I don't really care much for the Bookend; what I want is the 5 DVD, 1 extra from the normal Extended one which cost SGD59.90(?). The thing is, all the computers in this house that can play DVDs can only play Code 1 properly; if it's Code 3, can't access the special features in the DVD. Hai . . .I wonder when I can get it. Can't get it for my extremely late birthday present is it? -__^
The shop also got this STAR WARS Episode I and II double DVD (also Code 1) for SGD79.90(?). I want that one also!!! Well, I don't have TPM DVD while the AOTC DVD my bro bought is Code 3 so I can use that DVD. ^__^ But, but, I don't have the money yet. Save for it? I could but it'll take ages cause these days a lot of things are taking prioty first. And I don't get any more allowance. >__<
Will have to do a Wishlist for myself on what I need to buy and what I want to buy. Wait . . .I already got it in my wallet. @__@ No wonder these days, I keep telling myself that for my birthday or any other gift, I'll rather get CASH or have any of the items on my Wishlist Fulfilled. I don't need a new Pants, I no need a new Blouse, I don't need a new expansive wallet or handbag, I no need . . .err . . 2 new Bras will be okay especially if one of it is strapless (I need it when I wear my Arwen Gowns lah!). And no new Underwears please; the one I bought from the market is still a lot in my wardrobe, brand new some more! Well, as usual, guess it's me and my own savings to fulfil my wishes. IT STINKS!!!!
Anyone want to accompany me to sell my unwanted stuffs at Clark Quay soon, the mid or late May maybe? ^__^
On the costuming front, I gotten the Green Bias Piping and Grey Bias Tape for my Myrtle Vest. The Bias Tape is a little too wide compare to the piping so I got to reduce its width before sewing the piping to it; probably from 12mm to about 9mm. Will do that when I'm in the mood. Still got to paint the Silve/Grey lines on the tie though and prime & paint my Jedi Food Capsules/Pellets. Okay, okay, the list of thing to do by July:
1. Apply Primer to all the Jedi Food Capsules/Pellets
2. Paint and Finish at least 8 of them. (Must remember to ask Yazid to select another color cause I see no Gun Metal Color)
3. Paint the lines on Myrtle's Tie
4. Make the Green & Grey Pipings for her Vest
5. Make Myrtle's 1942 Robe (using Simplicity 8944, the older SW-Like Pattern)
6. Make Arwen's Red Cloak to go with her dress
7. Get that "Sari-like" fabric for Kheldar's Boromir Costume (as soon as I got SGD5 to spare since it cost SGD2.50/yard)
Some Blog Quiz Results:

You are Lord of the Rings. You live a happy settled
life but as usual someone has to come around,
throw in a little Drama and send you off to
save the world.
What fantasy movie are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Sirius Black! The dead sexy ex-convict. You
like long walks on the beach and possibly hate
Snape with a passion^^ Go you!
Which of the marauders are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Off to sleep now. Clefairy is snoring rite now . . .
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