The Bitterness Of Mortality Is Mine 2 Endure. . .

I Choose A Mortal Life For You, Estel . . . . For Now . . . And For Eternity . . .

Tuesday, May 20, 2003

Finished Sewing The Piping
Started doing last nite before I go to sleep and finish the rest this evening (more like yesterday evening cause it's Wednesday now). Strangely, the piping it too short so I had to make the knits on the collar more close up, and ending me with a very smaller collar (just nice to put my head through with some gentle tugging). Now I really wish I can afford one that is of the correct color, correct knit and got the correct collar color knits/pipings. @__@ But unfortunately, I'll run the risk of being not accurate cause in her ghost form, Myrtle doesn't seems to wear the same vest as Tom Riddle. Wish they had made her unbuttoned her robe to show her vest when she was sitting on the window ledge crying. Okay, okay, this is a One-Shot HP costume but as usual, the Costumer Side of me said "NOT!".

In other news, a little surfing online gotten me more links to LOTR Cosplayers from Japan, and additional shots I had missed from Taiwan. Some are nice, a very few make me shugged in pain (A Rocker Aragorn? @__@ Yousa crazy?). Frankly I don't mind the occasional very inaccuracy (like that cute Pippin that got this Golden Bob hair) but sometimes, boundary must be put to differ those who did it for the sake of cosplaying and those who really pay attention to as much details as possibles as much as they could. Yes, that is just my usual standards which is killing me as usual . . .

Anyhow, this nite and other nites, I gonna suffer the endless hours having to save every single pictures and pages (if it's nice or the pictures don't come in bigger size). And I still haven't finished doing the LOTR Team's website, plus my Cosplay, SW (this gonna kill me cause it's gonna be 50+++++MB of stuffs to put into new pages, layouts etc as I'm redoing the whole website. Make as well cause I had lost the webpages files so must redo everything! >__< ), Royal Guard (must take down those fan photos cause 1/3 of them was without permission and nowaday, IRG are easily seen unlike when I did the website. Oh don't forget that I got my own photos now.) and Personal Website (haven't even start on it yet). For the SW, I have little idea how to sub-divide the sections into managable sizes as Tripod is limiting to 20MB per account. Only thot of 1 for my Costuming & SW Events Photos and 1 for the Main Page, Profile, Choice, Links and Not Ready. How to divide the rest into another 1-2 folders & accounts, no idea yet.

Okay, must do some LOTR Cosplay photos saving now.

Ps: I'll send my Neo Coat back to the seamstress to shorten, add pockets, linings and raise the slit after July. Or I'll risk it and do it myself. -__^ And must get more accurate Neo Reloaded Shades.
Pss: No, I haven't gotten the fabrics for Galadriel; still calculating how much I can spare.
Psss: Spotlight Orchard Point is closing down this May 31st. Now I got to go all the way to Spotlight Tampinese. >__< Must dropped by to see what I can afford to get as most items are on sale to reduce the amount of stuffs they got to transport to Tampinese. Oh, the shutting down is expected cause many shops below and above it had shut down cause from what I was told by the sales girls at Magic Wand (they're packing up now), OG want to take over the whole place. Well, OG Orchard was under extensive renovation the last time I was in Orchard so maybe they're moving to Orchard Point instead.
Pssss: Someone said this shop at Bedok North Ave 4 is selling cloth for SGD1. Must go. Don't care design as I most likely get them to use for my Mock-Ups. SGD0.50 saving per metre is something I mustn't missed!
Psssss: MUST send Celebro for repairs. But I fear how much it'll cost as I'm on a very tight budget rite now. >__<


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