You are Haldir- the tragic war hero. You died
protecting your allies, and will be remembered
here-after in thier songs. You are(were)
friends with practicly everyone, and were such
a likebale charactar.
Too bad it was you and not aragorn.
LOTR - Which Helm's deep Soldier are you?
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Heeheheheee, Haldir Lover At Work. ^__^ I purposely choose the answers that'll lead me to Haldir (especially on the last question -__^ )
Here's a more accurate one:

You are Aragorn. You are big and strong- if even a
little bit full of yourself. However- you are a
good leader, and people actually seem to listen
to you. The opportunity to order people around
is one that you cannot let down.
Battle is a good opportunity for you to show off
your hard-core manliness and skill with a
Get a life.
LOTR - Which Helm's deep Soldier are you?
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^__^ As usual?
More Quizes
Your were a tree
What were you in your past life
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You are Neo, the chosen one, the slayer of agents
everywhere. A former nerd, you have evolved
into quite a stubborn hero.
Although Trinity is not that hot, at least you're
one of the few that can get some in the real
You can stop bullets and you're immmortal; so what
the hell are you going to do in Matrix:
"Yeah. Wow, that sounds like a really good
deal. But I think I got a better one. How about
I give you the finger... and you give me my
phone call."
What Character From The Matrix Are You?
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Neo-You are most like Neo. You are a very calm and
in control hero, and you like to play it cool.
You use guns alot and you are known as 'The
One' to everyone who is in the real world. You
truely are a great hero.
Which Famous Hero Are You Most Like? (The Matrix, DBZ, TV, Movies, Etc.)
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You're Neo from The Matrix. You are 'the One.' Your
life used to be a mess, but things get solved.
Maybe you just need to find out The Truth.
Which character from The Matrix are you? (results now contain pictures!)
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You are Neo !
You are The One, probably. You have supernatural
strength and speed, and as agile as hell.
Which The Matrix : Reloaded character are you ??
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No wonder I choose to do Neo for last Friday? -__^
Diffenitly Lord of the Rings, obviously the best
story, so deep! And i mean, Look at thoes
hobbits...who couldn't like that?!?
X-Men, LOTR, or The Matrix?! ****PICS!!****
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Oh, while we on The Matrix, I remembered that Mak's Pil Ajaib Cap Emas (Muscle Aches Pills from Johor) are
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