The Bitterness Of Mortality Is Mine 2 Endure. . .

I Choose A Mortal Life For You, Estel . . . . For Now . . . And For Eternity . . .

Thursday, September 11, 2003

I Got It! I Got It! ^__^
I bought UNFINISHED TALES and it has the same cover design as my THE SILMARILLION though Black in color and softcover. Bought it from MPH at Citylink on the way back from LOTR Meetup and cost me SGD16+

So now only left for me to get THE HISTORY OF MIDDLE-EARTH and my own copies of LOTR & THE HOBBIT. Think for The Hobbit, I'll also get the Black SoftCover one too to match my Unfinished Tales but I see a high likiness that it'll be the special Box set like my The Silmarillion (cost SGD44+) so that'll be a hardcover. Maybe same goes for History Of Middle-Earth but I only see the 3 hardcover books set and it cost SGD260+++. @__@ The other alternative is the Soft Cover (SGD25 each) and Colored Hardcover (SGD50+ each). Yes, I got the cash currently BUT I must NOT spent it like water and only for IMPORTANT stuffs that will last long (aka no food or cinema tickets)! Hmm, to tell the truth, I only "need" the first 2 books of HoME but unfortunately, I haven't seen the comply set (aka the 3 books instead of 13) being sold individually.

Okay, for the special Box set of The Hobbit and the 3 Hardcover Books of HoME, I better go round Kinokuniya, Borders, MPH, Times Bookstore, Sunny Bookstore, WH Smith and other major Bookstores to look for the lowest price. I gotten Unfinished Tales today cause I know that Kinokuniya and Borders didn't have the book or not in the cover I want but for the rest, and since they cost a LOT more, I better do my research FIRST before getting it so I'll not make a loss. Remember, I DON'T have money to burn, not like some Midget I know. o__O

Okay, off to bed.


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