The Bitterness Of Mortality Is Mine 2 Endure. . .

I Choose A Mortal Life For You, Estel . . . . For Now . . . And For Eternity . . .

Sunday, December 21, 2003

Meesa Back!!!!! ^__^
Had been away with the LOTR Stuffs and resting to get rid of my Flu since last Wed so been gone without trace. -__^

Anyhow, it's still not over as there is still Fantasia 2003 this Sat so don't expect me to give a long report till then. I still got Kheldar's Boromir Suit and my Queen Arwen Crown to do by Thur.

Something I forget to say:
Last Mon during the Return Of The King Gala Premiere, I met with Ann; a fellow SW:FFSG members who is working at the Singapore Science Centre. She had introduced my to her heads and fellow workers and give her words that I am to get for her those who are in Costumes for the Opening Day of the LOTR The Trilogy Exhibition next March. Will start the new recruitment and confirmation drive after this Sun. So far, she's asking for more Uruks so will look into that. -__^

I'll try to be Rumil or one of the other Elves upon arrival at Helm's Deep. -__^ That means I need not do the full Elven Archer Suit but should I be able to do so, I'll will. If that fails, I'll be Haldir or Rumil Lothlorien March Warden since 80% of the cloths for the suit is at hand and I had kinda figured out 70% of the garb. ^__^ Just need to check back with the people over at the LOTR_Costume ML.

Okay, off to settle my Mail; got 40++ Digest mails (aka 25 mails per digest) from LOTR_Costume ML to read through and a couple of person e-mails to answer.

Don't expect me to report here about the happening of Wed and Thur till I've settle the mails and the costumes. -__-


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