The Bitterness Of Mortality Is Mine 2 Endure. . .

I Choose A Mortal Life For You, Estel . . . . For Now . . . And For Eternity . . .

Thursday, February 13, 2003

Went to Chinatown (People's Park Shopping Centre today with Faiz.
Showed him to the Wig shop and then roam around looking for a nice Brown Fabric I can use for Eowyn's Refugee Gown Jumper in case I screwed up on the Pure Silk one tonite/tomorrow afternoon. Found some wool-like fabric which cost SGD4/yard so I gotten 4 yards just in case (Guess I'll need about 3+ yard for myself who is 1.5+metre tall).

Located some Greyish Japanese(?) Silk Velvet which can be used for Aragorn's Rivendell Costume Vest; cost SGD10/m. The shop also got Red Silk(?) Velvet (SGD8/m?) that I could use for Arwen's Rose Dress Overcoat or Arwen's Blood Red Gown Sleeves but I'll just keep them on my possible list cause I'm more favor of using Rose Red Silk(or other soft, thin) Velvet.

The vinyl in the color I need for my Jedi Costume Tabbard is still there and I could also use it for Anakin's. But I forget to ask for the price at both shops that I saw it at. >__<

After that, went to No. 1 Costume Costume to accompany Faiz have a look at the Wigs and spoke with Jun about LOTR costumes. Also gave her the link to Alleycatscratch so that the shop can produce better and more accurate LOTR inspired costumes. ^__^ About Sat's CosFesta Event, she can't turn up unfortunately since she'll be working from 1-5pm. Also get to see the "Galadriel" costume they got but it's way below my expectation (LOL! I'm an accuracy freak most of the times!!) but think it'll do the job for those last minute LOTR Cosplayers. But the wearer got to be around 1.6m tall so that will disincluding Jeanatte. Anyhow, I'm thinking of making the Prologue Galadriel Costume for her if she is serious about being Galadriel this Dec (and she pay for the materials & I had polished up my sewing skill through Sewing Classes)! -__^

Later, I dropped by United Square to look for some LOTR 6" figures and there were none. Instead, I found a sword that is long enough for my taste for Eowyn's Sparring Sword in The Two Tower. It even got a "Pegasus" head and wings on the blade protector (since Rohan are the horse lords so have horse motif on their houses, armor & weapons) and later, I think I can just use the blade to make the more accurate version of her sword.
Cost: SGD6.95!

At Novena Square, I finally went to the ACE store Kenneth "B0baFett" recommanded. Fail to locate the bigger cans of Krylon's Spray Paint and Brown Wood-like color so I ended up with a 3oz Krylon Short Cuts, color Burgundy. @__@ Heck! Both Bilbo and Frodo staffs had been treated so I bet the coloring will be okay.

Later at 7pm, met 3 other people part of the LOTR Meet-Up group. All were okay and we went to Suntec's McDonald to chat, Left the place around 9.30pm.

Well, that's all I can remember now. Got to go and apply the first layer of paint for Frodo's Staff and start making the prototype and actual of my Eowyn's Refugee Gown Jumper. Then tomorrow hopefully I can wake up early and go to school to make my media for my project. @__@

I hope!!! >__<


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