The Bitterness Of Mortality Is Mine 2 Endure. . .

I Choose A Mortal Life For You, Estel . . . . For Now . . . And For Eternity . . .

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

What He Think He Doing?
Received this today in my SingaporeAnimeNews PM Box:
« Sent on: Today at 01:02:16am »

.......I'm not sure if you've noticed that on occasions, forum members would ask for
lobangs to make props and arsenals, etc. I thought of having a thread that caters to this. Would you like to set up one? It can be "Cosplay Props Sources", "Props Source List" or "Cosplay Props Creators and Creations" etc.
WTF? o__O Didn't he see that I had deleted all tips I posted in the Cosplay Sources List Thread and don't offer any more tips in other thread in the Forum or talk regulary in the Forum? Don't he sense something is wrong?

Well, ever since (or rather before that event) Fans-Tasia 2003 last Dec, I had lost interest and faith in the local cosplay community and decrease dramatically in assisting them. I had kinda gotten sick of the atitude of many of the local cosplayers and their lack of effort. They don't pay attention to using the correct materials, put effort to make their costume durable and seems to send everything to the costume shop/tailor and let them decide how to turn their costumes into reality. And my, even the "Celebrity" and "Senior" ones are doing the Greatest Sins in Costuming (Think of the X/1999 group who used Satin for their Uniform @__@ ).

Some are still okay but many......cosplaying for the sake of cosplaying. -__-

So, forget it Mr. Guy_Astro! No way I'm going offer any more help. Let them learn it the Hard Way as I did since 1999 and since doing rite now.

That is why I rather doing Costuming than Cosplaying as in Costuming, Knowledge comes before the Creation; and Pain before the Joy. Anyhow, the World is my judge to how good my costumes/armor are instead of the local scene.


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