The Bitterness Of Mortality Is Mine 2 Endure. . .

I Choose A Mortal Life For You, Estel . . . . For Now . . . And For Eternity . . .

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Interesting Find In 8 Days Magazine....


What did women of olden days use?

Indonesians => Vegetable Fibres
Africans ====> Grass
Romans=======> Italian Wool
Egyptians ===> Papyrus
Greek =======> Wood-the Light and Absorbent Type

Friday, September 22, 2006

Matrix-LOTR Crossover....Whatever

Found this while copying stuffs from my External Harddisk into my new Baby aka New Notebook. It's the Agent Elrond, Matrix-LOTR Parody Speech etc some members of TheForce.Net Jedi Council Forum wrote many, many years ago around the time ROTK came out or something. -__^

5/17 eclipseSD
"Mr. Baggins. Welcome Back. We Missed You"
"It ends tonight"

5/17 Bib Fortuna, Twi'lek
Elrond: It's all me, me, me.
Elrond clone: Me too!

5/17 The_Ultimate_Fett
"You destroyed me Sauron. You set me free."

Bib Fortuna, Twi'lek 5/17
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson."

"Do you hear that, Mr. Underhill? That is the sound of inevitability, that is the sound of your death. Goodbye, Mr. Underhill."
"My Baggins!"

5/17 Lurking_Around
"It seems you've been living two lives, Mr. Baggins. In one life you're Frodo Baggins. You live with your uncle, you're attracted to your gardener and to dance like a chicken.

In another life, you go by the alias 'Ringbearer'. You carry the One Ring around and travel with the gardener you're attracted to. One of these lives has a future, the other does not!"

"Do you know what I hate about hobbits? It's the smell!"

Bib Fortuna, Twi'lek 5/17
"Every mammal in Middle-earth instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment, but you hobbits do not. You move to an area and dig, and dig until every hill has been hollowed out! The only way you can survive is to dig in another hill.

There is another organism in Middle-earth that follows this same pattern, do you know what it is?

A gopher.

Hobbits are a disease, a cancer of this world, you're a plague. And we...are the cure."

Sunday, September 10, 2006

*Poke Head Out*

Not much to say about non-Costuming/Cosplaying these days. =__= Or rather maybe I prefer to keep it to myself to avoid any "Imperial Entaglements"

Anyhow, just finish another contract with Singapore Science Centre as a NJRC '06 Referee and sad to say, I still go lots to learn. *__*

But THANKS to Kie for tolerating my outburst as I tend to get pretty serious when working o__O and she can interupt too much others' speech sometimes. Anyway, since I appreaciate our friendship, and the fact that I don't mind her being one of Fiona's current best friends compared to Joanna, we just have to try control ourselves sometime and try to tolerate others too. -__^

Next on the list will hopefully be at ScienceFest/GeneFest 2006 at SSC for 7 days straight as I need some extra cash to pay myself back over the money "borrowed" to get my new IBM Thinkpad Z61t Notebook and couple other stuffs. Ya, thank God I still can borrow from myself tho' it's starting to take severe toll on my saving. @__@ And I still haven't gotten most of the Sideshow WETA LOTR Busts and Statues I want.

Mini Maul Help!!!!

BTW, am writing from Library tho' I now got a new Notebook (still unnamed tho' occasionally I called it Morgoth o__O with the External Harddisk probably being called Sauron if that name ever stick O__O ) as I still got my Norton Anti-Virus to update, my bed is a mess cause the hanger just collapse again (I have TOO MANY Costumes?) and I don't have SingNet Account so can't use the Library Wireless Networks.

Am meeting Jean (aka the NTU Lecturer) later today to pass her the money for the LOTR FOSSIL Watch and see a couple of LOTR stuffs she want to show me. -__^