The Bitterness Of Mortality Is Mine 2 Endure. . .

I Choose A Mortal Life For You, Estel . . . . For Now . . . And For Eternity . . .

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

ROTK Trailer Is Here!!!! ^__^
Well, actually I had seen it since last Fri/Sat, courtesy of TORN but the Lord Of The Rings Official Site only post it on Tuesday Morning (Singapore Time) although they promised Monday.

Well, I'd drool 100 Buckets and can't wait for ROTK to comes out this Dec. ^__^

Wait! I must settle the Boromir, Galadriel, Ringwraith and Arwen Mourning Dress first!

Anyhow, I had called up Toy 'R' Us Forum and they told me that they didn't see any LOTR Halloween stuffs when they were unpacking and arranging the Halloween Stuffs that had arrived there. Tampinese hasn't gotten theirs while Jurong West (Jurong Point, near Boon Lay MRT Station) and United Square I can't get through. But I'll check it out again later today if I can get my butt out of the house. -__-

Soooooo, I have to order the Rubies Elven Brooches and Evenstar online from this seller at eBay who got it at the lowest price. Also saw another online store selling the items at the actual price but they only slip by USP Priority Mail or FedDex and that will cost above USD20 for an item or 2. >__< After adding the shipping cost, plus the cost of the Money Order, Registered Airmail etc, it'll surely cost the same, if not more, as buying from eBay from that seller. Yazid had agree to pay SGD20 for the Elven Brooch anyway.

Oh! My Pirated Elven Brooch is still not here yet (I paid for it by PayPal last Mon). Wonder when the seller had shipped it. -__-

Okay, off to bed now for me.

Monday, September 29, 2003

Feel A Little Better Now . . .
Really feel like taking the so many surgical knifes and blades I have to slit my throat or let my Witchking Sword taste its first blood yesterday. Bet if any thieves or rapist tried anything on me yesterday, I'll slit their throat from end to end and pull out their still beating heart and throw it into a blazing fire! >__< Yes, I'm a Psycho; had always been all my life!

Anyhow, on a good point, I found someone selling the Rubies NewLineCinema Elven Brooch for just USD7.99 before shipping cost. Well, ~USD4 more than the actual price I think but that is the cheapest around and the only seller that can cater to the at least 5 sets I need for my Fellowship members and myself. But I'm being very caution rite now cause I fear Toy 'R' Us might bring them in.Darn! Can't they display their Halloween Stuffs now and not this Wed or next week? -__- And I still need to buy a lot sets of Space Ear Tips for my Elves and Hobbits and Uruks. -__-

Will see how later.

Oh! I gotten back Hassan's Ringwraith Robe from Yazid and my Darth Maul Costume Set from Anas. The cute thing is, Anas gave me a Padem Blaster-like prop made from wood. LOL! Something to make me start smiling again today. -__^ The Barrel is a bit bigger but it's interesting. -__^

Okay, off now. I been wanting to dig under my bed and get rid of some stuffs there for quite sometime now to make more space for my other stuffs. Hai . . .if u love it, u have to let them go . . . (or find proper sleeves to store them!). >__<

Hope I'll recover from my latest bout of depression soon . . .

Sunday, September 28, 2003

I Want To Slit My Throat . . . .

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Bad DE! Bad DE!
I finally gotten LOTR:FOTR Extended DVD (Code 1) today. Cost me SGD128 (discount of SGD1.90 *only*) and I also gotten the TTT Promotion "Table Standee" and Ceiling Mobile. The Table Standee was a bit damaged but I don't care; I can always cover the tear with that Gollum Coaster I gotten or something else. -__^ The shop was also selling TTT Promotion Poster (Double Sided some more!) and the guy said he can sell it to me for SGD10 instead of SGD15. Told him to reserve 1 for me and I'll buy it tomolo or this weekend. Donno if I can afford to get FOTR DVD Code 1 one tho' it cost SGD39.90 from the SGD49.90 at other places. Hmm, maybe for LOTR, I'm spending the money on its DVDs and Weapon Replicas. o__O My Action Figure toll is currently at 9 and planned amount about 27 (5 from Helm's Deep Set, 9 from Fellowship Gift Set, Twilight Witchking, Ringwraith, Strider, Prolog Elven Warrior, Prolog Elrond, Elven Archer with Berserk, King Elesser, Eowyn K.O., Eowyn in Armor, Frodo in Gobling Disguise, Sam in Gobling Discuss and Galadriel). Wonder if I can afford to get them all. -__-

Also gotten a new Slip-In File at AMK Central cause the one I used to file in my costumes that are "At Work" was damaged today. -__- This is the 2nd time it had happened and I wonder why it had never happened to the one I used the most tho' it's older and really fit to burst.

On the way back, I took back my photos from the photos shop. Developing 3 films cost me SGD37.15 (discounted from SGD40.80 cause I don't take the photo albums). Man! It's getting more and more expansive! Used to be SGD10 or less per film but ever since the shop change to Kodak, it now cost SGD3-4 more. -__-

While in the bus, I was examining my TTT Promo Standee and LOTR:FOTR Extended DVD (Code 1), this girl asked me wherther I had gotten TTT: EE. LOL! Shown her that it's FOTR one and we started talking about our liking for LOTR. ^__^ She live in the same precint as me too!

Anyhow, something today worried me. I can't withdraw money just now or check the Balance in the Account. It worries me cause I need to borrow more cash to pay for my Wigs, Costumes, AC/DC Adapter, Zip Drive, a few more collectibles and my trip to KL this Dec. I noticed that the guy before me also didn't withdraw any money so I'm assuming it's a glit in the system. Will try again tomolo and must make sure THIS IS THE LAST TIME! Must also control on the Marketing Stuffs and force Mak not to cook so much when there is so little people in this house eating. I also want to start on a diet so the less food available at home, the better! Think if I calculate and be more thrity, I can use the extras from next month's Marketing money to start paying back the money I had borrowed. -__^ Wish me luck!

Okay, off copy the links in this computer so I can bookmark them in Celebro later.

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

I Had A Good Dream . . .
That I really met Julia and she was in her Haldir Armor or something. We're talking about it and about me doing it soon. There is also this guy in a Latex-Like Armor is looks like the Elven Archers. o__O Pity the dream was cut short by my Grandma waking me up to go to the market and my dad burning "Kemia" again. @__@

Anyhow, lookie lookie what I been doing instead of researching on Boromir's or Arwen Mourning or Galadriel Prolog or Ringwraiths Costume; research on Haldir's March Warden Garb. O__O Been veri, veri naughty. -__-

I wonder how long it gonna take before my pirated Elven Brooch arrive.
I Forget!!!!!! @__@
Aisyah & Miza birthday was yesterday and I forget to send a birthday SMS. @__@ I did remember yesterday afternoon but fell asleep from noon to late evening, then rushing to check my mail, the MLs, Forums, then dinner at Restu Seafood Restauraunt, the check online again and now it way past midnight. >__< Will send the SMS tomolo and maybe give them a card when I meet Aisyah this Sun at her Booth at Liang Court. Well, present, I already thot of giving them something related to their LOTR Costumes/Armor so it'll come much later. -__^

About Celebro, forget to recharge the other Battery Pack yesterday. But I did use it for awhile to let go of my longing for him. -__^ Well, didn't do much as I had little inspirations and a lot of stuffs that I'm suppose to add on are inside my CD-RW or this Computer. Will try to do a bit more later.

Currently, "finishing" the LOTR: The Singapore Project 2003 Website is on the top of the list of Websites to finish. I'm also gonna move it over to Geocities instead cause Geocities Ads are smaller. Still need to add the proper pictures of the various characters and costumes, the members' previous costumes photos, make the Tutorial longer and more information (currently it's just the basics) and add more links to the Link page.

Next will be my Cosplay Website. This will be the 4th time I'm attempting to do one and I must make sure I DO back up everything this time. Hmm, wonder how much will a ZIP Drive cost so that I can easily back up my files. Still not sure under which username I'm gonna put it (no, I'll not create another Yahoo! Username; I already got 5 currently!). The basics are there but it's still far to go. Haven't even finish a single page explaining about my costumes thou' I had completed quite a few. -__-

After that, got to finish my Star Wars Website (redoing it from Scratch) and edit my Imperial Royal Guard Website. Don't think I can start on my planned Darth Vader & Darth Maul Websites any time soon as I want to be unique about these 2 sites and uniqueness requires time to think about and I have plans to put up a lot of stuffs I had personally collected in them.

While on Celebro, the Toshiba Technician that day told me that to solve my Window problem (courtesy of that darn virus and my slow Norton Anti-Virus program), I have to reboot my harddisk so will loose all my Data for the 2nd time. O__O But since my computer is still functioning, I must painstakingly back up all my files and this will be difficult cause my data is over 1/2GB I think. And that means also I have to kidnap the MS Office 2000 and Norton Anti-Virus CDs from my dad when he's away at work (we both are still not in good terms). I know that my Office Programs now are Office XP, thanks to Faiz but I'll still need the base programs. And I hope my Adobe Photoshop 5.5 CD is still working (I know my Adobe Photo Deluxe is still working cause I regulary use it to update my Photo Deluxe program in this and Celebro whenever there is a need to install new Celebration-related stuffs which can only be gotten at certain times of the year). So I think the easily way to solve this problem is to get the ZIP Drive; 250MB one will be best so I need not use up too many diskets (though I have almost 100). Anyhow for safety sake (since from my experiences, CD-RW can loose some of my data, most of the time it's due to my bro's PC; or get locked suddenly), I need to keep all my Data in all 3 forms of external data keepers: Disket, CD-RW and ZIP Disk. Maybe can throw in this computer too but that means I have to disinclude my "Project I" stuffs.

Well, guess I have to find out the pricetag of the ZIP Drive, consult some people about where the best to get them etc etc. Currently, I can only think of Faiz. -__- And that also means I have to withdraw more money. >__<

Okay, since I donno wherther I'm wide awake or sleepy, I need to settle some stuffs in my room before turning in. Tomolo I might need to go get my Wig (only 2, not 3! >__< ).

Err, no Clefairy, I can't open up my Prologue Elven Warrior and Easterling Action Figures. No, you also cannot bring them to bed like u did to Haldir. O__O

Monday, September 22, 2003

Am very sleepy now. Need to sleep now. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Anyhow, on Sun, I finally went to Clark Quay Sunday Flea Bazaar and fulfil a few of my unwritten Wish-List Items:
- 1997 Hong Kong Handover SW Figures Set- Villians
- TTT Easterling Action Figure
Both for SGD60 (SW was originally SGD39.90 while Easterling SGD25)
- TTT Prologue Elven Warrior SGD33 >__<
- Neo Reloaded Figures SGD39.90

Well, I still need the Elven Archer with Berserk Action Figure (anyone want to buy a loose Berserk from me?) but the 2 sets I saw on Sun cost SGD38 and SGD49 per set. >__< Actual price was SGD24.90 I think while the normal figures are SGD14.95 each. Will try this Sun if I can move my butt to Clark Quay again, especially that it's easier to get there now with the NorthEastLine/NEL available.

Oh! I want to kick myself yesterday when I realized I forget to get the 3 Ringwraith Minitures at SGD24.90. -__-

Hmm, should I get the Fellowship Gift box that cost SGD149.90 cause it'll help me to forgo needing to get the individual figures. And I NEED to study Boromir Costume, other than refering to the photos and others tutorials.

That reminded me, I need to go to Little India to look for Kheldar's Shirt Sleeves Fabric.

After the trip at Clark Quay, went to disturb Aisyah at her stall at Liang Court, followed by watching that "Mr. & Miss Cosplay Contest". Guess what about the contest; IT SUCKS BIG TIME!!!

This is the list of contestants at the event:
1) Cupid
2) Angel
3) Robin Hood
4) Japanese School Girl
5) Samurai
6) Zorro
7) Cinderella
8 ) Angel Sanctuary Group
(a buncha of 4 newbies cosplayers I saw at Confest & Taka Cosplay before)

Contestants 1-4, 6 & 7 I can tell are using rented costumes (from Joy's or No. 1 Costume Costume) cause I saw a few of them there before and the costumes came in the Brown Plastic Bags (when I rent costumes from No. 1 Costumes Costumes, that's what the costumes came in). And maybe they were "paid" to come in case no cosplayers turned up.

1st Prize goes to Samurai guy and 2nd goes to Zorro.

See! Now only their costumes sucks and all except No. 4 and 8 has no connection with Japanese (it was suppose to be a Japanese Fair), so did their performances. Contestants 1-7 are like some under 12 year old kids parading their costumes at some Fancy Dress Contest. *roll eyes*

Pity, my camera choose to rewind my film before I can take any pictures of those kids. Yes, and pity those Newbies Cosplayers choose not to keep in touch with the rest of the Cosplaying Community cause they would had seen our warnings to not enter the contest. I really wonder why I had got to know a few people already before I first started cosplaying at MAC Cosplay 2001 and gotten to know the latest news, warning etc etc. Oh ya, because I was already actively posting at the SGCosplay Mailing List a few months before the event when I became interested in cosplaying. Well, I did help some people with my current knowledge of Costuming didn't I? -__^

Ps: I gotten SGD10 worth of Sashimi Sake/Raw Salmon. Trying to make it last till this Wed or Thur. -__-

Oh! I saw saw the idiot, her sister and their friends at Liang Court. They were happily taking photos of those half-pass-six contest contestants. @__@ Luckily none of them recognized any of the Cosplayers who were behind them (including me). Hmm, I bet they didn't do their homework on what is really cosplay (hey! I recognized Reiko, Kurama, their sis, Lynn, Raydance, Stephenie Snowheart & her sisters and a few others from previous cosplay photos when I attended MAC Cosplay 2001! The only one I didn't was Yuanie cause her "makeover" kinda make her look so different.)

Yesterday (Mon), I finally managed to recharged the new battery for Celebro. So now I can work for only 2 hours on him.

Also tried to recharge the "spoil" one and it DID get recharged. O__O Donno how much got in cause I had to end the recharging session at 1830h before the lights turned yellow, as my dad was coming home. Well, if it still can be used, then I can kinda use Celebro for about 4 hours. Can't wait for Celebro's AC/DC Adapter/Recharger arrive in 2-3 weeks times.

Okay, gone for now.

Saturday, September 20, 2003

Report For Sat, 20th Sept . . .
Went to Youthpark today before noon to get my Gundam Model Kit, won in the M.A.G.E. but the item wasn't there so had to leave my name and contact no. for them to contact me as soon as they find where in the building they kept that Model Kit. -__-

Later, went to Sembawang Music Store to find that new CD I want called Beyong Imagination by Opera Babes but it wasn't there (sold out) so off to HMV "across" the road. Found the CD in the Classical Music Section (so that's where all the New Age Music also go to) and it cost me SGD19.95. Am listening to it now and I think my favourite is still the one that introduce me to it, O Fortuna; which some LOTR fans used in their Fan Made ROTK Trailer.

Later, met with Sara Shufen to accompany her to Arab Street to get her cloths for her costume.

Next went to Liang Court Kino to meet with Shuhui to pass her the money to transfer USD150 into my PayPal account so I can start paying for my USD25 Elven Brooch and other stuffs (NewLineCinema-Rubies Elven Brooch, Evenstar etc).

Okay, off to bed now. Tomolo must wake up early to attend the 5th Anniversary of this Precient and later go to Clark Quay to find my LOTR & SW Stuffs and 3.30pm next door to Liang Court to observe that "so called" Cosplay Competition.

Friday, September 19, 2003

This Is Funny! ^__^

Frankly, if I am Arwen, I'll take the ship with Legolas & Gimli after Aragorn died. -__^

Anyhow, I gotten Celebro back and now got to find time to recharge the new battery pack for 6 hours. I only managed to sneak off 30mins just now so another 5hours and 30mins more to go. After that, I need to *try* to redo or update the LOTR: The Singapore Project 2003 website to include more photos and more infos with the 2 hours I can get from the battery pack. Frankly, I feel like moving the website over to Geocities since there is less Ads there compared to Tripod.Com. -__- Will see how when I got Celebro working full swing again in 2 weeks' time. -__-

Tomolo, I'll need to get my Prize from M.A.G.E. and meet Sara/Shufen to go to Arab Street to accompany her. After that, I'm tempted to go to IKEA to get more boxes. But I might want to change one of the boxes I had bought on Thurs for a smaller/slimmer one as I can't seems to fit it anywhere (tho' I love the size which allow me to just dump most of my remant cloths inside). And is it just me or the IKEA Store sell the 200g Smoked Salmon much cheaper than Carrefour or Cold Storage at SGD8.50?

Okay, got to go now and settle some stuffs. Like properly drawing the parts for Kheldar's Boromir Costume and my Haldir/Rumil March Warden Costume . . .

Thursday, September 18, 2003

Am Frustrated Today >___<
1) That Yakutt Man never bring proper amount of money! >__< Why can't he use his brain for once and bring many SGD10s and SGD2s notes?
2) I'm VERY ANGRY with my dad's atitude! Can't he just get rid of all the garbage he had accumulated throughout the years and STOP buying unneccesary stuffs (WE DON'T NEED ANYMORE PLASTIC PLATES!!!!). And look at the center room; I had just clear up early this year and he happily pop here more boxes of his stuffs from his room (and messily all over the room too) and now, had deposit the TV Counter side cabinets, new Dinner Table Chairs and stuffs from his room! >__< I can barely walk through here and CANNOT enter the Toilet cum Storeroom anymore! Bloody Hell!!!!! >__<
3) I want a new Wardrobe! Or my dad should hang back his clothings on that hanger place he bought previously which he had happily deposit inside the Toilet cum Store. Now I cannot even fit my costumes inside the other wardrobe anymore!

Anyhow, on a good point, I'll take Celebro back tomolo. He gotten a new battery pack (how can? I just changed it 1 year ago? @__@ ), the recharge socket and G key replaced. So far cost about SGD400 as it also include the service charge of SGD100. @__@ Add to that SGD100+++++ for the new AC/DC Converter/Recharger to arrive in 2-3 weeks time, Celebro better not get spoil again or I'm changing to a more advance Notebook (ya, ya IF I got SGD3,500 to spare).

I also went to IKEA yesterday and gotten SGD65 worth of Plastic Storage Boxes, Chinawear Kids plates (for kenduri and personal use), Water Spray Bottle (there doesn't seems to be a functing one in this house) and this small Misc. stuffs box. Had filled the boxes with my Cloths and Laces, so the next time I drop by IKEA, I only need to get another 2-4 different types of Boxes for my Spray Paints and Prop making stuffs, ribbons. Hope my room will be a lot neater now. -__-

Oh! Someone mentioned about finding an Elvish-like Lantern at IKEA. Saw it and it's not up to my taste of something "Elvish". And while shopping, I keep having to remind myself wherther I need the item or not, and wherther it'll survive till the end of its use. A lot of stuffs didn't fit the critias so only gotten things that I need.

Okay, off to finish stacking the boxes containing my cloths and other stuffs.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003


?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

And I thot I'm more like Hades . . . .

Lord of the Rings!

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla

You should be dating a Pisces.
19 February - 20 March
Your mate is loving and caring, trusting and
hospitable, and romantic. Though he/she can be
self-pitying, temperamental or dependent, the
fishes are quite romantic in bed.

What Zodiac Sign Are You Attracted To?
brought to you by Quizilla

And I am also a Pisces . . .

Monday, September 15, 2003

Celebro Is Gone For The Next 2-3 Weeks . . .
Had sent it to Data Dynamic today and the person there said they can settle Celebro problem in 3 days but for the Recharger, it gonna take 2-3 weeks to arrive as it's an old model so have to order. Total cost quoted was around SGD300. -__- Well, now I just need to wait and see. I DO miss Celebro cause he hold many of my stuffs and my secrets.

Then, off I went to Simply Toys to get the Applause Rings of Power. BUT seems like they're not selling them in a set cheaply anymore. >__< Last Sat, the salesgirl said the whole set will cost SGD116 but seems like the owner is not willing to let go for that price. He want SGD39.90 for the OneRing, Witchking & Vilya each and SGD59.90 for Nenya & Ring of Barahir each. >__< Frankly, I only need Nenya and Ring of Barahir, maybe Vilya but the 2 I need most cost SGD59.90 each. Now I really must go to other places to find them at a lower price, maybe SGD49.90 each maximum. Wish me luck!

Anyhow, at The Falcon Hanger, I gotten FOTR Strider. Need to study it to give a better explaination to Danny about his Strider Costume. Anyhow, I could use more LOTR Action Figures. -__^

At Kino, I gotten X/1999 #6 & #7. So now I can relax a bit till the next issue comes out. Oh! Still got to get Sayuki Reloaded #1 & #2 (SGD9.50 each) and the rest of Angel Sanctuary Mangas (SGD9.80 each).

Other than that, I'm craving to get FOTR DVDs. I want to get both the FOTR Theater Version at SGD39.90 the cheapest and FOTR: EE at SGD129.90. But that is soooo much money! >__< Why I want to get both? Well, cause both have different Special Features. Hai . . .what a way for Peter Jackson to make us buy all the editions. -__-

Okay, got to go now. I need to go to IKEA soon to get boxes for my cloths.

Sunday, September 14, 2003

I Am Drooling . . . . ^__^
Check out these LARGE pictures of United Cutlery Anduril, Aragorn's new sword and Narsil Reforged:

Saw it on Realm Of Fantasy Website and I'm drooling my Ass off now. Now Anduril is on my list of LOTR Swords to get one of these days. ^__^

Saturday, September 13, 2003

Been Very Naughty Today . . .
Went to Borders & Kino after attending Faiz little Birthday celebration and gotten the fellowing stuffs:
-OneRing Bookmark (w/ OneRing ^__^ ) SGD6.50
-X/1999 Mangas #4 & #5 SGD17.00
-COSMO 003 SGD29.00
-Layer s Vol.1 SGD15.90
-Togepi 1:1 Plush SGD5.00
-Pokemon Tissue Papers 18pkts SGD2.00

Also checked out the prices of The Hobbit Special Box Edition at Borders & Kinokuniya and The History Of Middle-Earth & LOTR 3-Books Set at Kinokuniya. No hurry in getting them; just want to compare prices so I'll pay the least. -__^ Maybe tomolo IF I do drop by Clark Quay for the Sunday Bazaar, I can check out MPH at Citylink and WH Smith for the prices of the 3 (7) books I'm interested in.

Oh! I'm very interested in getting the Applause Ruling Rings; currently only The Ring of Barahir, Nenya & Vilya but they cost SGD39.90, SGD59.90 and SGD39.90 respectively. -__- The salesgirl told me that the 5 Ring Set MAY cost SGD116 so I may ended up buying the 5 Rings Set instead. But will check out Clark Quay first if I do drop by there later today. Well, the lower I pay the better cause I want to "wear" them as part of my costumes. -__^

Hai . . . wish I can afford Narya now. -__-

Thursday, September 11, 2003

I Got It! I Got It! ^__^
I bought UNFINISHED TALES and it has the same cover design as my THE SILMARILLION though Black in color and softcover. Bought it from MPH at Citylink on the way back from LOTR Meetup and cost me SGD16+

So now only left for me to get THE HISTORY OF MIDDLE-EARTH and my own copies of LOTR & THE HOBBIT. Think for The Hobbit, I'll also get the Black SoftCover one too to match my Unfinished Tales but I see a high likiness that it'll be the special Box set like my The Silmarillion (cost SGD44+) so that'll be a hardcover. Maybe same goes for History Of Middle-Earth but I only see the 3 hardcover books set and it cost SGD260+++. @__@ The other alternative is the Soft Cover (SGD25 each) and Colored Hardcover (SGD50+ each). Yes, I got the cash currently BUT I must NOT spent it like water and only for IMPORTANT stuffs that will last long (aka no food or cinema tickets)! Hmm, to tell the truth, I only "need" the first 2 books of HoME but unfortunately, I haven't seen the comply set (aka the 3 books instead of 13) being sold individually.

Okay, for the special Box set of The Hobbit and the 3 Hardcover Books of HoME, I better go round Kinokuniya, Borders, MPH, Times Bookstore, Sunny Bookstore, WH Smith and other major Bookstores to look for the lowest price. I gotten Unfinished Tales today cause I know that Kinokuniya and Borders didn't have the book or not in the cover I want but for the rest, and since they cost a LOT more, I better do my research FIRST before getting it so I'll not make a loss. Remember, I DON'T have money to burn, not like some Midget I know. o__O

Okay, off to bed.

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Before I Hit The Bed . . .
1) My Gothic Lolita Costume look better this time. This character I'm calling Celestrial, one of the names in the full name of my Altergo. Next on the list will be the real Gothic Lolita Dress and that'll be Ameleah (not sure why I choose the name but it's sound innocent & sweet and yet has a dark past). Photos will comes later (and I still haven't save and .jpeg the previous ones -__- )
2) The Cosplay Outing Rocks! Will talk later today or tomolo.
3) PotC Kicked Ass! ^__^ Want to go for 2nd Round. And thanks to Kurama, the 5 (Himi went out first) stayed back after the Credits and saw the little post-movie sneak preview (the monkey started the curse again! @__@ ). Oh, it's pretty comfortable sitting on the carpeted stairs while watching PotC! -__^
4) Tomolo will send Celebro to Kallang Way. Will have to bring some Cash.
5) Symbolic Cage contain anything with Wings except Birds. Butterfly is the usual item (thanks to Himi for the info! ^__^ )
6) I love my United Cutlery Witchking Sword. I will love my Elven Warrior Sword even more when I get it. -__^
7) FACT: I gonna be "broke" developing 3 films of cosplay photos. >__<

Off to hit the bed.

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Finish 2 Gothic Lolita Headdresses . . .
Now got to take out the Black Skirt, White Wig and Lace Gloves and add more press-studs/snaps to the Black GL-like Blouse. Oh! Also to look out the Plastic Globe to lend to Himi.

Okay, back to work! ^__^

Monday, September 08, 2003

I Didn't Buy It . . .
That Gothic Lolita Skirt from People's Park Shopping Centre. The shop where I originally saw it was closed so I went to another. But she only got Size M (at SGD33) and insisted it's too small for me (it was fitting IMHO). o__O Malas nak layan so I went downstairs and saw another type that can fit the bill but it cost SGD39.90. Out of my Budget so I gotten no skirt today. Will use that Black Knit Fabric Skirt I got in my Wardrobe or my Black Suit Pants.

So off to Arab Street after that and gotten some Purple Roses Trimming and Blue Roses with Green "Leaves" for my GL Headdresses. Next, went to my usual Chinese Cloth shop and finally gotten more of that Wool Fabric for some Fellowship Cloaks. Cost me SGD108 (SGD6/yard) -__- and the whole bolt is actually only 18yards so can only make about 4 Fellowship Cloaks. Hmmm, one for Boromir, one for me, one probably for Sam and another to keep or sell off.

Later, I dropped by Arts Friend and gotten more Aluminium Sheets plus White & Blue Face paints. I also gotten the Aug 2002 issue of CLEO at the 2nd Hand Books Store and SW Insider Issue 69 (okay, I had missed 2 issues of SW Insider now -__- ). Ya, the Aug 2002 issue of CLEO is the one that got photo of me and gang at Zouk for AOTC Launching and they MISLABELLED our names! >__<

Also jot down the proper address of SAGA City while at Bras Basah Complex before heading home.

Okay, off to start on my GL Headdress now. If I can finish it tonite, then I'm free tomolo to send Celebro to Kallang Way.

Oh, do u know that if I add "S" to Celebro, it become Celebros which means "Silver Foam" or "Silver Rain" in Elvish; a stream in Brethil falling down to Teiglin near the Crossing according to The Silmarillion? LOL! ^__^

Sunday, September 07, 2003

My Face As Oily As Kuali . . .
Frankly, I haven't been washing my face regulary these past few weeks. >__< A bit more pimples are poping up and I dread it (for the obvious reason sometimes I tend to scratch it off!). Anyhow, my facial washer is finishing up so I got to get a new tube soon. The problem is, 1 tube cost almost SGD10 and I also thot of getting the Toner which is another SGD12+. O__O Must also remember to get that Woman magazine (forget title but it's thick) for the Free Facial Mask. Hmm, know something, buying 5 of that magazine (SGD25) to get 5 tubes of the facial masks is cheaper than buy a box of the facial mask (SGD30?). Ya, but what am I gonna do with 5 of that magazine; it's not some SW or LOTR or The Matrix or X-Men blah blah that I can easily sell off online or something. -__- And although I technically got a new source of money, I CANNOT use it anyhow and only for importan stuffs that I need. Special Beauty Products can wait but stuffs I need can't.

And that brings me to the next issue: I finally gonna get Celebro fixed. Planned to send it to Kallang Way last Thurs after I help Aisyah at her workshop but Mak got Tummyache. O__O Thot of on Fri but Mak got a terrible Backache. O__O Sat and Sun Morning was spent at Cik Normah & Pakcik Muslimat house for their son's Wedding while Sun afternoon, there was kenduri at home. >__< Later today seems like a good time BUT I need to rush to Chinatown to get that Gothic Lolita-like Skirt (see Clefairies flying out of my Wallet), then to Arab Street to get some decorative Flowers for my Gothic Lolita Headdress. Hai . . . if I can finish my GL costume by today nite, I'll send Celebro for fixing on Tues; if not, Thur or Fri or next week (I WANT TO CONTINUE DOING MY WEBSITES!!!!)

This Wed, I'll be going with Himi, Lizzy, Parish and others for a little Original Cosplay. Am doing Gothic Lolita cause I'm itching to do it again. Have decide to wear that Black GL-like Shirt my sis gotten for me, that skirt from Chinatown, White Wig (from my Sevothtarte Costume), Headdress, Lace Gloves, Black Pantyhose and Mary Janes, Blue Face Paint as Lipstick and a buncha blue roses from my Poly Diner & Dance last time. Hope I'll look better this time compared to the previous one. For the Headdress, got a basic idea what to do (Base Cloth Silky Satin, 2" by 12" with White Laces and Center Ribbon) and will sew it later today.

Oh! Forget to mention; I finished the base of my Gothic Lolita Veil on Sat Evening so now only need to cut the netting to be more oval-like or somthing and add lots of purple flowers around the headband. Will wear it with the GL dress I'm planning to be done with my Vanilla Costume. But I may also need to get a Black Lycra Tights/Leggings if I can afford it but then again, I should spend the money on a White one instead for my Vanilla Costume. I can always just wear a Black Pantyhose. -__^

Okay, off now to do some stuffs as usual.

Thursday, September 04, 2003

My Condolosences . . . .
To Hassan on the passing of his father.

"September 1, 2003

Journal, my Dad passed away yesterday Sun 31 Aug at Johor. Last i saw him was abt 20 yrs ago. May be its fated that he's to be buried in Singapore. So that i can glance and his face for the last time.

If I had known earlier, I'll have pass my condolesences earlier but guess I didn't. I can see that you're not close to him and hasn't seen him in many decades but still, blood is thicker than water and the bond can't be broken.

Like I always tell myself when my mom passed away 4 years ago (Sept 11), maybe it's better this way. We were like the worst enemies (blame it on our Chinese Horoscope; Monkey can't stand Tiger especially if separated by many decades) but after she's gone, I seems to appreciate her more. Wish I had known her better but I didn't get to. -__-

Well, life got to go on . . .
IKEA Catalog Is Here
Saw a buncha plastic boxes that I can get to fill with the cloths I have so that the pile will be accessable more easily and won't topple every few weeks. Will make the trip to IKEA as soon as I can find the time (next week onways probably). The TROFAST Storage Boxes and SLUGIS Storage Boxes seems to be TheOne within my budget, especially that I'm using TROFAST Storage Boxes to store some magazines, comics and beaded laces under my bed now.

Well, can't wait to make the trip to IKEA so I can better store my stuffs and fully utilized the space under my bed. -__^

Which LOTR man were you stalking? by LadyBella
Name (user or otherwise):
Who you were stalking:Craig Parker
Purpose:You don’t really want him – you want his best friend.
Result:Bumped into him when you weren’t prepared for it.
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Heheheeee, yes I WANT Haldir; he's soooo like me but Craig will also do the job since I can't get Ray Park. -__- Oh no! I feel the temptation to take up the challange Pin gave me when I first met her; do a Haldir Costumes! O__O

Lotrboy Dating Service by dreaminaway
Favorite Number
Your DateDom AND Billy (package deal!)
Date activitySky diving
Future of relationshipBecome Hollywood Power Couple
Created with quill18's MemeGen!


Okay, got to go now. My room really need to get tidy up cause I can't forever do ballet to move around in it! -__-

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Okay, What Got Into Me? @__@
3 days of no Blog writing. I didn't even comment on the Quizes Results I gotten. Am becoming a lazy bum I am! >__<

Anyhow, the report for the past 3 days *again*

Sat 30th Aug
Went to MAC Monthly screening. Came late at about 4pm and those there were playing Prince of Tennis Game. Met Sean, Sarah, Joash, Andy, Sakana, Sentinel and a lot more whom I can't remember their names. Thot of staying for awhile only, just to show face and pay Sakana for the Comic Fiesta 2003 Catalog but ended up staying till the end. @__@ Also probe Sean, Joash, Sentinel and Andy about this Liang Court Cosplay Competition. Didn't get the full story but from what I heard, I don't like it.

Anyhow, I went home with this 14 year old gal called Toshiya or something. Boy! She is IRRITATING. Keep asking me for my age when I told her I won't tell. Gave all kind of childish threats if I don't tell her my age like pulling down my pants lah (stupid! never notice I wore my belt tightly and if it had been longer, I'll joyly wind it like Aragorn, Gandalf and the Ringwraiths did. And I am wearing bicycle tights inside so I can easily strip off my pant there and there without being indecent!). Worse part is, I was busy absorbing all the things the 3 news pictures from The Matrix Revolution was showing about Neo's Coat when she keep pestering me. Just ignore here in the MRT.

After that, I dropped at Orchard to check out if Borders have Unfinished Tales (want a good hardcover version) or The History Of Middle-Earth Book 1. Wanted to get them so I have something interesting to read while in the bus on the way to Malacca the next day BUT neither were there. -__- And if I use the pricetag of the other Tolkien Hardcover books as a bench mark, a Hardcover of Unfinished Tales will cost me SGD36 at least. @__@ Maybe I should just get the Soft cover ones.


Sun 31st Aug

Went to Malacca for Nek Yot's daughter's wedding. Went by Gunung Raya Coach (but the bus itself is another company) at 8.30am and the coach was quite empty. Arrived later than expected at around 1.30pm cause there was a traffic jam in Bandar Malacca due to the Medeka Celebration (aka lots of cars on the road, lots of people etc) and the bus got to drop off some of the passangers at this hotel. Anyhow, for the first time I saw St Paul's Church etc (those Red Buildings builded by the Dutch) and a buncha other Malacca attractions. One day, I really want to visit them all. -__^

At the Wedding, Mak met a lot of the kampung folks; people whom she had not seen for decades even. And mulalah bonkar a lots of old stuffs that each of them had went through. @__@ Hai . . . .I listen and absorbed all of them as usual and too lazy to talk about them here (there was a LOT!). The Bride and Groom later send us back to Bandar Malacca at 6pm and it was lucky we set out early cause we ended up arriving at 6.45pm.

Later, went home by the 8pm bus of Johara Express; my favourite when coming back from Malacca due to its regularity (there are buses to Singapore and Johor at almost every hour). Frankly, I really wonder why I don't mind sitting in the bus for 4 hours when they are a lot smaller than what Super VIP buses got to offer. Anyhow, the trip out of Bandar Malacca was relative faster than expected. Or else I felt it that way cause the moment it's 500m away from the Bus Terminal, I fall asleep! O__O

Before I left, I dropped by that shopping centre near the bus terminal and visited the VCDs-Music Stores. Spend almost an hour deciding what to buy. In the end, ended up buying Malaysian LOTR: The Two Tower VCDs. Cost me RM22.90 only (and that's cheaper than Singapore's) and when I opened it in the bus, was happy to discover it worth every cent, shun for the presence of Chinese and Malay Subtitles. Gotten a Gollum Plastic Coaster, a booklet containing some infos about the various races seens in TTT (but they forget the Haradrim! @__@ ), a Starbuck Voucher and a Voucher to claim ROTK Teaser Poster while stocks last. Not bad for something as cheap as that.

Arrive in Singapore at about 12.30pm and took a taxi home. On arriving home, found out Ayah did give some expenses money but Mak forget to take it! @__@

Mon 1st Sept

Went out with Aisyah and her little sis to Arab Street. Gotten some Netting for both my CanCan and for my future GL Veil. Also finally gotten this bird cage which is a LOT nicer than the one I almost bought previously (this one is more like a real classic birdcage and painted bronze while the previous one is just a buncha silver wires formed into a birdcage). Bargain a bit and gotten it for SGD20. Now, I'm wondering what I'm suppose to put inside like what a Symbolic Cage suppose to be according to Gothic Lolita terms. Maybe I'll just chuck Clefairy inside. -__^

Later, went to eat at Raffles Hospital Cafeteria as usual. Had Fishball soup with Wanton Noodles and it was nice as usual. Should had asked for more Chilli Padi. ^__^

Anyhow, the trip to my usual Chinese Cloths Shop got me thinking about wherther I should get that Greyish Wool Fabric. The whole bolt was 18m and I can make about 7 Fellowship Cloaks with it (currently need 3; 1 for Kheldar's Boromir, 1 for Parish and 1 for myself). I accidentally said it was sold to me for SGD6/m and they guy said he can give me SGD5/m the least (I actually bought it for SGD8/m the other day).
18m x SGD5 = SGD90
That is a LOT of money still and I hate to withdraw too much from my new source of money. Wait later I'll take ages to repay it. And I still need to get Celebro repaired which will surely cost a few hundreds. >__< And the cloth pile in my room is getting taller and taller.

Hai . . . must really wean myself off the internet and going out for awhile so I can do the Ringwraith Robes, my Myrtle Robe mock ups and actual, my Lothlorien March Warden Cloak, fellowship cloaks and also Kheldar's Boromir Costume. And yes, send my GL and Vanilla Dresses to the seamstress.

Adoi! So much to complete and so little money and time to spare. -__-

Just don't go looking for me if tomolo onwards I don't post much anymore.

Okay, off to bed now.