The Bitterness Of Mortality Is Mine 2 Endure. . .

I Choose A Mortal Life For You, Estel . . . . For Now . . . And For Eternity . . .

Monday, February 28, 2005

Star Wars Exhibition In Japan....
Asked someone over at the English Board of the 501st Japanese Garrison for a lead on where the next location of the The Science and Art of Star Wars Exhibition will be in Japan and got this reply

Next Exhibition's information is here.
(Sorry, in japanese)

De La Fantasia
(Sorry, in japanese)

Place: EXPO 2005 Sasashima satellite site "De La Fantasia", Sasashima Museum (The City of Nagoya)
Time: March, 18, 2005 - June, 26, 2005

I heard a rumour about after next exhibition at Sapporo. But It seems to decide no details.
So after June, it's going back to USA to be add on and then sent to here? -__^ I heard the Cafe Rock uncle saying it'll be late Oct while Ross was quoting around Nov.

Okay, when are they going to sign the contract so the dates can be confirmed and the BIG announcement made? @__@
The News Is Getting Out.....
Was surfing through sg_starwars Mailing List when I saw Adam posting this message:

Dear all, I have been contacted by one organisation in Singapore as they are considering bringing Star Wars exhibits end of this year 2005.

Just need to know if any of you might be interested so that I can update you when I have more news...

I will just make this info known to a selected few till I have attended their meetings and when things are more confirmed..

Might pull some of you guys into the meeting also..

Yoda Adam

P.S. pls dun be offended if you are not in the group...thanks.
Oh great.....who contacted him? @__@ Not Jane as she knows I'm the so-called in charge of SW FanForce around here and she did SMS me last Fri asking me to call her up to ask about something about the SW FanForce. If they had asked Yu-Ann, she would had mentioned my name as she's also a member of the FanForce. Well, the mystery will get solve soon....

Anyhow, I gave Jane a call today since don't want to disturb her at home during the weekend and too late to call her when I got her SMS last Fri. She asked me if I'm in charge of any SW FanForce here and told her that I'm the City Rep of the one at TFN JC, and got connections to the other known places of SW FanForce. Then got to Ross and he said that tho' the Contract hasn't been signed, they had received a Memo stating that the Exhibition is very likely to come here so it's considered as almost confirmed to the SSC. -__^

Am I ready to spread the news? Nah! Will wait till after I had met Anna who's in charge of this project. I had only told Reno about it as he has to know since he's in contact with 20th Century Fox.

Xeno, if you're reading this, remember:

Saturday, February 26, 2005

I Can Almost Lick Them With Passion Rite Now.....
Received a newsletter from Simply Toys and guess what they gonna bring in soon. -__^

Helm of the Mouth of Sauron

Helm of the Mouth of Sauron
Code: DSS9531
S$59.90 / MEMBER'S PRICE: S$54

War Mask of the Morgul Lord

War Mask of the Morgul Lord


Will reserve mine tomolo I think or when I get my Pay next month. Only 30% Deposit per item so that mean SGD45 altogether, and getting the helmet some time much later this year, after I had worked for the NJRC and got more money. -__^

Heehee, maybe I'll do MoS Costume/Armor after all, eh? He's sooooooooo gorgeous like the Witchking. -__^ Well, poor Anarien almost get hooked with the WK but well, both got Cold Feet and then the Sauron came along with his stupid war. =__=

Thursday, February 24, 2005

These Goes Another Year......
Yub! Yours Truly strike the Quater Century Age today. =__= And still no Degree or Good Personal Saving or even someone else to love other than my Kids.

So what do I wish for?
  • 12" Ringwraith Posable Action Figure
  • 12" Vader vs Maul Posable Action Figure
  • 12" Darth Maul on his Bike
  • MR Darth Maul Lightsabre or Kropserkel Break-Apart Darth Maul Lightsabre
  • UC High Elven Helmet
  • Gil-Galad Crown
Of course, you can always sponsor my trip to Sydney next month to meet the boys again and maybe Galadriel or Elrond will give me Toto or 4-D no. -__^ Not much, only SGD2,000 max and I bet I still got SGD500-750 to spare after that. -__^

Oh! Must choose a nice costume to wear for that SGD58 Makeover at Glamour Shots within a month of today; courtesy of my monthly contribution to NKF.

Ps: Cool link to do a Boot Cover here.
Ghetto SW Costumes Days....
And I wish I can go back to those days but it's not worth it nowadays as
1) I have better sewing & props making skills than 6 years ago
2) Quality of SW Costumes in Singapore is improving and we've been seeing more serious costumers emerging from the darkness. So kinda stupid for a well-respecated person like me to have a Ghetto Costume rite?

Anyhow, I'm say this cause was reading through this old thread I posted over the TFN JC Singapore FanForce a LONG, LONG, Time ago when everyone was kinda happy with each other....

Now, 6 years down the road since I'm into SW Costuming, I will either have the Costume WELL-DONE or not do the costume AT ALL, rather at the speed of my liking rather than 1-night affair (unless the costume IS indeed can be done in 1 night which isn't impossible if you got all the materials needed at hand) Rather praises and humble, rather than critics on how HORRIBLE my costumes looked like in Real Life. =__= I don't cosplay how most of the local cosplayers cosplay; I do COSTUMING which means making the costumes not only as accurate as possible but like making a clothes you're going to wear for a long time/durable! And the World is my judge; not Singapore's Public only. -__^

Okay, got to undo the seams on my Singapore Jedi Padawan Gi and finish cutting the pattern for the Arwen Blood Red Gown....

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Forget To Say....AGAIN! @__@
I can now wear a Male Mark & Spencer Pants of Waist 34". \/^__^ Not bad eh as I used to wear a 38" one. And now, should my sis ever buy me any more pants, well, it's gonna be 2-3 sizes too big as I think my Female Mark & Spencer Size is 14 or 16, and NOT 20.

Anyhow, since the last time she bought me pants, it had ALWAYS been too big for my waist. When I told her that, she keep insisting that it's cool to wear the pants on the hip. o__O The last few I wore, I can frankly just pull it down with my Shirt tucked-in and the button and zip still close, other than can't survive without my belt or some safety pins to tighten the waist. And I HATE pants without pockets which majority of the pants she gotten for me is like. There goes all the pants she had gotten for me, and I haven't worn.

Now to reduce my waist further to 32" which is the biggest size for a Female Pants at most place =__= and hip to 36-38"(Current is about 40-43? o__O ).

Okay, Clefairy....where did you hide my Tummy Slimming Pills? @__@

Ps: Got to go to Jurong Point or maybe just drop by Joo Chiat Complex after the Cloths Hunting today to refurnish my supply of Majakani Dietin Jamu and Kapsul Rampin. The first had totally ran out while I can't find the bottle of the later. @__@
Pss: My joints still aches since 2 days ago. Maybe due to a flu developing as I had watery nose too until I started eating Clarinase 2 days ago. Hope I don't get sick as I need to do my costumes. =__=
Costumes I Have To Pay Attention....
If these are indeed the ones coming with the exhibition. -__^

1. Imperial Royal Guard
- DMC Color Code Cloak, Robe & Helmet
- Basic design of Cloak, Robe
- Photos Helmet, Cloak, Seams, Underrobe, Forcepike top to bottom

2. Imperial Officer
- DMC Color Code uniform
- Photos

3. AOTC Padme Senate Gown
- Color Code all different parts
- Width of pattern on Overcoat, Beads, Pattern
- Photos of all different parts against a mm ruler

4. Corde Gown (Before & After)

5. Darth Maul Garb
- Color Code all different parts
- Measurements of all parts, especially width of pleats
- Where the Pleats on the Cloak start from
- Photos, inside out

6. Sabe Escape From Naboo Gown
- Size of triangular panels on Overcoat
- No. of feathers on headdress
- Size of each Amidala Emblems
- Sizing, Color Coding etc
- Photos...lots of photos
Notes From J.K.Rowling...

I gave Harry a wand made of holly wood back in 1990, when I first drafted chapter six of ‘Philosopher’s Stone’. It was not an arbitrary decision: holly has certain connotations that were perfect for Harry, particularly when contrasted with the traditional associations of yew, from which Voldemort’s wand is made. European tradition has it that the holly tree (the name comes from ‘holy’) repels evil, while yew, which can achieve astonishing longevity (there are British yew trees over two thousand years old), can symbolise both death and resurrection; the sap is also poisonous.

Some time after I had given Harry his holly-and-phoenix wand I came across a description of how the Celts had assigned trees to different parts of the year and discovered that, entirely by coincidence, I had assigned Harry the ‘correct’ wood for his day of birth. I therefore decided to give Ron and Hermione Celtic wand woods, too. Ron, who was born in the February 18 - March 17 period, was given an ash wand (I think I had originally marked him down for beech), and Hermione, who was born between September 2 and September 29, received a vine wood wand (I can’t remember what I originally stipulated for Hermione; possibly I had not specified a wood for her at that stage).

I have only used the Celtic assignations for Ron and Hermione. Hagrid, for instance, has an oak wand though by this Celtic system he should have a wand made of elder; in Britain, the oak is ‘King of the Forest’ and symbolises strength, protection and fecundity; what other wood could ‘choose’ Hagrid? In any case, I liked having a hidden connection between Harry, Ron and Hermione’s wands that only I knew about (until now, anyway).

For those who are interested in the trees assigned to the different parts of the Celtic year, below is the chart that I used. I apologise to any Celtic tree experts out there for any inaccuracies I may have reproduced (I have found slight variations between sources since I first came across this information.)

December 24 - January 20 = Birch (Beth)
January 21 - February 17 = Rowan (Luis)
February 18 - March 17 = Ash (Nion)
March 18 - April 14 = Alder (Fearn)
April 15 - May 12 = Willow (Saille)
May 13 - June 9 = Hawthorn (Huath)
June 10 - July 7 = Oak (Duir)
July 8 - August 4 = Holly (Tinne)
August 5 - September 1 = Hazel (Coll)
September 2 - September 29 = Vine (Muin)
September 30 - October 27 = Ivy (Gort)
October 28 - November 24 = Reed (Ngetal)
November 25 - December 23 = Elder (Ruis)

Monday, February 21, 2005

Real Name, Meetup & Anything Else.....
For a start, Greenleaf/Taiwanese Legolas real name is Yu-chia; found that out from the Taiwanese Tolkien Society E-Mailing List. -__^ And as I think I already know, her English may not be so good as she reply in Chinese in her e-mail.

The SW/LOTR Meetup yesterday turned out good and as usual, I FORGET to take a group photo of those who came or our meetup in progress. =__= Only took photos of Padme & Maul about to kiss each other and Fiona hanging Edward's (FMA) watch in front of somebody. Got to meet with Reno and his friend plus the other cousin and only got to know a bit more things about the ROTS Charity Premiere as he's only going to meet the Fox people tomorrow. Okay, being a responsible leader I'm suppose to be, am letting him handle it as he have more experiences.

Anyhow, I felt a little bad for not getting to talk more with Derrick & Ted as they arrived late. By the time they arrived, we had gone into talking Cock again and there isn't seats along our row for them to join us. Later when there is seats after Hassan & Reno left, they only got a couple of minutes to spare and I have to quickly explain what Reno had told us. Didn't even get to chance to talk to Ted properly or hinted about a Handover, probably after ROTS Premiere. Then again, like Xeno (right? o__O ), if I step down, it'll open the channel for that MORON JediGenX to become Vice-City Rep. Hai...currently, I'm starting to do the Secretary work since Jeanette is busy with work. Gonna start an announcement asking everyone to PM me their personal information again, ready for a Handover should it ever happen. =__=

Other than that, repeating what I posted (but haven't finish) at my Haldir's Elven Archer Blog, here's the list of Star Wars costumes I need to do this year and those I'll love to try to do by this year. Remember, I need a LOT of costumes by end of Oct for that Exhibition coming to Singapore and maybe even the Roadshow if they gonna do one again and I work for it before I got hooked up working as Condition Reporter cum Displayer cum Guide Book Writer/Editor at the Exhibition itself. -__^
  1. TPM Sabe Royal Decoy/Escape From Naboo Gown
  2. TPM Padme Naberrie Tatooine Peasent Outfit
  3. Singapore Jedi Padawan
  4. TPM Maroon Handmaid Coruscant Cloak
  5. Darth Prion
  6. Prequel Jedi Knight/Padawan aka Padawan Si-Addien
  7. NJO Jedi Knight/NJO Si-Addien
  8. ROTJ Tatooine Luke
  9. ROTS Padme Green Cloak
  10. Imperial Officer

Hmm...wonder if I can add some more like the Singapore Jedi Master Costume (design still pending) or ANH Leia Manga (her skirt is hip hugging and the shirt I'm suppose to use is starting to turn yellow) or AOTC Padme White Battlesuit Ver. 2.0 (must I do the t-shirt myself and it suppose to be fitting and slightly tight?) or IRG Version 2.0 (Velvet is limited in amount & not sure if I can match it to the Krylon Fire Engine Red Color) or Darth Sidious (accyracy freak in me said must get something like wool o__O ) or Rebel Pilot (NO HELMET! @__@) or TIE Fighter Pilot or even a BIKER SCOUT ARMOR & ZAM WESELL ARMOR! O__O

Okay, got to work on finishing what I had half-way done FIRST before adding newer ones or time-consuming one. And MUST get myself used to making gowns that is actually my size; need it for Sabe, Galadriel, Eowyn and Arwen Gowns! @__@

For a start, must dump all the cloths downstair again, pack and label those not required yet and start making costumes again.....

Ps: Completed watching my ROTK EE Disk 3 & 4 (or 5 & 6 according to the label) and maybe I am ready to lend it to Sharm. But I worried when I gonna get it back and if it's gonna survived. Lending my Elder Bro almost got it spoil and now a friend? 0__O When I said I do take care of my stuffs, in reality I DO take care of them. Hey! At least the Swords are sharing the other half of my Bed with my Kids rather than dunk somewhere under the bed, un covered or something. -__^

Pss: Cried in certain documentaries as it's the end or it's due to the Tribute to the Cameron guy who was so talented and yet taken away from this world by Cancer. Can't believe that he look at Death in the face till the end. Wish I can do that but I've yet too many things to fulfil, especially the religion part. =__=

Saturday, February 19, 2005

I Am Not Stupid Or Gulible....
The truth is, I'm always broke! =__=

Why am I suddenly saying this? Well, yesterday, I went to Singapore Cosplay Club Party at Golden Landmark Hotel out of obligation and to support the club as they appreciate ALL types of Cosplay/Costuming. It was good but I felt a little lonely as there is so many people I don't know OR don't like (Eg: Those MORONS who true to what Himi said, are simply only doing JRock Cosplay nowadays). Anyhow, familiar faces made my day. -__^

So in came Andy trying to sell me his "project" AGAIN. @__@ He showed me his Check of SGD800+ that he said he earned in just 3 days. He explained a bit to me and it kinda sounded like some Pyramid Scheme. Invest SGD2,000 and you'll get 20% at least at the end of the year blah blah....Well, sound too good to be true and too sketchy BUT the problem is, he asked the WRONG person to try out that scheme cause.....


Everyday is a "struggle" to save up a little so I have some cash still in my bank or money to spend on my next costume or collectible. Even when I got a job, by the time it's a week or so so before Payday, I barely got SGD20 or less in my Bank Account. When I received my pay, off it goes to pay my EzLink Card (SGD100+), POD Top-Up Card for Handphone, Breakfast, Lunches & Dinner, my next costume or cloth, me & my Grandma Multi-Vitamine ESPECIALLY that expensive Gingko Biloba Pills or even my next LOTR Collectible. Then 10 days later when I get the Marketing Money, it again get spent on my Breakfasts, Lunches & Dinner, Food for the kitchen and donno what else. @__@ Now that I had stopped working....well, another HARDER struggle for me. =__=

So where in the world I got the money to invest in something that not even of any benefit to me when I can BARELY support myself each month? o__O

If I got SGD2,000 rite now, I'll immediately reserve my Airplane and Hotel cum LOTR Exhibition tickets rite now for my Trip to Sydney next month....

Okay, I really must talk to my dad and get my other Bank Book from him and borrow the money for my trip to Australia. Frankly, I just need SGD1,000 for the Airplane, Hotel & Exhibition Tickets with rest for food & drinks and surely BARELY SGD500 (or even SGD200) for sourvinors as I can be such a stingy person (well, there is only 3 people in this house: Me, my younger brother and my grandmother).

Guess my Pay for this March 15th-18, NJRC and that exhibition from Oct to ?? will go towards paying my debt to my other bank account and the other account I'm already owning money to so.......

Ps: My birthday on Feb 25th and I can use some Cash or something to complete my SW/LOTR Collections. Remember, I love Darth Vader, Darth Maul, Ringwraiths (especially Twilight Witchking) and Mouth of Sauron, and have a lot of items related to them release after Dec 2002 so check with me first. Oh! Haldir (Brother) and Gil-Galad (Daddy) will also do the job but I got both Action Figures. Hmmm....maybe just make me some costumes for my 12" Maul and his Girlfriend, Padme Naberries Buddies.
Pss: Yuanie or was it Maria's birthday is 23th or 24th of Feb? o__O

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Thee Shalt Not Look....NO! DON'T LOOK!!! @__@

Yes, Spoiler photos from Revenge of the Sith can be found here:

Apt Irrelevance

Arrrhhhh!!! What the *toot* did Lucas change this time? @__@

Ps: Will try to stick to doing ONLY Padme Green Robe from ROTS. Will see how much I can resist.....

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

NO! It Can't Be!!! @__@
The High Elven aka Prologue Elven Warrior Helmet is OUT! O__O

High Elven Helm


But I wonder how much it gonna cost by the time it reached Singapore.......

EDIT: Called up Simply Toys and they quoted SGD800+ to 900 which is 2 months' salary after deducting Lunch Money and Transportation Cost. >__< Adoi! That is something I can't afford rite now with me having all my future pay going towards repaying account and my trip to the Sydney LOTR Exhibition Trip.

But BladesByBrown is gonna sell it for USD229.95 (SGD377.463) before shipping and I had sent an e-mail asking for a shipping cost quote. The only problem here if I DO order from BladesByBrown is that must pay the full cost by Money Order so no asking Jean to help me pay for it first using Credit Card and I repay her in monthly or something installments. =__=

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Ninja Power Rangers Anyone? -__^
Okay, I did mentioned this to Xeno and Fiona and Yazid etc the last time we met for the Dec(?) Meetup:

Why not we one day do a Power Rangers: The Movie costume? -__^ Of all the Power Ranger costumes, with the exceptional of the armor, I love the Ninja Suit from the movie the most. The Series one is nice too but it's a lot more covering and I may have more trouble looking for reference photos or screencaps of it. =__= Frankly, I really want to do it one day, tho' I'm divided between wanting to do Aisha Campbell (Yellow Ranger) or Billy Cranston (Blue Ranger). Not interested in doing Kimberly Hart (Pink Ranger) as I find her to be very weak, so unlike my character who try to be the stronger one. Think Fiona want to do Tommy Oliver (White Ranger)? -__^

Well, doing the costume shouldn't be a problem or cost much as most of the fabrics are Cotton Drill or Cotton Polyester with a little Vinyl for the Headband etc, and maybe for the Crest can either THROW it at Xeno to do -__^ or just go the "Julia" way of printing out the picture on photo paper and then add 3D paint for texture.

But what I not sure of is the time to do it, reasons for doing it and wherther to complete the team of 6 or not. =__= We don't have Halloween here in Singapore while Cosplay Events seems to be not so open compared to US Cons like DragonCon or DC ComicCon or GenCon or even if the local cosplayers will pay a shit for us who still love the older action series or cartoon. Anyhow, there isn't tat much major cosplay events around anyway, with only CosFest and EOY Cosplay confirmed every year.

And personally, I do like the first few seasons of The Mighty Morphing Power Rangers, up to before the Turbo Movie/Season, inclusive of the Ninja Season (the one that kinda follow up to the movie tho' wasn't fully connected in storyline to it o__O ). After that, probably due to me missing most of the episodes or sense of childishness had decrease, I find that MMPR had gone cheezy or lame. Favourite comments these days about the Power Ranger is "Aiyoh! Still around leh? When they suppose to end? @__@ "

That comes down to the thinking on why whenever certain Action Series get Americanize, it became cheezy and lame with Masked Rider being a very good example. Missed the solid storyline behind Black Masked Rider or Maskman that was shown on RTM1 a long time ago and hated that they didn't continue it. =__=

Okay, back to the MMPR Ninja Suit. Maybe one day I'll do it...BUT not before I settle most of my SW, LOTR and Harry Potter costumes as they are required for various events this year so must do. Maybe one day, out of boredom I'll do that Ninja Suit...who know! -__^

Monday, February 07, 2005

Concerts for Children: El Zello & the Enchanting Orchestra! (SSO) Concert
Just want to say that I'll be going to the Concerts for Children: El Zello & the Enchanting Orchestra! (SSO) Concert this April 1st, 8.30pm

I'll be seated at Row K Seat 18, Stall which isn't too near or too far from the stage. The person selling the ticket did offered me the Circle Seats on the upper level but since I know I'm kinda blind (and will be worse that day), choose to have the lower Stall seats tho' I requested to be slightly further from the stage. It's on the last row of seats for the whole group of seats located rite in front of the stage.

Gonna be PoA Hermione and maybe I can win the top prize! LOL! As tho' they allowed adults to enter the contest. Will be wearing my Blue Contact Lenses for it, and it'll probably be the other brand one as am saving the other set of my current brand for later. Green will be for during the SW Costumes/ROTS Premieres Period as my character has Green eyes (or rather one eye was Green, the other Misty/Whitish). I actually want to do a Slytherin PoA Female Student but realized that the kids attending the concert will know nuts who I am so make as well do someone they are familiar with like Hermione. Anyhow, I already got a PoA Gryffindor School Tie and the basic school uniform isn't that different between each house of students. -__^

List of items to make or buy:
  1. 2 Pleat Skirt (making probably)
  2. Gryffindor PoA Patch (am ordering soon)
  3. Maroon Cloth for School Robe
  4. Black Cloth for School Robe
  5. Charcoal Black/Grey Sweater
  6. Black Stockings/Pantyhoose
  7. Wig like Hermione's Hair in PoA
  8. Monster Book or a buncha other books in a small backpack.
  9. Hermione PoA Wand (if I got the time to make it from chopstick & Sculpey and that means bring back that Baby Berling from my Sister's House)
Things I already have at hand:
  • PoA Gryffindor Tie
  • White Long Sleeves Shirt
  • Wand

Wish me luck! ^__^

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
I had been intending to post this since the article came out a week so so ago. =__=

...CFS is recognized medical condition and is used to describe a cluster of symptoms-including sudden onset of disabling tiredness, loss of concentration and short-term memory, sleep distrubances, muscle pain and headaches. In some cases, it can last for years. Researchers believe that the condition, which is also associated with fibromyalgie (illness characterissed by widespread muscle pain and fatigue), is the result of a nervous system thrown out of sync by a combination of factors like stress, sleep disturbances and illness.

While there are no local statistics on the number of people affected by it, CFS is said to affect up to 4 per cent of the population in the United States and Europe. Current data also suggests CFS is more common among women. However, no single cause has been pinpointed....

Why CFS is of concern to me. Well, a few weeks ago, some people on the LOTR_Costume ML mentioned it and I was wondering WHAT in the world is it. They were saying about getting tired easily and having to go on medication.

More infos in case any of this Blog readers think they are suffering from it:

  • Unexplained fatigue
  • Great reduction in levels of occupational, educational, social or personal
  • Problems with short-term memory or concentration
  • Sore throat
  • Tender lymph nodes
  • Muscle pain
  • Multi-joint pain without swelling or redness
  • Headaches of a new type, pattern or severity
  • Unrefreshing sleep and
  • Post-exertional malaise lasting more than 24 hours.

These symptoms must have persisted or recurred during six or more consecutive months of illness and must not have predated the fatigue.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Got My Pay And Yet Going Broke....
Got my pay a few days ago and yet at the rate I'm spending and still have to spend, am going broke very soon. =__=

Okay for a start, I spent on the following items, prices included where I remember:
- Contact Lenses & remaing amount = $18
- Hellsing Ultimate Fan Guide
- Concerts for Children – El Zello & the Enchanting Orchestra! = $38
- EzLink Top-up = $40 (plus $10 from last month's)
- Contact Lenses Solution = $15
- Carrefour
- Forks, Soup Spoon & Butter/Steak Knife $5
- Mark & Spencer Trousers Shaper $8
- My bro's School Uniform & Stockings $42
- Lai San's Farewell Gift & Taxi = $14
- Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Ect ect ect......

Stuffs still to pay for:
- Spectacles & remaining amount
- Gil-Galad's Bust
- Shorts for Pakcik Siman (why can't his siblings get it for him instead of asking his mom, my grandma to buy 10 pieces every year? @__@ )
- Another set of my bro's uniform
- Blue & White Cloths for my Hana from Fruits Basket Costume
- Harry Potter Patches
- LOTR Doujimshi
- My trip to Sydnet = $2,500

Problems man! >__<

Oh! Thanks to Clare for this lead concerning Hellsing
Hello this has been on my mind for days and i just can't find anything to confirm anything. This involves a second season or movie of hellsing. First off what is the trailer type video for Psalm of Darkness? I was also searching about it and found a website that seemed to have information on a second season but it didn't have any sources. I really just want to know about that trailer thing cause ppl are talking about it more and i just don't know what to think. Thanks for your time

Please, for the last time, there isn’t a second season of Hellsing. As much as everyone would kill to see it, Kouta Hirano (the mangaka for Hellsing) wants to finish the manga before they produce a second season of Hellsing. The ‘Psalm of Darkness’ is a music video/season 1 promotion for the first series of Hellsing. People try to pass it off as the promo for a second season since Captain Hermes, leader of the Millennium Nazi Organization, makes a brief appearance at the end of this clip. Trust me, the moment that a second season is made official, you’ll see it on the front page of ANN and in the Encyclopedia under "H".
Hope it'll come true soon. Then again, I also wish ChungYi will also do Hellsing Manga in English soon. Plus Angel Sanctuary as IMHO, the American cover SUCKS and with a pricetag of SGD18+ per issue, I can't afford it till the 20th issue or something. >__<

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Notes To Self For ROTS Premiere
  1. E-Mail Reno about the proposal for SW Line Party on May 18th 2005 to 20th Century Fox
  2. Complete and clean up my SW Website so I can put up the ROTS Costume Parade Ads Website
  3. Find out if Singapore Fans still play SW CCG
  4. Find the contact person for Shaw Organization concerning Line Party Location, Simply Toys Booth, 20th Century Fox
  5. Continue bugging Ross about the Exhibition. -__^ And if Willian is gonna handle the Condition Reporting & Displaying of the Costumes & Props, bug him too. Maybe even make me do the Guide Book for Show Hosts after working in the exhibition hall displaying the costumes & props. Anything as long I get what I need. -__^
  6. Continue keeping JediGenX in the dark about our plans. Everyone agreed that he's a JERK, MORON, STUPID IDIOT.

You know, when I feel underappreciated and ignored, I just go on with my life if the problem is still managable. And I STOP helping the communicity that cause the unappreciation. Over the years, I had developed into both a loner and one who can't live without friends around her. And when I am the loner, I enjoy EVERY moments of it as it allows me to be with myself and reflects on my dreams and desire. Heck! I have the highest potential to be a Serial Killer but I made the choice not too. -__^

I need to go to sleep now. First day of the monthly thinging and because of the Moron, I'm feeling very pissed off that ready to tear apart anyone's chest and tear away at his still beating heart. >__<