The Bitterness Of Mortality Is Mine 2 Endure. . .

I Choose A Mortal Life For You, Estel . . . . For Now . . . And For Eternity . . .

Saturday, December 27, 2003

I Think I'm Loosing Interest In Cosplay . . . .
But of course not Costuming it's my beginning.

Went to Fans-Tasia today and I kinda felt anti-social and bored. >__< Maybe cause I'm tired today since I spent last nite doing the Boromir Costume (Note to self, enlarge the Arm Hole & Collar and lower the Collar or make it less wide). Or I don't like certain people in the Cosplay Community but I just wasn't running around snapping pictures of others like I did back when I first started out Cosplaying in 2001.

Now I wonder if my decision to retire from Cosplaying next year will be significant. I feel like not wanting to do Adam Kadmon anymore next CosFest (Practical Reason: Where in the world am I gonna store the darn wings before and after the event? Current Reason: I'm loosing faith in the Cosplaying Community here; too much politics and divisions). Even with Vanilla, I'm not sure if I want to don it to a local Cosplay Event. -__-

Hai . . . . .maybe I should just rest now and maybe tomolo I'll see a clearer picture of feelings. -__-

Friday, December 26, 2003

Short Notes Before I Throw Into Another Nite Of Doing Boromir >__<
- The LOTR Group kinda settle our sketch for the Group Presentation. Just say Singlish, The Matrix, SW and Harry Potter at work again. -__^
- I haven't sleep shun for 1 hour of light one since yesterday. Am going to force self to finish the Boromir Costume and hope the Double Sided Tapes need not come to my rescue. Removing them is such a burden. -__-
- I haven't contacted Ann. Haven't got the time to go on Celebro as busy doing the Costumes. Will see how later.
- I can't sleep actually. Gonna have the Haradrim or Easterlings Eyes and Celak/Eye Liners tomolo. O__O
- New Maybeling Powder Foundation (with FREE Finishing Powder) and 3-In-1 Makeup Stick (aka Conceler) cost me SGD44.40. O__O Okay, a once in a year story I hope! No, I forget to get Lipstick since I forget Arwen's Lipstick Color. >__< No Eyebrow Liner or whatever else either.
- I need to go back to doing Boromir and Clefairy's Mask. And my Arwen Crown, find the veil, socks, lightsabres, shades, my sanity . . .

Should be back to talk cock again from Mon. -__^

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

What Is That? o__O

The whole article can be read here

As usual, I'm telling myself why not Jeanette's friend gotten the job for us instead. We may be of the wrong height and skin color but at least our costumes DO look like it pop out of Middle-Earth. -__^ Maybe for the March Project, will intensify the Recruitment Drive. But I do need to keep some people like those idiots out of the pictures and had put a restriction of the quality of costumes & armors allowed.

The world's eyes will be on us and I want to keep it as a memoriable one. ^__^

Yes, precious . . .I also need to finish making at least the "Arrival at Helm's Deep" Elven Archer (maybe Rumil or one of the other Blonde Elves since I want to reuse my Haldir Wig) Armor out of Paper Marche, Fun Foams, Vinyl, Netting Fabrics and donno what else. Got 2 months to settle it and I hope I can do it with the group's support and my gang at the Haldir's Elven Archer Forum. -__^

Okay, off to Chinatown or Arab Street or Spotlight now to quickly get the fabrics for the tunic. Think will choose Red Cotton Drill and fine silver fabric netting.
". . .Behind Galadriel was Cirdan. They didn't focus on him very much, but he was there. . ."

I deserved to get kick in the rear for missing him in the scene. -__- I know there is an extra elf in the Grey Haven Scene but didn't catch in time who that was or see the White hair.

Okay. Mission No. 1 for ROTK Viewing No. 3, 4, 5 and 6th: Look for Cirdan in the Grey Haven Scene!

Ouch! >__< I didn't mean that Mini Maul! >__<

scoot jpeg
You are Scooter.
You are a loyal, hardworking person, better known
as a doormat.

Going for stuff.
"Go For Broke!"

"15 seconds to showtime."

"300 New Ways to Get Your Uncle to Get You a
Better Job "

Coffee, clipboard, and Very Special Guest Stars.

What Muppet are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, December 21, 2003

Meesa Back!!!!! ^__^
Had been away with the LOTR Stuffs and resting to get rid of my Flu since last Wed so been gone without trace. -__^

Anyhow, it's still not over as there is still Fantasia 2003 this Sat so don't expect me to give a long report till then. I still got Kheldar's Boromir Suit and my Queen Arwen Crown to do by Thur.

Something I forget to say:
Last Mon during the Return Of The King Gala Premiere, I met with Ann; a fellow SW:FFSG members who is working at the Singapore Science Centre. She had introduced my to her heads and fellow workers and give her words that I am to get for her those who are in Costumes for the Opening Day of the LOTR The Trilogy Exhibition next March. Will start the new recruitment and confirmation drive after this Sun. So far, she's asking for more Uruks so will look into that. -__^

I'll try to be Rumil or one of the other Elves upon arrival at Helm's Deep. -__^ That means I need not do the full Elven Archer Suit but should I be able to do so, I'll will. If that fails, I'll be Haldir or Rumil Lothlorien March Warden since 80% of the cloths for the suit is at hand and I had kinda figured out 70% of the garb. ^__^ Just need to check back with the people over at the LOTR_Costume ML.

Okay, off to settle my Mail; got 40++ Digest mails (aka 25 mails per digest) from LOTR_Costume ML to read through and a couple of person e-mails to answer.

Don't expect me to report here about the happening of Wed and Thur till I've settle the mails and the costumes. -__-

Monday, December 15, 2003













It was still Pippin who first pick the Palantir up at Isengard tho' the Voice Of Saruman Scene is missing. That is a little comfort for me tho' I want to see VoS too. -__- I want Saruman dead at the hands of Wormtongue.

I also want to see the other Palantir that Denethor looked into but it was missing. >__< Maybe, just maybe it'll be in ROTK:EE but the way Denethor died seems to make it bleak to be part of the storyline as he burned and plunged down to the 1st Level. Then again, with the changes PJ and co. made in the other 2 EE, it is possible.

The Mouth of Sauron is missing much to my dismay. >__< I was looking forward to how he looked like as he was mentioned in the book "Lord Of The Rings: Weapons & Warfares".

No Cirdan much, much to my dismay. >__< I was looking forward to the theory that the White Hair Elf in FOTR prologue is Cirdan but seems not. The Grey Heaven seems so empty and doesn't seems to be what I had imagined BUT it was beautiful.

And why must Celeborn leave with Galadriel? o__O Galadriel holding his leash?

I didn't glimpse Vilya but it must had been because I was looking at Elrond's robe instead. XD But Narya is cleary there on Gandalf's finger (middle finger some more XD ).

Heads DID fly into Minas Tirith. O__O DON'T bring small kids who are terrify of such stuffs to watch ROTK or cover their eyes when the Orc Leader gave the order "Show them the prisoners!" just before the start of the Battle on Palenor Field.

For those who had seen the 9 minutes Video Clips, Arwen DID see her son while on her way to the Grey Heaven. But why is Aragorn's hair Whitish? O__O So late then gotten a son?

Gandalf is the one who Cornate Aragorn and not Frodo.

Where is that Boba Fett (Danial Logan?) boy? o__O Who is he in ROTK?

Where is the new White Tree of Gondor? o__O

Ouch! The Army of Mordor at the Gate of Mordor was HUGE and the army of Gondor & Rohan so small. O__O

I didn't see the Easterlings unfortunately. Or they were there among the crowd at the Gate of Mordor.

The Eagles are there to the rescue and again to retrive Frodo and Sam.

The movie ended like the Book with Sam returning home.

Army of the Dead is even more bigger than than the Rohan Army it seems to me.

Why is Arwen Dying?

There is no Elven Army at the Pelanor Field. Some people need to check their eye sight.

I'll probably write more tomolo if I can find time to write after doing the Ringwraith Robes. -__- Still got mine, my bro's (1 layer only!) and Anas to settle. Add to that the Gauntlets and maybe boot covers for me AND my Queen Arwen Crown. And a scabbard for my Witchking Sword. I am SO DEAD! I gonna look like a REAL Ringwraith on Dec 17th.

Oh! Life Lesson today:
Put on the Ears BEFORE Styling the Hair. And I should put on the Ears myself.

Good point about makeup:
I'm confirmed for a Makeover (No Photography) this Thur at 2.30pm. Must be at Glamour Shots by 2pm.

Think I'll risk it and sleep now. Guess will full a 24 hours costumes making tomolo. . . .I hope! @__@

Friday, December 12, 2003

I'm Stuck At Home Today . . .
Cause my Dad's wedding is tomorrow and my relatives had came today to stay over. @__@ Had to cancel the meeting with Kheldar and am taking my chances to make his Boromir Costume based on the measurements I took of him.

Anyhow, I kinda figure out why the Fellowship Cloak hood I made was too small; cause I was suppose to measure the circumference of the neck hole manually PLUS the 2 loose sides length instead of mathematically calculate the circumference. -__- So for Yazid's Cloak, I had gotten 34" length and the triangle base should be 18" (Height will be 25"). Will try it out later.
Bloody Hell! @__@
asked for 1 more tickets just now, even if it's on the first row. @__@ And I only got 1 extra now, reserved for Moogle/Legolas.

And then, I checked the Private Message Moogle sent me and she now said she got 2 other friends interested in being Eowyn and renting the costume. @__@ Now what did she said last time before she disappeared? 1 Guy as Celeborn (rent costume), 1 guy as Elrond (rent costume) and 1 Guy as Saruman (also rent costume). Add to that she's also renting the costume.

Wonder how in the world she going to get that done as:
1) Rental is SGD50-60 + SGD60 Returnable Deposit Per Costume;
2) Neither of the Costumes Rental Shop carrys Eowyn or Celeborn or Elrond's normal robes;
3) 4 More Days till ROTK Premieres here in Singapore;
4) Most LOTR and LOTR-Like Costumes should had been reserved by now. Fiona said when she went to Foreigners House of Costumes to reserve her Arwen Rose Dress, only that dress and Gandalf were left, and that was days ago.

Frankly, I started loosing faith in Moogle when she started bambling about convincing her classmates to to do Celeborn, Elrond and Saruman just because I said those roles are available and saying these people will only rent the costumes. -__- Will see what happen now . . . .

Okay, I better start cutting the Fellowship Cloaks now. I also need to figure out what hairstyle to do with my Arwen Rose Dress when I wear it this Mon to the Dec 15th VISA ROTK Gala Premiere at SHAW Lido.

Wish that my Arwen Mourning Gown is ready now so I can wear it to the Gala Premiere.
I GOT IT!!!!!! ^__^
I had gotten a pair of tickets to the Dec 15th VISA ROTK Gala Premiere at SHAW Lido. ^__^ Am so happy rite now that I can fly like a Clefairy.

Okay, this is what happened to me getting the tickets:
A few weeks ago, while surfing online for any Singapore related webpage, I found the news page for VISA Card.

This part of the news catch my eyes:
". . . A roadshow, hosted by DJs from the Morning Express Show, the Flying Dutchman, Glenn Ong and Rod Monterio, will be conducted at Caltex House on 12 December. Interactive games and quizzes will be conducted at the roadshow, where another 65 pairs of Gala Premiere tickets and limited edition sets of “The Lord of the Rings” car decals await Visa cardholders. To participate, all it takes is your Visa. . ."

So armed with my "Useless" OCBC Moi Electronic Visa Card (I still haven't figure out how to use it for online buying for years!), I went down to Caltex House today at about 12.30pm to check out how I can get the tickets.

Upon reaching there, I saw the contestants playing a Snake-And-Ladder like game with only 15 walking space. The Flying Dutchman was dressed like Gandalf the White, Glenn Ong as Aragorn and Rod Monterio as Legolas (who ended up looking like "Jack" from the Alternate Council Of Elrond which the LOTR Group is thinking of reactmenting this Dec XD ). The contestants have to throw the sponge dice and then move up the board according to the amount they gotten on the dice. For certain space, there is stuffs to do (Task, Forfeit, Quiz, Go Down to 4, Go Up To 15th, VISA Special Gift etc). Some of the stuffs I remember:

- Where is the stronghole of Saruman?
- Where is the stronghole of Sauron?
- How much must a VISA Card Holder spent to get the Sure-Win Scratch & Win Coupon?
- What race is Gollum?
- What race is Gimli?

- Ask for a free Ice-Cream
- Piggyback someone from the audience (Most common)
- Kiss Rod Monterio
- Act out a dialogue from the Movie
- Hit the target using the Bow & Arrow

After watching for some time, I asked the VISA people how I can get involved and they told me that as long as I got the VISA card, I can enter. After showing them my VISA Electronic Card, I line up with about 20 other people.

In front of me was this lady who knows peanuts about LOTR and keep asking me what the DJs were saying about. Luckily she cleared the game with only a few Dice throw.

At 1.50pm, it was my turn to join in the game and I throw a 2. Shared the Space with this Indian man who was quite friendly. Later, when it was my turn again to throw the dice, I throw a 4 and got to the 6th space which has a "Sword" that allows me to go to the 15th Space which is the "Home". And I got my tickets. ^__^ After shaking hand with The Flying Dutchman, I went down.

Later, after I retrive my 5kg bag O__O (containing my Costuming Files and Books) this pair of gals asked me what was I wearing on my neck. Told them it is the Rubies Evenstar that was worn by Arwen and Aragorn. Then we started talking and they told me they had also gotten the tickets too and will be coming to the Premiere in their Arwen and Eowyn Dress. Told them to watch out for me in my Arwen Rose Dress on that day. Also gave them the address of TheFalconHanger Bukit Timah since they are also interested in getting the Evenstar.

Then I gotten my butts home to savour my little success. ^__^ Will have to scan every single page and cover of the tickets later like I did for the AOTC Charity Premiere one. -__^

Looking back, I been wanting to go to the LOTR Gala Premiere since I won the ticket to the FOTR one but wasn't able to go as it was 2 days before Hari Raya Puasa and it started at about 7pm. Then I saw the one for TTT over at TORN and see how inaccurate the Talents are dressed like so had been planning to "attack" the Party for ROTK with the rest in our more accurate LOTR Costumes.

But now seems like I don't need to as I am going to the ROTK Gala Premiere. Frankly, I'm now wondering if I can get some members of my LOTR Group to pull the AOTC Charity Premiere Free Ticket Trick by making them come in their costumes and through that convinced the organizer to give them free tickets. XD

More Quizes
you're an elf!
You're an Elf!
Good for you! Elves are my
favorite race! Elves are wise, lovers of
nature, and never grow old. I can't think of a
single downside of being an Elf! Good for you!

Are You a Hobbit, Dwarf, Human, Elf, or Orc? (Lord of the Rings Related)
brought to you by Quizilla

Congratulations! You're Merry!

Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

No wonder I got this idea that Merry got this "Evil" look to his face. o__O

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

List Till Dec 17th 2003

Ringwraith Robes
- Robe with Large hood (Cotton Poly)
- Sleeveless Robe (Polyester Lining
- Robe with Fitting hood (Cotton Poly + Cheesecloth)

Queen Arwen Crown
Probably out of paper, tack glue or something and painted gold.

Maroon Cloak
Just need to finish off the bottom, sew it close and add some claps/hook & eye.

Elven Cloak
Make a quick one. Will probably line with Polyester Lining.

Ringwraith Robes
- 1 Sleeveless for ??
- 1 Full Robe for Anas

My Arwen Mourning Dress is now out at the seamstress and won't be back till Dec 18th, 2-3am. Am going to take it from the seamstress house on Dec 18th morning after I finish watch ROTK at the 10pm Screening of LOTR. Hope it'll turn out great, especially with the better picture I found at Maggie's Website. -__^

Once I get the dress, must quickly think of a way to add the extra lining on the train as this time, I will not let the train get dirtied like was with my Arwen Rose Dress, especially that the Train is a lot longer at 2-3' at the back and 1' at the sides.

Oh! I should also be getting my Myrtle's Inner School Uniform on the same day. ^__^ Hope to become the FIRST Moaning Myrtle Costumer to have the correct Inner School Uniform. -__^

Okay, got to get ready to go to the LOTR Meetup now. It starts at 5pm but I need to be there by 4.45pm.

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

I'm Having Trouble Deciding . . .
How is the shape of Arwen's Mourning Dress. @__@ Is it almost quater circle or is it like the Blood Red/Ceremonial one? Yes, I'm currently doing the new sketch of the dress to send to my seamstress. Hope she will complete it by this Sat as promised or I'll be Bathan Poodoo. >__<

Another will be the extra tickets for ROTK Screening on Dec 18th. Still wonder if I just get 5 or 10 more tickets cause more people may say they are interested at tomolo LOTR Meetup. Maybe I'll risk it and get tomolo after the Meetup instead? Never had expected for the response to be so good. Maybe it's the costume parade attraction. ^__^

Hope the SW one in 2005 will be bigger, especially with me as Zam Wesell and Kenneth back as Boba Fett (so who's gonna be the Jango I'm gonna flirt with?). -__^
Not Again? O__O
Still need to get more tickets for the Dec 18th Screening of ROTK. >__< This is the Official List of those who are without tickets currently:
- Anas
- Faiz's Brother
- Misa's Brother
- Qing Yuan's Friend
- Yazid & Hazel's Friend

And there is still a few others from the LOTR Meetup who may be interested. >__<

Will see how tomolo . . .

That makes another 5 tickets at least!

Other than that, went with Yazid, Hazel, Qing Yuan and Xeno to take Hazel's & Qing Yuan's costumes from Wie Qi's house in Sembawang. They both looked great in their costumes! ^__^ Will upload photos when I get them. -__^

Monday, December 08, 2003

Terkopak SGD7.50 Today
Took the taxi from Arab Street to Joo Chiat Complex today to send my fabrics but the seamstress had left already. >__< Will have to go back tomolo to explain the whole costume to her and give my measurements. The Good thing is, I got more time to prepare the sketches and reference pictures. Anyway, I forget to bring the Red Silk Satin for the V Insert of the Dress.

While at Arab Street, gotten 2+m of this Red Cotton/Blend Fabric for the base of the Trimmings for my Arwen Mourning Gown. Also gotten 3.5m of this Polyester Fabric (SGD3.50/m) for the shirt of my Moaning Myrtle (since the original fabric became the Lining for my Vanilla Dress @__@ ) and 1m of this Blue Patterned Stretch Velvet (SGD10/m), maybe for the sleeves of the Arwen Requiem Dress if I ever get the chance to make it. ^__^ Frankly, when I have done the Arwen Blood Red Dress, I shouldn't have any trouble making the Arwen Requiem Dress and Ceremonial/Wedding Dress (which IS on my List of LOTR Dress to do as I want to wear like my Barbie Doll and Padme been bugging me to make one for her too) as all 3 have the same body pattern and slightly different sleeves.

Later at Raffles Hospital Cafeteria, I broke the bond and gotten a Wanton Noodles (SGD3) plus 3 Sumai (SGD2). But I didn't eat breakfast, only drank 1 sachet of the Cambridge Diet so I kinda still on the diet with only 2 small meals today.

Think I better start cutting and sewing my ringwraith costume and a few more robes & cloaks or I'll be Bantha Poodoo this Dec 17th. Won't meet Kheldar to test the Mock-Up till Sat either.

Oh yes! I kena promoted to Witchking for Dec 17th cause my "Master" will be in Singapore then. -__^

Saturday, December 06, 2003

I Had Finish Cutting . . .
The Mock-Up Pieces for Kheldar's Boromir Tunic and now need to go and sew them togther. Then contact him to try it out, take measurements again and make the actual pieces namely:
- Red Inner Tunic
- Black Outer Tunic
- "Chainmail Shirt"
- Vambrace
- Belt

Pants and Boots will be self-service. Shessh! I still need to get the fabrics for the Inner Tunic, trimmings and find the sweater or find something to copy it.

I will manage . . .

Thursday, December 04, 2003

You belong to the kindred of the Noldor. Their
tale is one of great tragedy and heavy burdens.
Great craftsmen possessing vast knowledge, it
was Feanor, son of the High King Finwe who
forged the Silmarils. After they were stolen
by Morgoth, and Finwe slain, Feanor and his
sons pledged a terrible oath to reclaim the
Silmarils from whosoever possesed them at any
cost. The Noldor then left Aman and returned
to Middle Earth, slaying their own kin in the
process. They were doomed to fight a futile
war against Morgoth's armies and a great
majority of them were slain.

Which Race of Elves from The Silmarillion are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a Noldor
You are a Noldo. Anything that ends with craft you
are likely to be good at. You are dear to the
Vala Aule and of all the elven races seem to
get along the best with dwarves, who are Aules
children. Your biggest flaw is that you can get
too attached to the works of your own hands and
have a been accused of having the
characteristics of people who known they are
very skilled and take great pains to let
everybody around them know how good they are.
Moreover, thou you and all your kin journeyed
to Aman after the summons of the Valar, you are
also the only race of elf who rebelled against
them and returned to Middle-earth. Your royal
family was all but decimated through infighting
and your race is the only elven race to harbour
kin slayers. All in all your peoples history is
that of a race that climbed too high too fast
and forgot how they got there or where they
came from and falling from a high place hurts
and the climb back up is often slow and wrought
with pain. Fortunately you and your race as a
whole is wiser for the experience and hopefully
will not be doing anything foolish in the
future, artistic mood swings aside.

(Image: Feanor by Kasura, the very embodiment of
all that it means to be a Noldo, Kasura's
website is at

Which kindred of Tolkien's Elves are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

So I'm a Noldor. Just like Gil-Galad, Galadriel and Elrond instead of Haldir. -__-

You get...HALDIR! March Warden at 12
o'clock! Yep....he's sexy and single. Although
he may seem a bit reserved and cold he's still

Which of Tolkien's Elves Is Right For You?
brought to you by Quizilla


Elves of Middle Earth - Which One Are You Most Similar To?
brought to you by Quizilla

Your an Elf you have you moments, but most of the
time you are graceful.Just be happy you can
skip on the top of SNOW!

In Middle Earth there are Elves and Hobbits what one are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Gotten 5 More Tickets Just Now. . .
So now 25 had been reserved and fully confirmed and 2-5 more waiting full confirmation or reservation.

Hope I don't get nightmares over this tickets cause I didn't for AOTC.

Oh Mini Maul is sulking in the corner again cause I used his money to pay for the tickets. -__^

Haldir. Ooh, pretty, lol. You enjoy shooting people
who breathe so loudly they can be shot in the
dark. Go you!

Are you Legolas, Haldir, or Elrond?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Guardian Haldir of Lothlorien. Brave, wise
and pure. No creature dares test you. Wise Elf
you are!

Are you Haldir Type, Legolas Type or Off the Charts Type?
brought to you by Quizilla

Good going you got the hunk Haldir he leads an army
and is the protector of lorein and if you get
board of him you always got is younget brothers
*tee hee*

Is your soulmate Legolas Haldir Celeborn or Aragorn?(girls only)
brought to you by Quizilla

I'm guide Haldir!
Which Haldir are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

you should pick haldir u are 2 peas in a pod. dont
get bumbed about that scene in ttt. he didnt
die in the book. hes a great: person looker and
loyal to friends family you and
lothlorien.(stay off him hes mine)

would haldir or legolas suit you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're Lothlorien Haldir!

Which Haldir are You? 2
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Oh Gosh! I'm Having Nightmares About The Tickets! O__O
I dream last nite (or rather this morning) that all 25 tickets were taken and all 25 people were with me at some MRT Station about to board the train. >__< Frankly, I think I lost count again.

Okay, so far the tickets are taken by
Danny- 1
Faiz- 2
Fiona- 3 (LOTR Meetup Friend)
Hassan- 1
Jeanette- 1
Me- 1-2 (1 Reserved for my bro)
Parish- 1-3 (1 each reserved for Himi and Lizzy)
Qing Yuan- 1 (the Elrond I met on Mon)
Sharm- 2
Vanessa/Maya- 1
Victoria- 1
Xeno- 1
Yazid- 2-3 (1 Reserved for Anas)

TOTAL: 18-22 Tickets

Assuming the 4 unconfirmed cases can turn up, I only got 3 Tickets left with a slim chance of able to get more. >__< I had to take the first 4th or 5th seats from the Screen that day. Currently, Aisyah and Miza haven't confirmed while Sena asked to reserve 5 without confirmation. And there is still 1 Ringwraith fellow who somehow gotten subscribed to the ML, "Goth" (a regular at #starwars & #lordoftherings) said want to come along and probably a few others from the LOTR Meetup including Ringwraith No. 8 & 9 (Fariz & Christopher). This comes to 9-12++ applications but only 3-7 vacancies.

Sarah said she most probably can't make it so 1 Ringwraith down. Yuki seems very unlikely and I need to keep this outing beyond the knowledge of the IDIOTS as they sucks and an insult to the cosplaying and costuming world.

Sheesh! First I'm worried not enough people will take up the 25 tickets until I been bugging my bro to come along with brides that he can wear my Ringwraith Costume to hide his identity on Dec 18th, but now am worried too many people are interested. @__@

Will see what I can do today. Maybe go to CATHAY Orchard Cineleisure to check if can get more tickets should Sena and rest confirm that they can turn up.

EDIT: Sena want 5 tickets. O__O I really need to buy 5 more I think. >__<
And The Headcount For ROTK Dec 18th Tickets Is . . .
Twenty-Two (22) with Lizzy, Himi, Anas and my bro not 100% confirmed.

Oh great, wonder if there is still vacancy for Sena and her friends, Clara and donno who else from the SW FanForce. -__- Must run after everyone later today when I get back from Chinatown and Arab Street. >__< I bet the other seats in the theater had been sold out by now so there is no room to buy more tickets for latecomers. >__<

Random Quiz Again:

You're a Bloodthirsty Lass!
You're a Bloodthirsty Lass! You love it when
Legolas kills things - especially when he does
it with style and finesse. You get turned on by
Amon Hen, and probably will be by Helm's Deep

What kind of Legolass are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, December 01, 2003

I Did Went To Arab Street Today ^__^
Met Yazid, Hazel, Xeno, his friend and Qing Yuan at Douby Ghaut MRT Station to go to Spotlight today. Help Hazel choose the Velvet (SGD8.99/m, Velour I think) for her Arwen Requiem while me gotten Butterick 5994 for SGD13 (actual price SGD13.95 after Member's 10% Discount). While there, I forget to get the Fray Check and Fun Foam but then again, we didn't go to the Craft side. -__-

Then I drag them all to Arab Street where Hazel gotten the fabric for her Sleeves (?? Organza at SGD6/m vs Spotlight's SGD15.95) and Inner Dress (Silky Satin, SGD3.50/m). I, on the other hand only gotten 5m of the 36" Matte Black Vinyl for Kheldar's Boromir Tunic.

After that, went to No. 1 CostumeCostume to check wherther they have Blonde Curly Wig for Parish's Sam. Turned out they only got Greyish-Blonde for the Curly one and Blonde Straight. Will have to ask Parish is serious about renting the wig as it cost SGD15-20 plus deposit of SGD50. After that, I spotted a 5" Diametre Plastic Cauldron and it cost SGD5.95 so I gotten one. Also spotted the Ear Tips that looks like they belong to a Pixer, costing SGD5.90 each. Will use them as a last resolve in case the Woochies Space Ear Tips Cat getting for me don't arrive in time.

Okay, got to go and eat dinner now while watching TTT:EE. -__^