The Bitterness Of Mortality Is Mine 2 Endure. . .

I Choose A Mortal Life For You, Estel . . . . For Now . . . And For Eternity . . .

Friday, October 31, 2003

What A Way To End Oct . . . . @__@
Moomba posted this at SgAnime Forum:
". . . Z_Wesell kinda summarised how to make wings (i suspect he took most of the info from my site, considering how similiar his instructions are to mine, and cos he hasn't made wings by himself yet... but this argument is a diff story). . . . ."

'ehem 'ehem! I was the one who gave her all the infos about making wings when she first said she's in the AS Group (and I still have the e-mails). I was the "Jessica" of who send her links telling how to make wings and wrote to her about how other previous AS Cosplayers did their wings. I was the one who told her the trade secrets of the other AS Cosplayers wings making and where we gotten our supplies rite down to the pricetags of the items at Spotlight and Arts Friend. I was the one who been probing many people locally and foreign on how to make wings. >__< I was also the one and only who keep saying to make prototypes on ones' 12" doll to get an idea on how big to make the wings (yes, 12" Maul is my test subject cause he is 12" tall and humanly proportion. I'm a few inches taller than 60" so easy to scale up if using 12").

Fine, she do not know Haldir at the Forum is also Z_Wesell at SingaporeAnimeNews, who is also Jessica at SGCosplay ML, especially that at the later forum, very few people people are calling me by name and when they do, it's "Jess", but how can she said I copied from her website. @__@ Frankly, I don't remember her mentioning on her website that "Jessica" was the one who gave her many tips on Wings making. >__<

Adoi! Bulan Puasa banyaknya C-U-B-A-A-N! O__O

Anyhow, on a good note, I had finally gotten my Black Velvet from Chinatown for the body part of the Arwen Mourning Dress. It's Polyester Jersey (I think!) and cost me SGD9/yard from the initial SGD10/yard. Gotten 6 yards only cause I highly doubt my seamstress really need 7 metres for it, especially that the cloth is more than 60" wide. When I had the John Howe Illustration Galadriel done, the fabric was 60" and she used up about 5-6 metres (I gotten back a lot of fabric). And that is inclusive of the sleeves (which comes to about 1 metre). For this gown, I only need the Body part be made using that Velvet so must disincluded 3 metres at least. Technically, I need 5.5 metres the most for the body part and 6 yards does come to about 5.5m (1 yard = ~90cm I heard).

Never mind, if not enough, can go back to get more as the bolt still have many metres of fabric left. The gown is not suppose to be THAT wide anyway as illustration by one of the sketch I gotten off someone's website so my seamstress can get 2 panels from 1.5m of the cloth. Will check with my seamstress later today when I go to take and pay up for my Neo and Trinity Reloaded/Revolution Coats. -__^

Err, can I hutang a bit for the costumes, maybe SGD50?
(Mini Maul: No you can't, as you have more than enough money to pay for it now!)
Me: -__-

Other than that, the Wig Shop aunty said she may get the wig shipment next week so hopefully both my Vanilla Wig (with the same Light Blue Hair Extension) and Galadriel Wig will be in that box. So next week, I'll be SGD58 poorer. -__- Hai . . .still need to order my Adam Kadmon Wig and probably a proper wig for Arwen too since next year, I have to cut my hair (will start with something Trinity length like and a month later, Padawan OB1-like).

Next year, I better not have any more costumes tailored out. If I do need a new costume (which I do for Haldir March Warden, Rumil/Haldir Elven Archer, Arwen Blood Red, Adam Kadmon, PoA Slytherin Student, Zam Wesell, Sabe: Royal Decoy, Easterling, High Elven Infantryman, Mourning Amidala aka Cynthia's Fan Art Dress, Angel Guard, Jibrille . . .wait, I'm also putting in my Future Costumes which I may scrape off the list! O__O ), must do everything myself. -__- I can sew; just need the practice and confidents.

Anyhow, after going to Chinatown, I went to Plaza Singapura's Carrefour to get for my bro the Smoked Salmon. Also gotten some Vegetable (Reminder to self: DO NOT BUY heavy vegatables like Onions and Cabbages, and Seafood when you go shopping at Carrefour or other Supermart that is far from home!), Seafoods (Ikan Bawal and Grey Prawns), Apple Pie (was SGD5.90 from usual SGD9.90 so I can afford it; been wanting to eat it for months), Drink, Face Washers, Dress Plastic Covers, Small Washing Machine Netting Bag and door hanger (the one thing I was suppose to get for months to fully utilize everything in my room!). Total: SGD103+ O__O Must deduct that from the marketing money of Nov.

While there, also wanted to get the Toyogo plastic container that can go under the bed (so I can use to store my Mangas or CDs or Video Tapes or Books) but realized that I'm not sure how much space I got left under the bed cause I still haven't clear the space up or put in those boxes that I had bough previously that can also go under the bed (Frankly, 2 of the boxes from IKEA are still empty!). Also saw this Plastic Books/CD Organizer that can stack on top of each other but it cost SGD7.90 for that small piece each and the divider is not removable (am looking for some sort of bookcase that can go at the head of my bed and can accomodate my story books, First Aid Boxes, Torchlight, Alarm Cloak and donno what other garbages being display at the head of my bed rite now). Yup, I'm pretty stingy about some things but that's the way cause I have very limited funds. Oh yes, it's called Thrifty. -__^

Okay, got nothing else to say about today . . . . .

Oh, wait! I had paid Cat USD25.10 for the Buttons for my Arwen Mourning Dress. The buttons actually cost USD23.99 with shipping but I'm paying her through PayPal so must also add in PayPal's 2.9% + USD0.30 service charges. She been nice and encouraging to me lately (with the case of my Arwen BR Dress Scan being sent in without asking me first >__<) so I felt most needed to pay her exactly what I owned her. It'll only be USD22+ if I had paid her exactly USD23.99. Err, hope the extra charges do not apply to our transauction as we're from different countries (My Debit are in USD and we're both using Personal Accounts so shouldn't be charged extras I think).

Now waiting for Replica-Collection.Com to reply back how much I need to pay them for my Shades. Hope they remembered that I want USPS Global Priority Shipping!

Okay, got to turn in for the nite. I still need to go to The Falcon Hanger at Bukit Timah Plaza in the mid afternoon to place my order for the Rubies Elven Brooches and maybe even try to reserve the Rubies Trinity Shades in case I can't get my shades in time for next Sat's The Matrix Outing. Darn! Midget No. 1 told me to get for him the Neo-like shades from Bugis Village too. >__<

I need to eat now . . .didn't have proper meals today even tho' I can't fast. o__O

Thursday, October 30, 2003

What Are They Thinking? O__O

"Hihi everyone!^_^

Here's some more information to clear the confusion.

The event title has been changed to Fans-Tasia 2003. This time round, the Singapore Cosplay Club is joining the Miyuki Animation Club in co-organising the year end event.

The date is the 27th Dec 2003, the venue has been changed to the Expo grounds.

Hope you all will enjoy the event^_^

Stephanie Snowheart
Cosplay Club(Singapore)

Fine, Vanilla will be seen in Singapore only next year. Fine, some people will have more time to complete their costumes. Fine, I can happily attend LOTR Movies Marathorn if there is one on the weekend after ROTK is released here on Dec 18th.

I just don't get it by they must suddenly change the date and location again this year. And of all places, Expo which is stuck somewhere near Tanah Merah; away from some Natural-like photography locations (if it had been at MITA as initially said, can go Fort Canning or CHIJMES or Clark Quay or City Hall Area or Padang Area for photography). The Expo area is more futuristic.

Pity I'm a bit too busy with life as to join MAC as commitee member as to be able to know why.

Oh, in case anyone didn't know, the cosplayer that passed away in June was Lamp_Post aka Lionel. Maybe will probe people I know to get to know how and why he died (hope it wasn't suicide; that's is the stupidiest and most cowardy way to died. I believe in running away from ones problems BUT never to take my own life. Death is worse than living, especially when you don't have sufficient credits to bring to the other side. -__- )

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

The new Hogwarts School Ties are a lot more complicated than the 1942 ties. O__O

Shar had just posted this picture at the ML. Gonna have a joyly good time trying to paint the Silver Strips for my Slytherin one. @__@ Think will do it strip by strip while I do my LOTR Costumes.

Which gothic lolita model are you? by ƒJƒiƒVƒ~

The Ass Karin had submitted my scan of Arwen in her Blood Red Dress from Roadshow 12 to TORN and LovelyLivTyler.Com! X-( FUCK HER! It took me an arm and leg to get it and scan it and I HAD SPECIFICALLY STATED that I WILL SEND THE SCAN AND LOTS MORE to TORN and LovelyLivTyler and she jolly send in my scan and get all the Credits! STUPID ASS!!!

First it's those IDIOTS & MORONS from that STUPID Group, now is this IDIOT CALLED KARIN!!!! FUCK ALL OF THEM!!!!!

Random Quizes. . .

Your soul is bound to the Fourth Totem, Solomon:
The Owl

Solomon appears as an azure feathered owl. He
embodies wisdom, judgement, reason, and
. He is associated with the color
azure, the season of autumn, and the element of
water. His downfall is farsightedness.

You are most compatible with Ravens and Monkeys.

Which Animal Spirit Totem Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Season = Winter
You're Most Like The Season Winter ...

You're often depicted as the cold, distant season.
But you're incredibly intelligent, mature and
Independant. You have an air of power around
you - and that can sometimes scare people off.
You're complex, and get hurt easily - so you
rarely let people in if you can help it. You
can be somewhat of a loner, but just as easily
you could be the leader of many. You Tend to be
negative, and hard to relate to, but you give
off a relaxed image despite being insecure -
and secretly many people long to be like you,
not knowing how deep the Winter season really

Well done... You're the most inspirational of
seasons :)

?? Which Season Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

Your element is Earth. I hate to say it but you are
down to earth. Stubborn and loyal. You tend to
want to nurture others and you are the one
person friends always come to for awnsers.
Without people like you others would be flying
over the edge because, whether you know it or
not you keep a steady beat to your life and
will end up where you want to in the end. There
is a sureness about you that is hard to match
that draws people to you. No matter what
happens the Earth keeps turning.

What's your element
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Form 0, Phoenix: The Eternal.

"And The Phoenix's cycle had reached
zenith, so he consumed himself in fire. He
emerged from his own ashes, to be forever

Some examples of the Phoenix Form are Quetzalcoatl
(Aztec), Shiva (Indian), and Ra-Atum
The Phoenix is associated with the concept of life,
the number 0, and the element of fire.
His sign is the eclipsed sun.

As a member of Form 0, you are a determined
individual. You tend to keep your sense of
optomism, even through tough times and have a
positive outlook on most situations. You have
a way of looking at going through life as a
journey that you can constantly learn from.
Phoenixes are the best friends to have because
they cheer people up easily.

Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Beast!

You are brilliant and extremely clever. You can
handle almost any problem swiftly and
efficiently. You are devoted to philosophy and
are always up for a good discussion.
Sometimes, though, your anger gets the best of
you and you upset those whom you care about.

Which X-Men character are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla

<<>>???What Kind Of Angel R You???<<>>( Anime Pics )

brought to you by Quizilla

You are Neo
You are Neo, from "The Matrix." You
display a perfect fusion of heroism and

What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Lord of the Rings!

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla
I Owned Everyone This Report . . .
Last Sun, I went to Clark Quay to try my luck at getting stuffs I want. Came late by Taxi @__@ at 4pm and went round the stalls outside and inside The Cannery. At one shop, I gotten 2001 Burger King's FOTR Figuring, Arwen and Gandalf for SGD5 and SGD3 respectively. Tried to bargain and gotten SGD7 (making SGD3.50 each). Then went to SpawnAsia to check out any new ROTK Stuffs but there're none. -__- Went to another shop and gotten 2001 Burger King's FOTR Figuring Gimli (MIB/MIP) for SGD3; wish there are more like it and as cheap as it.

Later, went to this stall and spotted Rubies' Trinity Shades. Quite ex. IMHO at SGD39.90 so didn't get it unless I'm really desperate for one this Nov 8th. Look around more at the wares, I spotted Rubies' Arwen Evenstar Necklace; not 1 but 2. ^__^ 1 was still MIB while the other loose but had been put into a Jewellery Box. The MIB one cost SGD29.90 while loose SGD30 (SGD25 without the box). Tried to bargain and gotten both for SGD45. So happy now that I finally gotten my Evenstar Necklace. ^__^

Also asked the seller if he's intending to bring in Rubies' Elven Brooch and he said he could if I order. He quote me SGD9-10 each and told me to come down to The Falcon Hanger at Bukit Timah Complex to place the order and pay the deposit. Will do so tomolo as I haven't been able to go out the past few days due to having that time of the month again. -__- Well, so far confirmed I need at least 6 so maybe I just order 6; it's the Elven Ears that I must order more.

Later, rush to Chinatown to check out my wigs. The aunty said she got confirmation that my wigs are ready and the maker forget to include it with the previous batch so they will come end of Nov. Well, I hope so for her sake cause I need my Light Blue Wig for Vanilla. Also place an order for more Blonde Hair Extension for my Haldir/Elven Archer Wig. This one not sure of the price but think around SGD16.

After that, took a taxi @__@ to Joo Chiat Complex to send in my Trinity and Neo Coat. Trinity cost me SGD160 >__< while my Neo cost SGD110 (as I'm adding a Lining and getting the bottom half redo. The cloth is pretty heavy too so had to add in the tax the seamstress has to pay when she bring it into Singapore). Adoi! Guess after my Arwen Mourning Dress, won't be able to send in any more costumes unless I have a stable income through working. -__-

Am very broke rite now and I think I need to withdraw more money. >__<

Okay, off to the shop rite now. Maybe later I'll rush to Chinatown for awhile to get the fabric for my Arwen Mourning Gown.

Monday, October 27, 2003

Life Is So Fragile . . .To Make Full Use Of It We Must . . .

10/24 9:33am

I know most of you don't know Chanel (Padme_Skywalkr), the new Chapter Rep of San Francisco. She was only elected recently and her welcome thread remains on this page. I however, have had the great pleasure of meeting her and consider her my friend. Chanel needs your help now, if any of you are religious, I would like you to put Chanel in your prayers. Chanel is only 23 years old and the single parent of a little girl. Chanel has had some health problems for a while and had two heart attacks last Sunday. Sorry to cut and paste, but her Co-City Rep said it best:

Chanel suffered two major heart attacks on Sunday and during the operation to stabilize and correct her heart problems she also suffered a stroke. There is extensive damage to her heart and brain currently, and her stability has fluctuated through out the day in which currently she is unconscious. There has been swelling in the brain and the left hemisphere is, as far as the doctors can tell, has suffered damaged. Last night they conducted further tests to see if Chanel can breathe without the use of a breathing apparatus machine and also use a radioactive isotope tracer to track blood movement throughout her brain to see if there is still blood getting through. Tomorrow they should have a clear indication on how much damage there possibly is and if it can be recoverable. We all wish that Chanel will come through this with everything she has.

As her friends needless to say we all wish our deepest hopes that she will recover. Her strength for living has always come from her friends and now she needs that strength more than ever. So by either prayer, good and warm thoughts, a projected Jedi healing trance... it doesn't matter, let's all send her our power now, more than ever. I will write again tomorrow after I go back tomorrow and know more. May the Force and the love and support of all of us be with Chanel.

Also another thing is that they do not allow flowers in the ICU. I assume it's due to biological pathogens or possible allegies to pollen. Regardless other things like teddy bears, any pictures would like to share, balloons, cards, and things like that are fine.

When Chanel came down to see the John Williams concert at the Hollywood Bowl at the end of August, she surprized me by giving me this pink and white fabric Lei she had made for me. I've been wearing that Lei daily, and I've decided to keep wearing it. Then when people see me wearing it and ask why I am wearing it, it gives me the opportunity to talk about Chanel and share with them what a great person she is.

Thanks for reading this.


10/24 10:27pm

Thank you everyone for your prayers and kind words. It is with great sadness I tell you that Chanel passed away this evening and is now at one with the Force. If you wish to post your condolences on the San Francisco Fanforce forum, that would be appreciated. They are arranging for some sort of College fund for her daughter, so more information on that will be forthcoming.

Yesterday, I got to know that a newly elected and fellow City Rep had passed away on Sat (USA time). Her name was Chanel Vanecek aka PadmeSkywalker/padme_skywalkr and unknowingly, I had actually spoken with her many months ago at Cosplay.Com Forum about Matrix Costumes and our little adventure when The Matrix Reloaded came out in our respective countries.

It's pretty sad to see someone so young passed on so suddenly; especially when she is only 18 days older than me and already a mother to someone. Life is short and Chanel had indeed touched many lifes with her kindness, consideration and undying passion to help others. Today, I'll shed tears for her passing and pray that her family and daughter will find some comfort soon on the sudden passing of their beloved mother, daughter and friend. -__- And hope the little donation I made to her Daughter's Collage Fund will go somewhere in helping to lessen the financial burden her family will face.

As a Mark of Respect, had added the Black Border around my Username at TFN Forum, as what the other CR had did. Had also recommanded we keep it on for 3-7 days from the day of her funeral as Mark of Respect. -__-

Here also the Rebel Legion's Tribute to her:

Friday, October 24, 2003

Went To The Cloth Shop . . .
Turned out I can easily go there from AMK. -__^ The choice of cloth is restricted but I sees a LOTS of Gems among the bolts upon bolts of cloths in the shop. Need to be able to dig through the piles and racks to find TheOne. Had told the rest that I'll not post the location of the shop online, especially at any Cosplay Forums. But I can still bring along my Costuming Friends there when there is a need. -__^

While there, I gotten 11.5 yards of this Purple "Burned Out" Patterned Velvet. Think something like Panne Velvet but with the coat more nicely attached to the fabric (Panne Velvet tend to have patches of them sealed to the backing cloth). Well, the first thing that came to my mind was for Arwen Battle Outfit Sleeves Lining but the patterns are not close enough (and it's velvet) so think it'll end up as Elven Cloak and Elven Overdress/Underdress instead. Well, I got 11.5 yards to spare so at least 2 stuffs can comes out of it! ^__^

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

I Gotten This Lyrics A Few Days Ago . . .

Artist: Kamelot
Song Title: A Sailorman's Hymn

Can you hear the sirens resound?
From the coastline of Ireland tonight
It's the song of a promising heart
Of the souls that the ocean unite

And she stands by the window alone
Staring into the rain
She is trying to guide his way home
From the waters that keep them apart

So she lights up a candle for hope to be found
Captive and blind by the darkness around
Firm as a mountain, she never will mourn
Timeless awaiting the break of dawn

Can you hear the sailorman's hymn?
As it comes with the rise of the tide
It is sung where the rainbow begins
As a comfort for tears she has cried

She remains by the window alone
Staring into the rain
She is trying to guide his way home
Keeps on praying for God to protect him

She lights up a candle for hope to be found
Captive and blind by the darkness around
Each wave a promise, a new hope reborn
Sunrise consoles at the break of dawn

Faiz actually send me a .mpg of the song many months ago and since then I had been attracted to this song. It's the lyrics that potray hope in darkness I think. Pity that the rest of the Group's Songs are Heavy to Soft Metal.

Anyhow, this is the song that kinda inspired me to call my next EGL Dress a Wedding EGL Dress for Ameleah and add the Veil as one of its headdress. I'm also thinking of writting a FanFic based inspired by the Lyrics and the Dress but so far, can't think of a storyline to go beyond the first chapter. -__- Heck! I haven't even continued my SW FanFic for a long time! >__<

Anyhow, here's another lyric I been look for (cause I haven't gotten the Soundtrack -__- ). Had always like Enya since I got to know about her a few years ago from a fellow Saint Seiya Fan who had did a Website Dedicated to her.

Artist: Enya
Song Title: The Fellowship Of The Rings-May It Be

May it be an evening star
Shines down upon you
May it be when darkness falls
Your heart will be true
You walk a lonely road
Oh! How far you are from home

Mornie utuuliee (Darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie alantiee (Darkness has fallen)

May it be shadows call
will fly away
May it be your journey on
To light the day
When the night is overcome
You may rise to find the sun

Mornie utuuliee (darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie alantiee (darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now

A promise lives within you now

Wonder if I can sing this song well enough someday. My singing voice these days is too horse. >__<

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Quick Notes . . .
Gotten 7.5m of Cotton-Polyester like fabric from Joo Chiat Complex for SGD7.50 (SGD1/m). Wish there are more so I can make LOTS of extra Robes for Anas, Hassan and donno who else to make sure we WILL have the NINE this Dec 17th (for the Sneak Preview).

Anyhow, tho' tomolo is the eve of Deepavali, I'll try to drop by Little India in the early afternoon to look for fabrics for Kheldar's Tunic and my Gowns Trimmings. I want to stay at home to do my costumes and props after this so want to settle my cloths shopping ASAP.

Monday, October 20, 2003

Oh Great! @__@
It's almost 4am now and I still haven't sleep. Still got lots of stuffs to settle online and on my bed. >__<

Anyhow, I went to Arab Street, Spotlight and Shaw Lido yesterday (Mon) to get some stuffs. Gotten the 4m+1m of Black Wet Look Vinyl for my Trinity Reloaded/Revolution Trenchcoat and finally Grey Cotton Drill to act as stabilizer for the sides of the Fellowship Cloaks from Arab Street. I also dropped by No. 1 CostumeCostume to ask about renting their Vinly Gloves for my Trinity, and Ju wasn't there again. -__- Anyhow, I got to know that No. 1 CostumeCostume had actually made Neo Reloaded and maybe Trinity Reloaded Trenchcoats which are both out. Maybe I'll get to see them one day.

Later, drop by Raffles Hospital Cafeteria for dinner before going to Spotlight Plaza Singapura to get some White Lace and Zip for the Trenchcoat. Unfotunately, there is no 14" Black Jacket Open End Zip so I ended up getting a 14" Open End Zip instead. Will try to drop by Spotlight Tampines today to see if they have the Zip I need.

Then, rush to Shaw Lido to get Nov 8th tickets for The Matrix Revolution. At the "last" minute, I was told that Angie (from #starwars) and Ann (from SGFF) will like to join in too so gotten 11 tickets for the 7.05pm show at Lido 1 (Danny still want to show everyone his Neo Coat so got to get the biggest theater @__@). Hmm. . . I wonder why Hassan will like Angie to come along and not the rest like Korso or Agnes or Lin or Val etc too . . . XD

Okay, now I have to answer someone's e-mail, clear my mailbox and try to quickly draw the basic design of Trinity Reloaded/Revolution Trenchcoat.

Tomolo I might have to go to Arab Street and Bras Basah Complex to show one of my new Ringwraiths where I gotten my fabrics from.


Sunday, October 19, 2003

I Knew It!
Xeno had been trying to reach a target that is beyond his grasp. @__@ Only 2 months till ROTK and 2 months of nothing to do since he's taking PSLE and he had given up wanting to do Gimli for the LOTR Project. Darn kid! I sense that he wouldn't be able to do Gimli since he first told me he's gonna do it while still holding on to that little hope that he'll prove himself true, but seems that my senses had been right afterall. I have little faith in him and still do. -__-

Wonder if I should go for Plan B and join Hassan into turning him into Gollum Mordor Style.

Sheesh . . . I also better get my butt to Little India to find the fabric for Kheldar's Boromir Inner Tunic and the trimmings for my Arwen Mourning Gown. And start printing reference photos upon reference photos of Boromir, Galadriel, Arwen Mourning, Ringwraiths, Elven Archer, March Warden and donno what else.

Time is running out and I hasn't completed a single thing! O__O

Okay, off to sleep now. Tomolo must wake up early to start my gears working so I can settle the drawings of Trinity Coat and go to Arab Street, Chinatown, Spotlight and finally Joo Chiat Complex to settle the Coat.


Saturday, October 18, 2003

Confirmed Already . . .
The school ties in PoA IS different:

Here's a more enlarged picture of it courtesy of Lauren

So that makes Yellow/Dark Yellow & Red/Maroon Strips of 2cm each & Thin Yellow/Dark Yellow Stripes of 1cm for the Ties.

Now I highly doubt I can reuse my Myrtle's Tie as my Slytherin Tie (assuming Slytherin will be Grey, Green & Thin Grey). >__<

Friday, October 17, 2003

Got Back From Joo Chiat Complex 1+ Hour Ago . . .
Had send in my Vanilla Costume and now to keep my fingers crossed and pray hard it'll turn up as accurate as possible. -__- Still need to get more of that Whitish Laces for the skirt part of the Dress.

Also send in my Myrtle's School Uniform but my seamstress said she'll settle it after Hari Raya since I don't need it in a hurry. As for EGL Dress, settle to send it in after Hari Raya too so I came home with the fabrics, buttons and laces again.

So on Dec 1st, I need to send in my Arwen Mourning Gown and EGL Dress.

As for Trinity Reloaded/Revolution Coat, my seamstress had agreed to do it for me so I'll need to draw out the coat sketch and print out as much pictures of the original and Fan's Version; and buy the Black Zip, Wet Look Vinyl and Polyester Linings this Mon (Sun Arab Street close while Chinatown sell in Yards) before sending it to her later in the day. Must also start researching on where I should get my Trinity Sunglasses from and get the order in by Tue night (payment will be by PayPal). Oh! Check out if I can get the tickets for Revolution this Sun too at Shaw Lido since the "Toll" is still at 9 people. o__O

Boy! Orchard Road will be painted Black (me, Danny, Hassan, Jeanette & Xeno) this Nov 8th! ^__^ Wonder if Danny will also insist that we do the Star Wars (and soon LOTR) Style Costumes Parade this Nov for The Matrix too (I think I sense a YES!).

Anyway, while at Spotlight, I finally gotten that Strawberry Printed Fabric (Strawberry Trail from USA). Gotten 1.5m as it was Bloody Expansive at SGD13.95/m, and I hope it's more than enough to make the big Bow and Trimmings for the dress later when I'm gonna make it. The background is in Pale Yellow so I might have to do the Dress in Pale Yellow too or Pale Pink, and other trimmings in White or Pink. The Headdress remain at White and Pink tho'. -__^

Also counted how many other types of dresses others can do and I got about 11:
- Raspberries
- Grapes
- Cherry
- Watermelons
- Lemons
- Pineapples
- Carrots
- Tomatoes
- Corns
(Can't remember the last 2-3 >__< )

Hmm, like that, got to make it a Fruits and Vegetable Basket Photoshoot. XD Must ask permission from Aimee as she's the one who conceive the idea first before me and whoever else who want to get involved in the theme start doing our costumes. -__^

Also gotten some White Laces (2m each) for a few of the Headdress. Will do the headdress after I had polish up my Headdress making skill to the extend that I can easily sell it locally or online. Nope; not trying to take away business from Bright, just want to make some beautiful and affordable Headdress for the local teen. Anyway, if the headdress turned out very well, can easily sell it off at eBay. -__^

Later, drop by Carrefour for awhile and discovered that the SGD1 Smoked Salmon I bought last week was indeed mislabelled. It actually cost SGD7 each so guess I had made SGD36 savings! ^__^ Hmm, maybe I should had gotten all 8 packets that day (nah! that's being too greedy).

Okay, got to go and have a late light Dinner now, unpack my stuffs and go online with Celebro. Yub, am getting myself off this computer more often since Celebro is almost fully online now (still need to get the pictures I need from this computer into disks so I can use them in my websites which are being created in Celebro).


Thursday, October 16, 2003

Thunderstorm Now . . .
Hope it'll stop raining by 2pm cause I need to go out to a couple of places to get some stuffs for my costumes. By late evening, got to go to Joo Chiat Complex to send in my costumes and ask her about Trinity's.

Okay, got to finish drawing the EGL Dress Pattern and pack up the stuffs to bring to my seamstress.
Aaaaaa. . . . so sweet -__^

I wonder if I can get my Legolas and Gimli to do the same. -__^

Still on to do some "Soft" Yaoi and Yuri poses between the LOTR Characters I'm gonna be this Dec and others. Hmm, who should Haldir be posing with? Legolas? Elrond? Celeborn?

Darn! >__<
Tok Ali came late today so I didn't have time to go out to Little India or Chinatown or Lido today. >__<

Must make sure I'll do it tomolo before I go to Joo Chiat Complex to meet my Seamstress in the late evening and send to her the few costumes I currently want her to do and ask her wherther she can do the Trinity Reloaded Coat for me by first week of Nov. So far, I plan to send in the following costumes first:
- Vanilla (White & Black Cotton Drill, White Laces, Yellow Cotton Bias Tapes, Black Buttons and White Nylon Netting)
- EGL Dress (Black Cotton Drill, Black Laces, Black Buttons and White Nylon Netting)
- Moaning Myrtle Uniform (Pinafold & Shirt)

If the price is affordable, I may send in a White EGL or SGL Blouse/Shirt later based on a Shirt I saw in the Gothic Lolita Magazine and my own creation. For that, I got to get the sufficient amount and correct types of White Laces first from Spotlight. -__^

Hmmm, must also remember to get a few items first (Buttons for EGL Dress, Sponge Shoulder Pads for Vanilla Dress, more Black laces, stiffer White/Ivory Nylon Nettings) from AMK Central, Spotlight, Chinatown and Arab Street before going to see my seamstress.

Will send my Arwen Mourning Gown after Hari Raya as I still need to get the exact buttons (will see if someone can spare me their Credit/Debit Card; if not get it from Cat) Trimmings and the Black Velvet for the body of the dress.

Also got to withdraw some money *again*. I must start selling off those magazines on eBay to get back some money man!

Here Goes

slytherin logo

A Harry Potter Sorting Quiz With LotR and PotC
brought to you by Quizilla

Guess I'm more the Slytherin now rather than Griffindor? o__O

jack g.
You are Captain Jack Sparrow. You love to drink rum
and you walk around like you live wherever you
happen to be. You are a very dishonest person
and therefore you can be trusted to be
dishonest, honestly... You are very clever and
never forgive people if they betray you. You
are also very agile (good for climbing up ropes
and standing on the masts of sinking boats).

Which Pirates of the Caribbean character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're a great pirate! you know everything about
them, you know the code the clothes the boats..
erm... I mean ships...

Are you cut out to be a Pirate? (from Pirates of the Caribbean)
brought to you by Quizilla

You really do know Pirates Of The Caribbean! YOUR

How much do u know about Pirates Of The Caribbean?Test Knowledge here!
brought to you by Quizilla

You loved it. I bet it's one of your favorites and
you've seen it more then once! Yes you are

Are you obsessed with Pirates of the Caribbean?
brought to you by Quizilla

frodo threatening gollum with sting
You, mellon nien, belong in Lord of the Rings. You
tend to the heroic, and would die for king and
country. Also, you can't wait for Dec.
17....and neither can I.

Do you belong in: Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Star Wars, or Pirates of the Caribbean
brought to you by Quizilla

Neo and Trinity
You two are like the couple everyone instinctively
thinks of when they think of the Matrix:
Trinity and Neo. He's driven, passionate,
brilliant, and special, and what's more, he
needs and loves you. You two keep each other
going. Just be careful not to let it burn out,
and you'll have a wonderful relationship!

Which couple from the Matrix Reloaded are you part of(girls' version)?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

I CAN'T GET MY EVENSTAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She sold it off already cause she thot I don't want it anymore. @__@
"I thought your email said the necklaces and Brooches were too expensive, so I listed and sold them.
I no longer have the necklaces, and only have a few brooches left.
I am trying to find more, but it appears they are sold out everywhere.

Bloody hell! I got less than 2 months to get my Evenstar and everyone's Cheapo Elven Brooch!

Guess now I really got to send an e-mail to a real costumes company to enquire about the the cost of the shippings and order the stuffs ASAP! I have to get the Evenstar and Brooches in by early next month to really be on the safe side.

Bloody hell! @__@

On a good note, Danny had asked for The Matrix Revolution Outing be changed to Sat Nov 8th, preferable at Lido, so that he can show more people his Neo Reloaded Coat. o__O Agree to it as I'm may need more time to get my Trinity Reloaded Coat done and get the correct "pirated" Shades (need to start looking now since my USD114 in my Paypal account is now free to be used) so today I got to go down to Orchard Road to check out when Lido will start selling the tickets. Will also got to get one of the moderators to change my post last night and I bet more people will be able to attend this time. -__^

Okay, got to go now.
Gotten My AC Adapter ^__^
Went to take it just now and very, very soon, I can cease from using this computer and also start finishing my websites. Quite happy now. -__^
Grumble Grumble . . . .
I got this reply about ordering my buttons today:
". . . .FedEx letter or postal service with tracking capability will cost about 25-30 US. We could send it regular mail,
but we cannot track and would not take responsibility. It will be about 10 US.
Please let us know how you want us to ship, and provide credit card information (visa or MasterCard). We do not do pay pal. . . .

Fine, I could risk it and take up the normal USPS Shipping but the payment part is killing me cause I have NO Credit Card and my Electronic VISA don't work! Will try to ask if they take International Money Order instead cause I really want a dead on buttons for my gown. >__< Last option is to get one of my friends with Debit Card to order it for me. -__-

Bet the Trimmings already gonna be different and the fabric for the body part already is (am using Polyester Velvet instead of Silk Velvet). My other alternative is to use the buttons I initially intended to use while I had gotten since a few months ago but I'll need to Rub 'n' Buff it Gold (Painting may cause the buttons to loose their design).

Oh! I think I should drag myself to Chinatown ASAP to get the velvet. 6-7m is a LOT of fabric okay and I scare the bolt is not long enough. I really want my gown to have a long Train, 1' longer than the original. -__^ 6-7m should be more than enough as my Galadriel one uses around 6m of fabric, including the amount for the sleeves (for the Mourning, the Sleeves will be 3m of Silk Velvet).

Hmm, what fabric can I use for the Train Duster? Cotton Poly with Thin Vinyl backing? The purpose is to absorb all the dirt that my train will get when I walk with it so it must be absorbant and waterproof. -__^

I still think the Witchking Helmet look like a Fish. @__@

Monday, October 13, 2003

Guess Who . . . . .

The designer must be eating Fish when they did the designing. XD

But I'm still hoping they'll retain the body armor from the Action Figure cause it's the Helmet only that look Cheesy.
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's STILL USD32 FedEx shipping for 6 Ears and 1 Color Stack! O__O That will make the Ears costing USD16 each before discount. O__O Donno if rest will agree to it cause it's a LOT. I could buy 10 Ears and *try* to sell the rest to others interested in this trade but will it sell? Will have to recalculate my budget. >__<

The other alternative is the German guy but his products are a bit more ex tho' quality good and shipping very low (but fast shippings!).

Had told my Seamstress I'll drop by tomolo instead. Need to get a few more items first tonight and draw out all the sketches needed. Must remember to bring a sharp cloth scissor tomolo too cause I'm gonna bring the whole "Bolt" of cloth to the seamstress. Deposit? Will put down 50% to play safe.

Okay, need to reply to someone's e-mail now about the Ringwraiths costumes (he and friends will be No. 6, 8 & 9). -__^

Sunday, October 12, 2003

Forget To Mention . . . .
While at Spotlight, I get to see that Country Cotton Fabric I'm interested in using for the Bow and Trimmings for a Sweet Lolita Dress for myself. It cost quite a LOT (SGD11-13/m) but think I can make do with just 1-2m of it. Call it influenced by AJ's Lime Gothic Lolita Dress. Will have to borrow Shu's GL Bible or surf the Internet for some ideas on how I'm gonna design the dress. Anyhow, I could use a Sweet Lolita Dress from my usual Elegant Gothic Lolita (had done it a couple of times) or Elegant Gothic Aristocrat (planning to do it based on some Clothings I see in KERA). Guess the dress will ended up Pink or Pastel Red and White. O__O

Wait! I got a Pastel Blue GL Headdress now and that means I also need to do another Sweet Lolita Dress in Pastel or Medium Blue. Well, will do that slowly when my Sewing Skill is gaining towards the higher end of Intermediate. -__^

Quick Notes About Today . . .
Went to Clark Quay around 3pm and finally gotten for myself the LOTR Fellowship Of The Ring Gift Set. Cost me SGD114.20 from the original SGD149, discount of 20% as the box top was damaged. Am so happy cause now I had kill 9 birds with 1 stone. Will open the box and examine most of the figures for Costuming Notes and display them somewhere (Ya, accompany the Twilight Witchking!). Also saw another Easterling Action Figure but it was expansive or something (SGD35 or something). Well, I already got 1 so better to use the money for a Ringwraith or Prolog Elrond or Elven Archer action figure instead.

Then went to Kinokuniya at Liang Court to claim my Gothic Lolita Fashion Guide Book. Another SGD22.40 paid and I hope the next issue will come out in many, many months' time. It's cheaper than the Gothic Lolita Bible so think I can afford it on a regular basis. -__^

Next, went to Plaza Singapura and drop by Spotlight. Gotten a Purple O__O Fitted Queen Size bedsheet for my bed which cost SGD5 only! Donno why so cheap but I think cause it was display or damaged piece or something. Well, technically I don't care as long as it's not torn as am gonna use it underneath my usual bedsheet (which I better change soon; am getting itchy sleeping now). Also gotten the 9 buttons I intended to use for my Mourning Gown (yes! finally new stock ^__^) and 2 taspery thread to finish off the edges of the Fellowship Cloaks. Thot of getting the Butterfly too but the ones whose wings are wired only comes in Gold and Yellow which is gonna be lost in my Gold Painted Bird Cage. Seems like my Symbolic Cage will be done later. Still need to find a nice padlock for it too anyway.

Then, went to Carrefour to get some Lemons for Arifin. Ended up buying some Oranges and Pear for Mak too. Then when I drop by the Smoked Salmon section, can't believe my eyes when I see 100g of Tasminian Smoked Salmon going for SGD1 each ONLY. Check with the scanner to make sure it IS SGD1 and gotten 6 packets from the 8 packets available. Frankly, I wish I can live off Sashimi Raw Salmon (Sake) and Smoke Salmon but they cost a bomb. >__<

Okay, got to turn in for the night now. Tomolo I might have to do a bit of Marketing before going to see my seamstress and maybe Chinatown and/or Little India.

Saturday, October 11, 2003

I Said It Once And I'll Say It Again . . .
Going to Arab Street is BAD for one's Wallet. -__- I only went to Arab Street and Carrefour today cause started late at 4pm >__< but did ended up spending a LOT. Gotten 12m of Grey Cotton-Wool-Polyester fabric (which I had gotten the swatch before) for my Myrtle's Uniform (and forget to get White Cotton for her Shirt but think I can make do with one of the 10m of White Cotton/Cotton-Polyester I got at hand) and probably Haldir's Tunics. Found another Lighter Grey that will do as his Inner Tunic but think the shop had sold it off so will try again on Mon or Tue or next month when the guy will search the shop high and low, plus the shop's Warehouse for it. O__O

Also gotten the Grey Polyester Lining for the Fellowship Cloak Hood Lining, Linings for my Mourning Gown, Fabric for the Belt for my Mourning Gown and White Cotton Drill for my Vanilla Dress.

So technically later today, if my seamstress is around at her shop, I'll have to drop by there to pass to her the fabrics for my Vanilla, Gothic Lolita and even Myrtle's School Uniforms; after I had gotten the last few stuffs (Bias Tapes, Laces etc) from AMK Central. The first 2, must remind her to try to finish it by the end of this month or Dec 2nd; the later anytime before M.A.C. 2003 as I may need it immediately after M.A.C. 2003 for something special I'll help to organized. -__^ Also got to ask her if she can do my Trinity Coat for me using Wet Look Vinly (if she can, will send in the stuffs by mid of next week so I can get it back by Nov 1st).

Then, if still got time, drag myself to Chinatown and Spotlight to order my extra Blonde Hair Extensions, look for Claps for Kheldar's Garb and just look around for stuffs I can use. Oh! Must search Chinatown too for some alternative fabrics I can offer to Maya for her Green Gown. The choice at Arab Street was the usual (Polyester Velvet) so I need to look around some more. Hmm, must e-mail her tonite to ask what's her budget for the fabrics. Personally, I'll go for Spotlight's Cotton Velvet but that thing cost SGD10/m. @__@ Hmm, I may also have to get a pair of those spherical shoulder pad for my Vanilla Dress. -__-

Which Angel Sanctuary character are you? by Lyn

Adoi! Now I know why Serene told me to take up Sevi-sama. @__@ Yes, he'll be back again soon, probably next year.

Okay, got to go now. Need to sleep early cause I want to settle the marketing tomolo since I have extra cash to spare first and probably start early to go to see my Seamstress, go to Chinatown and Spotlight. Heck! I may even drop by Clark Quay to look for bargain and stuffs I NEED (to get the Fellowship Set or not . . . @__@ ).

Ps: Clare, I'll reply to your e-male soon okay? Brain not properly working as to reply to e-mails lately. @__@

Friday, October 10, 2003

Can't Sleep . . .
Slept from evening to 9pm just now and had my dinner 1 hour ago. -__- Nothing to do online either so I guess I'll continue cutting the Hobbit's Hood for Rish's and Kheldar's Fellowship Cloak tonight.

Hopefully later today, I can get my butt to Arab Street to get Grey Polyester Lining (must remember to find out the actual name of the fabric too) for the Cloaks. Making the hood with 2 layers of the Wool fabric made it very thick and stiffs and increase cost. Then run off to Chinatown to place my order for more Blonde Hair Extensions to add on to my Blonde Wig and check out the fabrics found there. Maybe if I still got time, will also drop by Little India to find the fabric for Kheldar's Inner Tunic Sleeves and trimmings for my Gowns (Mourning, Blood Red and anything else).

Hmm, I been wanting to properly draw out Haldir's March Warden Garb using either the Male or Female or Maul's Body forms but seems like not in the mood. Maybe I'll have the mood if I do it at some Fast Food Joint or Raffles Hospital Food Court at Arab Street. Hmmm, maybe I should reverse the sequence of places to go to tomolo: Little India, Chinatown and then Arab Street before 4pm (shops at Arab Street close at 5pm onwards) and then finally to Spotlight to get Cotton Drill (if I haven't gotten it from Chinatown or Arab Street). I'm only planning to buy the Polyester Linings, Cotton Drill and maybe trimming if it's within my budget. Payday is still 2 days away and even then, I'll only get max SGD200 to spare after doing the Marketing. >__<

Okay, got to go now and do something before my eyes insist on going to sleep . . . .

Thursday, October 09, 2003

Went To The Meetup Today (Yesterday) . . .
And there is only 2 of us. -__- Think the other 3 got confused over when is the Meetup or back out at the last minute. Hope next month will be better as I want to promote my Recruitment Drive more (and of course, those who are on the Blacklist will continue to get BAN, even as Helpers or Photographers!). ^__^

Other than that, finally gotten the Cauldrons (took some time to select the best and those without holes), Faceless Mask and Spiderwebs. Thot of getting the Liquid Latex too but change mind as I'm not in need of it. Will get it after Payday which is only 3 days away.

Anyhow, I had finish cutting my first Fellowship Cloak yesterday (since it's already after midnight now). For the Hood, I playcheat and sew 85% of it to the Cloak using the sewing machine instead of handsewing it as in the instruction. Now got to finish handsewing the hood, hang it up for a few days to allow to stretch, trim the bottom and finish off the edges with Blanket Stitches or Looped Edge Stitches. After that, gonna put on Yazid's Frodo Wig (it's still mine okay since he haven't pay up), vest, white shirt, shorten pants and some hairs on my feet (my legs are hairy enough XD ) before taking some photos and sending it to the Mailing List to show them my handiwork. Err, don't think want to submit that photo to the Scrapebook tho' as it partially considered as "No-Effort" Costume. -__- About the hood, think I'll put 25" for Human Cloaks and 30" for the Hobbits.

Hmm, not sure if I still want to pre-wash the Wool Fabric as what's the likeliness that they (my "clients") will wash it after only 1-2 wearings? Anyhow, washing it using the washing machine kinda made it a bit rough (could be cause I didn't add the Softerner?). Anyhow, I want to finish doing the Cloaks as soon as possible as it's the easiest part of the costumes and I'm gonna take days to finish off the edges of the Cloaks with Blanket Stitches. -__- Must start on Kheldar's suit by the end of this month so I can do fittings on him and settle the costumes by mid/end of next month.

Okay, got to check my e-mails and reply to some posts. Then sleep . . . Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

I'm Really Gonna Regret This . . .
Had agreed to pay for the necklace at the offered price. Add to that the Brooches and the Doujinshi from another eBay seller, I'm USD90 + SGD28 poorer soon. Hope those Padawans of mine will pay up for the Brooches or I'll send them to Korriban forever. >__<

Okay, gonna start cutting my first Fellowship Cloak tonight. No, for this one, I'm not washing the Fabric first. Need to estimate the length I need to make 1 Cloak first cause no way I can hang 18 yards of Fabric to dry after washing even though I live on the 10th Storey! -__-

Will be going to the LOTR Meetup tomolo evening since we can't decide on a day and time for other than tomorrow. Maybe for next month, we'll start debating earlier.

Ps: How am I gonna get Elesser done for Faiz? @__@

Namaarie ^__^

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Yes, I Had Made My Blog Look More Interesting . . .
Add a couple more Icons to make the page look more interesting till I get to make my own backgrounds (First on the list will of course be Anakin-Vader aka Forbidden Love Poster Design).

Gonna send the e-mail to the eBay Seller that I'll take up the her Brooch offer (6 Brooch) and 1 Necklace. Maybe try to negotiate that if she lower the price for each necklace, I'll take 2. -__^ Will try . . .

And if the other seller don't offer any new Doujinshi I'm interested in tomolo, I'll contact him to say to start closing my account and tell me how much I need to pay him by PayPal

Something just for the Fun of it:

i'm in slytherin!

be sorted @

find out more at

Okay, after that to bed for me. I really need to go out tomolo to Arab Street, Orchard Road and where ever else my legs can carry me. -__-
I'm Gonna Regret This . . .
Got this reply from the eBay seller who I'm interested in getting the Brooches from:
". . . .I will sell them to you at $10 each for the brooch, and I will pay the shipping via airmail to Singapore, so you do not have to absorb the postage. . . . .I can do the same thing with necklaces, at $15.00 each, again with me paying postage. I can get as many brooches as you want, but the necklaces I only have two extra, plus the one that is listed on Ebay. . . ."

So if I order 6 Brooches and 2 Necklaces, that'll be USD90 with the shipping cost included. If I bought the Brooches at the starting price of USD8 and Necklace USD9 plus USD11 shipping, I'll pay USD77 and this is assuming I don't get outbid, which I was for both items on eBay when the person offered it there. The Brooch closing price was USD10.50 while the Necklace USD21. O__O

If I gotten the necklace from another seller, it'll cost USD9.90 (assuming I don't get outbid) plus the USD8.50 shipping which comes to USD18.40 for 1 and *maybe* USD28.30 for 2.

There is another seller offering the Necklace at USD0.99 plus USD14+ shipping and 2 days to go but I bet it'll be a hot item since the actual price of the necklace is USD6-8 minus shipping cost.

Conclusion: I'm still not sure from who I am to get the Necklace. -__- Frankly, I only need 1 Necklace for myself currently (for me when in my Rose Dress) and there is already 2 brooches between the members of my team (and we don't have Merry & Pippin and maybe Gandalf here). Hai . . .must make the decision tonight. -__-

Stupid TRU Singapore; why don't bring in all the Rubies Movie-related Halloween stuffs this Halloween. -__-

Okay, got to go to Esso to get some food for my bro. -__-

Sunday, October 05, 2003

Why Am I Still Up At 4am In The Morning? o__O
Had done 3 different look of the pattern for Gandalf's Fellowship Cloak. Posted over at the ML and waiting for everyone's verdict on the correct design.

Also did a simplified pattern for Strider's Cloak since it's roughly the same with Gandalf's.

Was looking at the threads at A.S.A.P. Forum, on Trinity Reloaded/Revolution Trench Coat. Found little it seems; a LOT on Neo's Coat but little on Trinity. >__< Oh gosh! Am I seriously going to do Trinity? Her Trench Coat is total Vinyl and there are special stitches on the Front (not to forget special cutting!). Think the best is for me to do it myself but I might run off to my Seamstress if she can sew Vinyl and quickly do it by end of this month. But I don't feel comfortable rushing the research work as I want it to be the best. Hai . . .will have to ask her.

As for my Neo coat, looking at Abbyshot's version, I might be better off having it fixed rather than have a Version 2.0 done. Why initially I wanted to have Version 2.0 done was cause I thot there is no seams at the back of the coat but seems like Abbyshot had it and it doesn't look that bad. I have the cloth from the same batch/bolt at hand anyway so fabric matching shouldn't be a problem. Will also need to have the buttons put on the correct side and 2-3 more added on (actual 25 but I'm too short for 25 buttons!). Think the collar should also get fixed as it's higher in the back than the front. And I need to get the correct Shades from Imposter Wear or something or get someone in US get me the Vogue one, the correct Shirt (what have Mock Turtleneck but normal shirt Cuff?) and correct boots. Of course, I have to either get a wig (Special Order) or do Neo again next year after I had cut off my hair. Will put the Upgrading of my Neo Reloaded/Revolution Coat to later. -__-

Now got to figure out if I really want to do Trinity Reloaded/Revolution. >__<

Hmm, must also try to persude Hassan and others to do Agent Smith if they're coming along. Morpheus . . . none of us are botak enough to be one. o__O

Oh! I better go to TRU and Spotlight tomolo to get the Cauldrons, Faceless Mask and Cloths for my Costumes (why can't my usual shop for once have enough 48" White Cotton Drill for me to buy? @__@). And I been itching to go Little India for months to look for fabrics I need and trimmings for my gowns. Hmm, maybe I'll leave that to after Oct 13th or later this week after I have settle at least 1 Fellowship Cloak.

Will see how . . .

you are ringwraith number 2, the funny make
everyone laugh and everybody enjoys bein round

Which Ringwraith are You???
brought to you by Quizilla

Hmm, thot it's "I Should Be In-Charge!"
SPOILER AHEAD . . .Avoid If U Want . . .














called me just now during Dinner and told me the ultimate spoiler for The Matrix Revolution:


Neo is merely the other who can stop Smith from letting the cycle of Death and Rebirth from rehappening again.

Anyway, the Theater Trailer is out now so download/view it for all The Matrix fans! -__^

Danny's Neo Coat is almost ready now so I doubt I want to do Neo again for Revolution (there can only be one anyway) as Danny's one will be more accurate than mine. The next thing I can do is Trinity in her Reloaded/Revolution Trench Coat (I like it anyway) so I guess that might be it. But I think I got to do it myself as that'll give me more flexibilty to incorporate all the stitches on her coat and I'll be broke after buying the Vinyl (it's SGD10-12/m at Arab Street as it's 60" one). Anyway, I'm gonna start making Coats soon (Boromir's, Haldir etc) so I could do at least a simplified version of it using the basic pattern I'll be making. -__^

Oh don't worry, I'll still do a Neo Reloaded/Revolution Coat Version 2.0 one day since the closest material I can afford is at hand now. A Costumer will keep redoing his/her costume till it became TheOne. ^__^

Oh! Neo did wear a specially made Shirt or T-Shirt under that coat. It had the cuff of a Shirt but the collar of a Mock Turtleneck. o__O Will settle that later when I'm ready to redo my Neo; for now, will make do with my Mock-Turtleneck T-Shirt. -__^












Hmm, anyone game to do POTC Costuming/Cosplay? I've joined the most active and most recomanded POTC Costuming ML today and will start reading through the posts as soon as I'm free. Well, will not do any of the main character so like I told Himi, may do one of the Bimbos on the Pirates Island or random female Pirate or even Anamaria. Will settle that when I'm free; now too busy with settling my LOTR Costumes & Props and even The Matrix and HP. Yub, I'll always be a Costumer so an amount of research must go into my work. Julia's Pirates suit is quite well made too so I'm trying to learn to be like her (well, I know she's doing some Aztech Gold and stuffs but didn't noticed she was doing a Pirates Suit too). No, I'm not going to bug her about how she did her suit; don't want to disturb Mummy. -__^

Okay, got to redo the Gandalf's Fellowship Cloak Pattern (Version 2.1) and make the new pattern for the Fellowship Cloak. Tomolo need to cut my first proper Fellowship Cloak, sew it together as soon as I've finish off the edges (will be using Blanket Stitches or Oversewing or even Looped Edging Stitch as soon as I figure out how to do them!) and ask at the ML how to get rid of that little edge at the neck part. -__^

Will talk cock more to myself tomolo! ^__^

Saturday, October 04, 2003

Got Back From Chinatown . . .
Gotten my Blonde Wig BUT my Bluish one seems to had gotten separated from its picture so ended up as Blonde instead. o__O There is also no extra hair for me. o__O Aunty said that it might had gone into another order or gone to the other Wig Maker (who might be doing my Galadriel one) so better wait till end of this month to make sure it's hasn't been done. -__- If by end of this month, the order is not gotten, then I can place another order and pray hard it'll arrive by end of Nov.

Hai . . . If I don't get this Hair, I might not be able to do Vanilla this Dec as promised. NO WAY I gonna be the wrong colored hair Vanilla (not like some people *roll eyes*). Well, I could pay SGD65 for that wig from Magic Wand again BUT I really doubt I'm willing to do it again as money is tight, especially that the hair is only mid-chest length. >__< Anyhow, I may need to use the same hair for my Jibrille Costume (whenever I DO do it as the dress is a bit more complex compared to the rest with only 1-2 had done it before but simplified, and I want to get the skirt fabric pattern which is Paisely as close as possible to the original. Yes, it'll probably ended up in the Bluish Tone, tho' I think I might to do it in Green too! -__^ ).

Think I'll risk it and just place another order for 80cm of the extra hair within the next 1 week as I also need to place an order for extra Blonde hair for my Blonde Wig. Frankly, I got lots of Wigs to get for my characters; those to be redo or future ones:
Sevi-sama - 100cm (or if possible 60") Center Parted White
D - Shoulder Length Lime Green,
Misty - Above Shoulder Length Orange,
Myrtle - Shoulder Length, Center Parted
Neo - Short Side Parted for Neo
Arwen - 80-100cm Center Parted, Wavy Dark Brown
Leia - A whole bunch of Loose Brown hair couple with a shoulder length Brown Wig
Yours Truely - Dark Green, Showgirl Cut Shoulder Length ^__^

Handmaiden, Sabe & Zam I'll be using my own hair. Anyhow, I'm considering to stop Cosplay (Anime & Manga related) from CosFest 2004 onwards to concentrate on my Zam and the SW costumes that had been pending (Sabe since July 1999! O__O )

OH SHIT! O__O Now I remember why I was hesistated to let the Aunty sell off the Blonde Wig that was of the wrong order! I need a Blonde Wig (90-100cm) for my Adam's Costume! O__O Ya, ya, I'm suppose to get Plantinium Blonde (#613A or #78) for it but think the normal Blonde might also do the job. Must remember to call up the Aunty tomolo to hold the wig for me first and check back if I really want to use this Wig for Adam (anyhow, the wig is cheap so it's okay for me to keep one for myself just in case). I had promised to do Adam and I'll fulfil it. But must find the space to store that HUGE Wings first and put theory into practical! -__^

Oh, my Bloody Wing (Yes, Wing only and courtesy of King last year ^__^ ) is still there near my wardrobe, waiting to be paired with the Angel Guard or Soldier Costume (think will follow the design and coloration from the Anime or young Katan's Uniform). Ya, he'll be one of the 1001 Angels killed by Kurai or Akane or Alexiel but that's the only character I can think off that I can do. No, no half-dead Setsuna please as my front too big and I can't really absorb that Setsuna attitude. -__-

Okay, off to check my mail and then sleep. Tomolo I got to redo Gandalf's Fellowship Cloak Pattern (Version 2.1) as promised. Think I'll do a few types based on Cat's advice and ask which one is the correct one before posting it in the Gandalf's Fellowship Cloak Webpage I already did and posted the address.

Friday, October 03, 2003

Cat Had Pointed Out What I should Modify For Gandalf's Cloak:
". . . For Gandalf, yes, you do need the round the edges quite a bit to give it much more of a circular look. The long edges will still be straight, but the top and bottom will be mostly covered. . ."

She also said it's the same pattern with Gandalf's White Cloak. o__O Will tween with the pattern again tonight when I get back from Chinatown and TRU. -__^

I still wonder why I'm turning my brain inside out figuring out Gandalf's Cloak when I'm not doing it. Oh! Because it looks more comfy compared to the others Fellowship Cloaks. -__^

Anyway, seems I'm on a little Doujinshi buyingn spree. Had won 2 with 1 on the way and 2 more being eyed. Hope I'll get the other 2 cause they seems the most innocent (the first 2 seems a bit Yaoi but I don't mind as long it's not Haldir who's doing it @__@ ). And I'm itching to ask the seller to end the items earlier so I can be assured getting the items.

Oh! My Yahoo!Mail upgrading is being put off to next Nov 1st. Too broke and don't see an urgent need rite now to pay the USD29.95 fees. -__-

Off to Chinatown rite now . . .
Finish It! ^__^
The Version 2.0 pattern of Gandalf's Fellowship Cloak. ^__^ Had posted it in a Webpage with reference picture and pictures of Maul wearing the Mock-Up. Well, it looks a bit weird on Maul but that is probably because I didn't dare trim off the sides yet till the pattern is approved so just folded them in.

Had also posted it up at the ML so waiting for the verdict from Cat and rest. -__^

No; I am not planning to do Gandalf's Fellowship Cloak cause I don't need one and it need a really WIDE fabric, about x2 the height of the wearer. Okay, maybe can also try to make a seam along the shoulder BUT it will still need a 60" wide Fabric of 4m long, and of a rather soft and drapy fabric (the Wool Fabric am using for the Fellowship members is a bit stiff). It's my usual curiousity that got me into this mess. O__O

I need to sleep now . . . Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz -__-
"Finished" The Mock-Up . . .
It's looks okay IMHO and the length was also correct for me BUT that's because I don't hem the bottom. But the drape looks good and the Hood seems long enough, though a bit of a squeeze. Maybe for the actual, I'll keep the Cloak length (when cutting) at 50" and the hood at 25" (30" will be too long IMHO). It'll be easier to cut off the access later. Hmm, think I can start on Mon the cutting of the actual cloaks if I don't Pre-Wash the fabric and by Wed if I do. Okay, why not make it like this: cut off 110" and wash it, this time with Softerner. -__^ And I think I better make a proper paper pattern to make my work easier as my free hand drawing of a semi-circle sucks. -__-

Got to work on the picture of Gandalf Fellowship Cloak now. Oh, yes, gonna start blasting FOTR: EE soon to keep myself company. -__^

(Hmmm, can't believe that Isildur was such a brave son of Elendil, to take the trouble to save the White Tree before he and his people escape from the Rage of the Valar, and yet he was easily corrupted by the One Ring)

Cut Out The Mock-Up . . .
Now need to sew it together and finish the edges. And unfortunately, the SGD1 fabric was only 48" wide so the mock-up is too short. The actual fabric on the other hand is 55" after washing so I'll have no problem cutting out the 50" width needed for each cloak. And I think I need to reduce the neck hole to 6" instead and keep the length of the hood to 20".

Later, will have to fix the picture of Gandalf Fellowship Cloak as asked for by Cat at the ML. Will have to read through hers and others explaination on how Gandalf's Cloak was shaped. Might have to do another possible picture too; the problem is the bottom shape and the neck hole. -__-

And I also need to fix the picture of the Lothlorien March Warden Cloak. After cutting the neck hole of the Fellowship Cloak Mock-Up, I realized that it's can be more of an oval or even circle rather than 2 semi-circles. Okay, will settle that later and also do the paper pattern. -__^

Ps: I had been watch/listening TTT everyday again; today alone twice while doing my pattern and surfing the net. ^__^ Had been listening/watching FOTR & TTT at least once a week actually since I gotten the VCDs/DVDs last Nov. And as usual, every time I gotten a new one, I ended up watching/listening to it daily for a few weeks! Maybe later, I'll change over to FOTR: EE DVD instead. Oh! The Subtitle can be such a blessing sometimes. -__^ Been learning what they were actually saying ever since I gotten TTT & FOTR: EE DVDs.

Pss: Oh yes, the Helm's Deep Wall had been exploded just now. As usual, I spotted some Clefairies flying off into the sky. LOL!

Psss: Arwen at Helm's Deep is getting clearer and clearly to me at every viewing! ^__^ Naughty Girl! -__^ Always running off on her horse to rescue her boyfriend. -__^
Going Start Soon
Did the paper templates for the Fellowship Cloak last nite (morning actually since it was 2am in the morning). The cloak part is about 5-10" too short (it was just nice for me, stopping at mid-calf but must consider the seams for the actual cloak) and I did 3 different templates for the Hood. Am looking through others' Fellowship Cloak now to see how long the Hood suppose to be (looks like about 1/3 the length of the Cloak). Am also considering wherether I should wash all 18 yards of the wool fabric cause I realized, after washing, it kinda become fuzzy (hmm, maybe I should had added the Softerner when I wash them). Anyhow, 18 yards may stretch to the 4th storey of the flat. O__O Anyhow, what's the chances of the cloaks get washed later?

Okay, got to continue evaluating now and then make the Mock-ups. Maybe I'll get to do at least 1 set of the Fellowship Cloak today . . . .

Thursday, October 02, 2003

Yes, Yes. . .
I'll do my Fellowship Cloak Mock-Ups now. -__- Yes, it's past Midnight but I slept just now from 7pm to about 9pm so I can last till the wee hours. Frankly, feel like skipping the paper pattern and do the mock-up instead as the Fellowship Cloak pattern is straight forward. It's the Lothlorien March Warden Cloak that is bugging me and required a lot of tweening since Julia didn't really give any measurements (anyhow, she is tall, even taller than her husband so it will probably not suit me -__- ).

Okay, got to get to work rite now. I really want to do some Fit on Rish this Sat for her Sam's Cloak. -__^